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Suggestions for Scath's rank...

Guest Scathane

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Guest Scathane
Well, I'm over 2000 posts, so, I can make up my own rank. Since I like the way that Elvis handled this, I've decided to do the same. So, your views and suggestions please...
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erh something written in Hutt?



or what about


Huttese Translator ?



hmm gotta think some more over this... :twisted::twisted::wink:







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Dork/Dweeb-side Master?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest Scathane
Dork/Dweeb-side Master?
Sigh! You should know by now that it's the Dork Side and that it's apprentices are called Padadweebs... :roll:


Moreover, it's Trejiuvanat who's the Master of the Dork Side...

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Sorry, couldn't remember who instigated that particular branch of sillyness! Do you llike my new title and insignia by the way?!?


Ok, so how about...


Grand Inquisitor

Supreme Chancellor

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Umm, according to one of my favorite online comic spoofs (SevWars, http://www.sev.com.au/toonzone/) they masters are called Daft Lord of the Sith, like Daft Mule or Daft Vapor :lol:




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Guest Scathane
Sorry, couldn't remember who instigated that particular branch of sillyness! Do you llike my new title and insignia by the way?!?
I must say they're both very nice!


Ok, so how about...


Grand Inquisitor

Supreme Chancellor

Well, personally, I've never really taken to the title of Supreme Chancellor... It must be the name of Valorum that almost always follows it... Grand Inquisitor is nice... but Grand Inquisitor of..... what exactly?


Umm, according to one of my favorite online comic spoofs (SevWars, http://www.sev.com.au/toonzone/) they masters are called Daft Lord of the Sith, like Daft Mule or Daft Vapor :lol:
And you expect me to call myself Daft Scathane???!!! I would consider Darth, but since we're only looking for a title, it would just say Darth underneath my insignia... and that would be daft!
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"Darth Daft" then!!!


Grand Inquisitor of whatever it is about Star Wars that you love. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Guest Scathane
"Darth Daft" then!!!
Very funny, ElvisMiggel, very funny... What does that make you, Emperor of the Farce?


Grand Inquisitor of whatever it is about Star Wars that you love. :)
What it is about SW that I love.... hmmmm...., let's see: Gamorreans....? No that's wormie! Tusken Raider babes? No, that's Elvis! (don't worry, Elvis, I'll ask Trej to do a Tusken special when he's finished with the one he's working on now). :twisted:
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I can imagine that Elvis will be pleased with the Tusken special... We managed to make them pose with their banthas....


Scath's rank????

Nerf Herder

Wookiee Lover

Hutt Servant.....

Dweeby Dork



Jedi Master?

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I say Scath should be Grand Vizier or High Praetor! I like Grand Vizier a lot more, though (and I can even get an insignia for you, Scath...if you desire an insignia from me, I'm all ears...I might even be able to get you a Rebel insignia--I know them too--if you ask). :D

Congratulations on 2000 posts, Scath!

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Guest Scathane
I never was a praetorian type of guy but Grand Vizier.... Hmmm..... Does that Rank actually show up in any of the EU stories?
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I never was a praetorian type of guy but Grand Vizier.... Hmmm..... Does that Rank actually show up in any of the EU stories?
Indeed it does. It was the rank/title of Sate Pestage, second only to Palpatine (I think it was in the X-Wing comic books because I do not recall it in the novels). Now, by suggesting this rank I in no way mean to suggest that you would be second to Elvis, but it's a real rank/title from the EU and sounds good! Grand Vizier Scathane! 8) I even have a rank insignia for it (in case you're interested :mrgreen: ) 8) .

By the way, Scath, Grand Vizier is an Imperial rank/title and I know you're Rebel/Repulic...so...would you prefer for us to suggest Rebel/Republic ranks/titles?

Either way, I say either go with grand vizier or supreme chancellor because those both seem to suit you perfectly.

