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5 Q&A - (Delphi pick up)

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1.Can the Defender summon reinforcements?? If they cannot how will they be able to defend against the invading force who will most likely have wave after wave of units with them in space.


2.Please Describe the ways that the Imperials and Rebels aquire information about each other's planets. EG. How are Probe Droids Built, deployed and where is the information displayed. Can the Rebels therefore prevent the completion of this mission? What do the rebels have as an equivalent to this?


3.In the last preview it is mentioned that 4-5 rebel ships can go through a Imperial blockade and land troops on the ground.

How far does this tactic work for both sides?? And how well does the AI integrate this tactic into the general scheme of things?


4.Will the weather keep on changing or will there be one weather event for every planet? => IE Raining on Dagobah. Also will the buildings change appearance according to the weather?


5. In the last preview it is mentioned that only 10 units can be kept on a planet at any time. If you build more they will have to wait in orbit/space since there is no more room on the planet.

- What will the transports do when the enemy is attacking the space map of that planet? Run? Hide? Or are they conscripted and used as part of the planet's defense?=> Cannon Fodder



(Sidenote: Lets hope Delphi gets Fosh's edited version and not the raw)

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well so would i be but thats no excuse he could have put it through a word processor in seconds! it doesn't take that long.




I Support the Resistance!

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1) How does a defender bring in reinforcements (If at all) If the defender can't bring reinforcements explain how the defender is supposed to defend against waves upon waves of enemies being brought down from space.


2) Can you describe the ways that the Empire and the Rebellion acquire information about each other's and neutral planets? For example, how is a probe droid: built, deployed, its information displayed, how much information is displayed, how does the Rebellion prevent it from being successful, etc. And the same for the Rebels.


3) In the last preview is mentioned that 4-5 rebel ships can go trough a fleet imp blockade in space and land troops on the ground.

IE-How deep the rebels can penetrate in enemy space frontline planets and how dangerous is this tactic for both sides not to mention - How is well the AI using it?


4) Will weather keep on changing or will there be one set of weather event happen every so often? Also will the buildings change appearance according to the weather?


5) In the last preview it mentioned that only 10 units could be kept on a planet at any time. If you build more they will have to wait in orbit/space since there is no more room on the planet.

- How will the transports do when the enemy is attacking the space map of that planet? Run? Hide? Do they be used as the planet defense?


1.Can the Defender summon reinforcements?? If they cannot how will they be able to defend against the invading force who will most likely have wave after wave of units with them in space.


2.Please Describe the ways that the Imperials and Rebels aquire information about each other's planets. EG. How are Probe Droids Built, deployed and where is the information displayed. Can the Rebels therefore prevent the completion of this mission? What do the rebels have as an equivalent to this?


3.In the last preview it is mentioned that 4-5 rebel ships can go through a Imperial blockade and land troops on the ground.

How far does this tactic work for both sides?? And how well does the AI integrate this tactic into the general scheme of things?


4.Will the weather keep on changing or will there be one weather event for every planet? => IE Raining on Dagobah. Also will the buildings change appearance according to the weather?


5. In the last preview it is mentioned that only 10 units can be kept on a planet at any time. If you build more they will have to wait in orbit/space since there is no more room on the planet.

- What will the transports do when the enemy is attacking the space map of that planet? Run? Hide? Or are they conscripted and used as part of the planet's defense?=> Cannon Fodder

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oh well at least i pointed it out and the fact that im using crap keyboards to type means my spelling and grammer are going to be crap anyway. (i'm in school when my posts make no sense they are rushed and the computers take years to make sense of what i'm typing.)




I Support the Resistance!

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