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Hi guys,


It’s been a few days since I’ve posted; just been busy solidifying the multiplayer galactic campaigns and making final balance tweaks before the game goes gold. I just wanted to apologize for all the craziness surrounding the Venator. Unfortunately, it was one of those units that really didn’t have a home on either side. Instead of leaving it in, it was decided to be removed. I would like to point out the Venator can easily be modded, it will be up to the community to figure out where it fits and how it will be used. So rest assured, the unit is not lost forever in the vacuum of space and time.


Lately I’ve seen a lot of negative posts about the game and the direction it is heading. Honestly, the game is so large with so much depth, the info released only scratches the surface. It is very easy to speculate on features and mechanics that have not been thoroughly explained. Like most games, there are going to be a few things you don’t like, but I guarantee there are 100 other things that you will enjoy. :D


Petroglyph and Lucas are committed to bringing you guys a fun and exciting strategy game with Empire at War. Matter of fact we are working around the clock to make sure it is in top shape when it hits store shelves. Those concerned about support need not be; we do have plans in place for patches post launch that will address balance bugs, exploits and general issues.


We are very proud of the game we have created for SW fans and strategy gamers around the world and can’t wait for everyone to play it. :D


Thanks for all your support and feedback, it is greatly appreciated.







BTW, can we get another thread going with the top 5 questions for next week? 8)

Edited by Cain


Game Designer/Community Rep


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hello....Hey another Q&A...cool

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

..Imperial Assault II Mod for Empire at War!!..

...Empire at War Nexus, Modding for a Galaxy Far Far Away!!!...

....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

.....International Battlefront Clan!!!!!.....

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We need the Information to be released NOW Delphi. The Fan Base is Splitting right across the Board. Talk to Dave ASAP before EAW is just another Deadend LEC game!!
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We need the Information to be released NOW Delphi. The Fan Base is Splitting right across the Board. Talk to Dave ASAP before EAW is just another Deadend LEC game!!


Loll - do you want me to tell you how many people informed Dave about this "problems"? Mmmm - let's say a minimum of 5. So don't worry he knows this, and will probably do its best to speed up things. He is not blind ... you know? ;)


Anyway back to the topic.


BTW, can we get another thread going with the top 5 questions for next week? 8)


Thank you Delphi for the rescue - we too appreciate your support and feedback for the fans :) It’s kind of a symbiotic relation between us Petroglyph fans and Petroglyph developers and it has always been like this - for those who still don't know :wink: - that is why we react sometimes so defensive about the Petro deveoplers or even LEC.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Unfortunately, it (Venator) was one of those units that really didn’t have a home on either side.


Thanks for the confirmation Delphi, but what does this mean? Either side? It's clearly an Imperial vessel, so why would you guys want to give it to the Rebel scum? It would make absolutely no sense if the Rebels had it, even if there was a specific capture mission, that thing is still packed with stormtroopers! There's no way some scum commando team could capture a ship of that stature. And besides, it's too musch of a ship for them to handle... :twisted::twisted:


EDIT:The game looks incredable, I and I can't wait!! :D

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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because of the age of the tech the Empire would stop using it with the Victory and Imperial Star Destroyers coming about and the Rebels have a reputation for stealing old Outdated imperial tEch and Some new Tech. *Cough*x-wings*Cough*




I Support the Resistance!

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Hah! If you put together a list of Technology the rebels use thats stolen from the Imperials you'd find its a longer list then what they developed themselves. :roll:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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oh yep thats for certain. i know all too well(or well at least trust lol) that this game will still be a great game, especially for multiplayer.


but it just seems that there are these small things which would make it so much better. or at least if there was an option for these things. of course its still going to be a great game. probably the 2006 best strategy game in my opinion

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I do want to express my appreciation for Delphi. He has done a whole heck of a lot to keep me here at all with all of the changes that have happened. And while I do express myself very strongly on issues about this game, I think it goes to show how strongly I want this game to succeed and to be the SW RTS we have all been waiting for.


I certainly hope that you guys are left alone to perfect the game and get it out on time without any furthur upsets. And I really hope the bugs are all very thoroughly dead and vacuumed up. :)


Here's to the demo and for all of my fears to turn out completely unfounded.

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because of the age of the tech the Empire would stop using it with the Victory and Imperial Star Destroyers coming about and the Rebels have a reputation for stealing old Outdated imperial tEch and Some new Tech. *Cough*x-wings*Cough*


hehe using that first argument, why is the acclamator in? :wink: Anyways, looking forward to the game :D

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We need the Information to be released NOW Delphi. The Fan Base is Splitting right across the Board. Talk to Dave ASAP before EAW is just another Deadend LEC game!!

Oh, I agree

Many fanbase members are giving the cold shoulder(which I'll be joining soon) because of the Venator(not for me) and unjust removal of threads [that didn't flame instead of ones that did.]


Not blaming you Delphi, your the best.

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

..Imperial Assault II Mod for Empire at War!!..

...Empire at War Nexus, Modding for a Galaxy Far Far Away!!!...

....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

.....International Battlefront Clan!!!!!.....

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LEC has been informed about the community problems and Petro also. You should read again Delphi's post. He posted that for your needs too.


Some topics were closed and moved just because they were to many for the same problem and some of them just made many of us simply - sad. We are not a police state if we were Fosh will have been burned alive by now and he is still a moderator.


Thank you for your time here with us. Following your wish that I edited out from your post - you will be able to post again when the Demo is out. Until then try to relax.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Thanks Delphi. I hope this post has helped to calm down some of our blood-hounds ;)


We all want this game to be a big success so it is best to wait and see what we will get in the demo and final game. And then start helping to remove the last small "issues".


Until then: keep calm, lean back and let's keep it real :)


There has been a lot of "böses Blut" (as we say in German. Sorry I simply don't know the English term ;)) the last days. So lets forget about it and start again. At least, try! :D

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Thank you Delphi.

I must not fear

Fear is the mind-killer

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

I will face my fear

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing

Only I will remain

-- The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

from the novel Dune by Frank Herbert


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Honestly, the game is so large with so much depth, the info released only scratches the surface.


Things like that fill me with intrigue. :D


we do have plans in place for patches post launch that will address balance bugs, exploits and general issues.


Unfortunately, while thankful for your interaction on these forums, that does worry me.


Does this mean that obvious problems are already foreseen which there will not be enough time to fix or is it just a matter of a contingency plan, in case patches are required?


I like to be constructive, but after seeing how fouled up a product like 'X3' recently was, literally demanding several patches before it's even in a workable state, it pays to be vigilant!


However, I, as well as others, do appreciate your communication with us, no matter how cryptic it might be at times... :) Knowing (or at least hoping!) that you are spending as much time as there is on attempting to make the product as good as it can be, is a welcome assurance.


I don't mind the Venator thing, personally. I don't know enough about it to lament it not being there, for one thing. I do, however, look forward to finally having a genuinely entertaining and cinematic experience with those wonderfully inspirational spaceships from my childhood years.

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