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Guest Scathane
I never was a praetorian type of guy but Grand Vizier.... Hmmm..... Does that Rank actually show up in any of the EU stories?
Indeed it does. It was the rank/title of Sate Pestage, second only to Palpatine (I think it was in the X-Wing comic books because I do not recall it in the novels).
Goody! :D


Now, by suggesting this rank I in no way mean to suggest that you would be second to Elvis
Of course not! Everybody knows that Elvis is the one with the Tusken fetish and that I am the one who provides him with the magazine (Hutt Illustrated) to saatisfy that need! :twisted:


but it's a real rank/title from the EU and sounds good! Grand Vizier Scathane! 8) I even have a rank insignia for it (in case you're interested :mrgreen: ) 8) .
Sure show me.


Either way, I say either go with grand vizier or supreme chancellor because those both seem to suit you perfectly.
How's that? Edited by Scathane
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but it's a real rank/title from the EU and sounds good! Grand Vizier Scathane! 8) I even have a rank insignia for it (in case you're interested :mrgreen: ) 8) .
Sure show me.
Okay, but allow me to warn you, it shall look a tad familiar and it'll be understandable if you reject it since patterns tend to look...well...a tad monotonous. Okay, simple explanation: Elvis' is the highest, reasonable rank insignia and so it makes sense for it to be that of Emperor, but that of grand vizier (being second to the emperor) would be one step lower. I do not, again however, mean to imply that you are lower ranking than Elvis. Here it is, though (kind of boring, ehh?):


Grand Vizier Scathane's Possible Insignia

Of course, a different variant of all these rank insignia (including, but not limited to the one above and Elvis') exist in accrodance to two other insignia patterns (there are a total of three). I could calculate those other variants, but that may take a tad longer, mind you.

Edited by SOCL
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You mean it's the same as the Emperor's?
Well, yes...and no. You see, Dr. Saxton's calculations are correct, but incomplete. He grouped the Emperor, Grand Vizier, Darth Vader, etc in a group he dubbed: "Emperor of other nominated proxy or executor". Okay, emperor being Palpatine and leader of the Empire. Nominated proxy being someone like Vader or another such person with such power, though no real political or military leadership/command. Executor, lastly, being someone who is not emperor, but has de facto powers or powers close to that of the emperor.

When Elvis suggested his insignia to be the seven red over seven blue insignia without the code cylinders, it made me realize that an emperor does not share his insignia for that person is the highest ranking person throughout that empire. Thus, an insignia for that emperor should/must exist that is above all others (history has proven such with kings, queens, emperors, dictators, etc since humans are naturally egotisitical and what I explained), that, in this case is the insignia Elvis chose for himself. So that got me thinking, the seven red over seven blue without cylinders insignia is that of emperor, therefore the seven red over seven blue with cylinder must be that of a nominated proxy (i.e. Vader) or executor (i.e. grand vizier). So, that is why I presented this insignia again.

I told you patterns get monotonous and, ultimately, boring.


Now, of course, politicians, proxies, and exectuors such as Palpatine, Pestage, and Vader did not wear military uniforms, so these insignia would never have been seen (unless they ever truly decided to wear one or a coup occured where the military took over...I suppose). Well...there you have it: another strike of the grand imperator of BEAK.


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Guest Scathane
Either way, I say either go with grand vizier or supreme chancellor because those both seem to suit you perfectly.
Why do you think that I'm typically a Grand Vizier or a Supreme Chancellor?
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Either way, I say either go with grand vizier or supreme chancellor because those both seem to suit you perfectly.
Why do you think that I'm typically a Grand Vizier or a Supreme Chancellor?
Well, because you seem more like a high ranking politician to me than anything else. You are rational and fair, try to always be politically correct, and tend to not take sides you don't need to. Then again, that's what I think.... I don't know, Supreme Chancellor and Grand Vizier just seem to suit you better than anything else.
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Guest Scathane

I probably should take that as a compliment... :D


Anyway, Executor's nice as well. He's the dude next to the Emperor, isn't he?

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Anyway, Executor's nice as well. He's the dude next to the Emperor, isn't he?
Executor isn't truly meant to be a title, but more of a status (grand vizier, etc), but it could always be used as one. So, he or she is next to the emperor depending on what sort of executor he or she is (in regard to the Galactic Empire: grand vizier is next to the emperor). Sorry, that explanation was more confusing than helpful.
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Grand Vizier sounds good to me. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Grand Vizier sounds good to me. :)
Do you think that because it was under Emperor Palpatine? :wink:


Probably just a coincedence. :wink:

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