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If you could talk to the game's developers...

Guest Scathane

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..how many games this old are still supported by an active community... how many games with a Star Wars based theme allow for such freedom of imagination from the player.... oh, yeah, please tell us how to unlock stuff we can find with resource hacker but don't appear in the game; all those sounds, the Millenium Falcon in the tactical battle, and all those dlls that never show up....and lastly the game's source code...so the more adept amongst us can have the freedom to GET RID OF THE NATURAL DISASTER among other things....given the game developers have down jack shit over the years other than just sit on this precious information, whilst other people, here, have been trying to further develop and expand the game...


Rant over! :x


BTW: Do you something we don't, Scathe? :roll:

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I'd ask them to make another one! Updated graphics, some gameplay changes, ground battles... it could be the ultimate SW game!

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Given we're all still here...so to speak...it would be interesting if someone did approach them with a round up of all the ideas and stuff that's actually been done on this site. When I mean ideas, I mean all the crazy stuff like Star Destroyers being able to swallow up little ships like Corvettes, characters and special forces being able to capture enemy ships, characters converting to the opposition; you know, all the stuff we've been muttering about in these forums for god knows how long... :roll:


...and the stuff that's actually been done...I think the downloads section of this site speaks for itself.... :)

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Back when we (the members of the SWRebellion forums) were approached by an outsider who offered to make a second Rebellion, or rather said he was in the process of doing so, he also said that he had approached Lucasarts in an attempt to gain the source code for Rebelion. Wheather or not this is true remains to be seen. I think that because the game did not sell tha well, almost on the level of Force Commander, LA is a little embarassed about the game. Approaching them probably won't make muc hof an impact :(

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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Perhaps someone should organize an espionage mission and hack into the dark fiends at lucasarts! I've been here for over a year now and seen nothing of this Rebellion 2 crap.... :idea:
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Though I saw it somewhere. I don't meen to keep going back but that is when it was prevalent.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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I say we should combine Galactic Battlegrounds with Rebellion so that way we can have the full feeling of war, both space and ground engagements. Along with that, I'd ask for an easier way to modify the game, STOP NATURAL DISASTERS (or at least control when and where they happen...to a certain degree), and to make a new and improved Rebellion with WAY better graphics and ships! Well, that's about 6.71% of all I think, but that covers the major bases.
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I would choose a different game than GB to mix with Rebellion. It was Age of Empires/Kings with SW units. The sectors should be re-arranged to accurately reflect the NJO books. Perhaps even additional factions likePirates, smugglers, the Hutts, Vong, Bothans, or the Hapans.

History is on the move, Captain. Those who cannot keep up with it will be left behind, to watch from a distance. And those who stand in our way will not watch at all.

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There's no need to aim to distantly! Whilst it's cool to dream about GB/rebellion crossovers, and the such; the basic structure of rebellion is fine, and is the only thing I reckon we concern ourselves about improving.


Rebellion consists of two elements; basic gameplay and the tactical battle.

All I have to do with the tactical battle is utter the word Homeworld, and you'll know what improvements canbe made there!


As far as the basic gameplay is concerned, there is serious room for expansion, but do we want a radical overhall? The basic engine is fine; it's only drawbacks are in it's limitations, ie: there could be more missions, characters, facilities, factors (pirates, Vegetable Vong incursions, neutral system defenses, etc) , simple thing's like this.


As far as making ground combat more realistic, there's no need to replicate GB! This is rebellion! Slight adjustments perhaps in regiments suffering damage like squadrons would be welcome, but having something like a ground-based tactical battle is at best unrealistic, and at worst shuving aside ideas that might just be possible if the opening lines of this thread might just be acted upon... :roll:

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Keep the natural disasters, that's what makes it so interesting, you don't know when there coming or where. Ground battles a must have, and a total new look.
The force is strong in my family. No, Luke, I am your father.
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but having something like a ground-based tactical battle is at best unrealistic, and at worst shuving aside ideas that might just be possible if the opening lines of this thread might just be acted upon... :roll:
What's wrong with that? I mean, I chose to mention GB here because it was first ground-based SW tactical game that popped into my head (the only one, for that matter). I just thought that it would be cool to be able to direct fleet engagements and ground engagements. No one else agree?
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Well, sorta, you could do it in the style of Rise of Nations. :)

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BTW: I'm not knocking anyone's ideas SOCL!! All I intended to say is that in my oppinion your idea deviated a little from the whole 'conquering the galaxy' type of thing!


Anyways, Scath, is this a serious idea you were thinking of actually acting upon, or just a 'what if?'

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I agree with SOCL that you should be able to direct ground engagements too.

I would be satisfied if there were things such as hyperspace routes or something like that. and more stuff for the tactical battle, sending specforces over to capture disabled ship, and later use the captured ships to plan infiltrations...

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BTW: I'm not knocking anyone's ideas SOCL!! All I intended to say is that in my oppinion your idea deviated a little from the whole 'conquering the galaxy' type of thing!
A very good point, Jahled, it would indeed take away from the idea of overall conquering and cause the player to start to concentrate on smaller-scale ideas. Perhaps a possible way of turning on or off whether you want to direct the ground engagement or not.


I would also like to see fleet engagements that are not only in orbit over planets. I want to see fleet engagements that take place along hyperspace routes and other insignificant locations in space. But that's just me. :roll:

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BTW: I'm not knocking anyone's ideas SOCL!! All I intended to say is that in my oppinion your idea deviated a little from the whole 'conquering the galaxy' type of thing!
A very good point, Jahled, it would indeed take away from the idea of overall conquering and cause the player to start to concentrate on smaller-scale ideas. Perhaps a possible way of turning on or off whether you want to direct the ground engagement or not.


I would also like to see fleet engagements that are not only in orbit over planets. I want to see fleet engagements that take place along hyperspace routes and other insignificant locations in space. But that's just me. :roll:


Sorry to bore you guys with my age again, but about fifteen years ago me and my mates used to play a pen and paper roleplaying game called Traveller, where much of the galaxy was empty sectors... What SOCL's just said brings home the hole point of 'Deep Space combat.'


:arrow: Glandry; agreed, but it could be a whole lot better! Hence this thread, hey dude!

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one thing I'd want from LA ?


I'd beg them to release Rebellion's complete sourcecode :!: :cry:

We should be able to overcome limitations, like the 256 colors with this and might also be able to include things like capturing other vessels, or having deep space combats (think about nebulas for example, hmmm).


Oh and perhaps a job offer, but I have to finish my studies first :roll::wink:




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This thread looks much like the Reb II topic...

Hyperspace routes, deepspace sectors, lots of planets to conquer, space station in deep space, the Maw, nebulas, accurate data on the ships.

But must of it could be solved if we only had the source code, or if mask does get an offer... he would be our Infiltrator....


Espionage Mission Report


Mask's mission to the LA HQ has been successful....

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