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Strong objection to arbitrary post deletion censorship here.


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I have had more than one post (the most recent a big one) arbitrarily deleted in the middle of a thread. No message has been sent to me as to the reason and the thread continues. The current initiative announced by Siddius in the Announcements thread is along the same lines and is probably what happened to my last thread.


Is this a discussion forum or not? Doesn't a discussion generally many points of view? I have not seen any obscene posts, profanity, racial slurs, gender slurs, etc that would be in violation of the forum rules in relation to the objections expressed by me and others to the current handling of the game and its information. I feel that some of the moderators are using their powers on this board to tailor the posts to be more in line with their way of thinking. This is absolutely outrageous and I implore the members of this board to fight back against this. The entire concept of this discussion board is lost when this happens.


If we have objections to the way that LEC is handling EAW then we should not be restricted from voicing these. I don't even know what the prompting was for the "initiative" announced and all of the threads that were removed (and individual posts apparently considering what happened to mine), but I do know that it is not being done objectively and the deletions are of particular points of view. This is censorship and is completely bogus.


I implore the members of this board to voice your objections to this, unless you agree with this type of moderator abuse. Reply to this thread, and if it gets deleted or discarded, make a new one... keep it on the top lest we end up with a forum like the Lucas Arts EAW forums. We are headed dangerously close to that as it is.


If we are actively purged, and our objections snuffed as fast as the moderators can delete them, our only other recourse will be to boycott these forums completely. Design decisions made by Petroglyph or LEC can and should be discussed, argued over, and objected to or praised. This is the reason for having a discussion board, but having selective posts deleted and/or removed for their specific side of the discussion is utterly without excuse and should not be tolerated.


Lets return to the way the forums were before the Live Developer Chat. As far as I know, the PFF have not come under LEC control as the "initiative" posted by Siddius would hint. If I am wrong about this, please let me know so that I know not to waist my time here.


I have a suggestion for all forum members as a result of the current actions. If you make a post (especially a long one) you should save it into a word, notepad, wordpad, etc document to pull from later should a moderator decide to counter your argument by deleting it.

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I have had more than one post (the most recent a big one) arbitrarily deleted in the middle of a thread. No message has been sent to me as to the reason and the thread continues. The current initiative announced by Siddius in the Announcements thread is along the same lines and is probably what happened to my last thread.


Is this a discussion forum or not? Doesn't a discussion generally many points of view? I have not seen any obscene posts, profanity, racial slurs, gender slurs, etc that would be in violation of the forum rules in relation to the objections expressed by me and others to the current handling of the game and its information. I feel that some of the moderators are using their powers on this board to tailor the posts to be more in line with their way of thinking. This is absolutely outrageous and I implore the members of this board to fight back against this. The entire concept of this discussion board is lost when this happens.


If we have objections to the way that LEC is handling EAW then we should not be restricted from voicing these. I don't even know what the prompting was for the "initiative" announced and all of the threads that were removed (and individual posts apparently considering what happened to mine), but I do know that it is not being done objectively and the deletions are of particular points of view. This is censorship and is completely bogus.


I implore the members of this board to voice your objections to this, unless you agree with this type of moderator abuse. Reply to this thread, and if it gets deleted or discarded, make a new one... keep it on the top lest we end up with a forum like the Lucas Arts EAW forums. We are headed dangerously close to that as it is.


If we are actively purged, and our objections snuffed as fast as the moderators can delete them, our only other recourse will be to boycott these forums completely. Design decisions made by Petroglyph or LEC can and should be discussed, argued over, and objected to or praised. This is the reason for having a discussion board, but having selective posts deleted and/or removed for their specific side of the discussion is utterly without excuse and should not be tolerated.


Lets return to the way the forums were before the Live Developer Chat. As far as I know, the PFF have not come under LEC control as the "initiative" posted by Siddius would hint. If I am wrong about this, please let me know so that I know not to waist my time here.


I have a suggestion for all forum members as a result of the current actions. If you make a post (especially a long one) you should save it into a word, notepad, word pad, etc document to pull from later should a moderator decide to counter your argument by deleting it.





hear, hear!!!! lol um....us against the moderators? This will turn out well. It's like this screenshot: A sniper against a tank. But, we can try...it is, after all, a free country, but on the contrary(not at all to be considered objectionable, just stating facts): Cain lives in Romania. Siddus lives in France, and we live in the U.S., which a free country. Like you said, we haven't done anything bad; we are merely voicing our opinion, like we should normally. I see nothing wrong with that, but apparently some moderators do. Again, if they find this objectionable, we will list it, boycott, and finally just sign off for good.

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Sorry mate - but we have just been assimilated by the LEC Borg !


Not really - loll - If you want to scream at LEC use the LEC.com feedback forum and aim at their General Manager ;) this maybe will get his attention.


Anyway there were too many topics with the same sad stories. Some are now deleted and some moved.


If you want to talk about your design vision of the game use this:



Also part of the old topics are here:



If you don't like my decission pls. email Petroglyph and complain about it.




This topic will also be moved soon ;) try to be more constructive - do you want us to modify the beta now ? Do you know how much time this will take ? Also wait to play the game before beeing so sure about what needs to be done etc. You do remember that even I have complaints about some parts of the design?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Edit: not at Cain of course :)


Yeah well whining about the same things in multiple threads isn't conducive to a good forum. You've made your points. I was surprised to see that Delphi-PG even came on last night, because I know I wouldn't in his place.


People can you just please stop bashing at LA and Petro. Yes there are some things that didn't go the way we expected, but we're still going to get a good game. This is not a people v. mods thing. No way am I going to let this forum turn into a war (yes I am not a mod although I applied for modship). So for the sake of the rest of us forumgoers that are very interested in this game and get tired of the complaining (or as you call it discussion) and want to actually discuss the game instead of how LA or Petro screwed it up. I hope this doesn't get me banned, but if it does I hope the rest of you will at least think on what I have said. :)


Peace to all.

P.S. - can you guys have like 2 threads to discuss what you don't like so that the first 8 topics aren't all negative? thanks.

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Cain lives in Romania. Siddus lives in France, and we live in the U.S., which a free country


Hey don't forget the Germans, Brits and all the other members of this INTERNATIONAL FORUM. I may have disagreed with Cain in the Past but on this topic I agree. We need to stay neutral or else the support that LEC and Petro have given us will die down and this forum will stagnate and DIE!!

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Cain lives in Romania. Siddus lives in France, and we live in the U.S., which a free country


Hey don't forget the Germans, Brits and all the other members of this INTERNATIONAL FORUM. I may have disagreed with Cain in the Past but on this topic I agree. We need to stay neutral or else the support that LEC and Petro have given us will die down and this forum will stagnate and DIE!!


Um...I shalt stay nuetral, but trust me, there will be one or 2 more posts like this...not saying I'll start one, tho...I'm just looking forward to the game and, if possible, the demo. :D

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I have a question Cain. Your post almosts indicates that your and/or the PFF are directly (or officially, whichever term applies) tied to Petroglyph in some way.


If this is the case, then Petroglyph would have a responsibility to not allow (or to at least minimalize) negative feedback at all, but especially against LEC. In other words, this is not a free forum in terms of control, and is a waste of time on everyones part. We might as well all be posting in the LEC forums.


And I am sorry, but the attitude of remaining neutral is utterly preposterous when talking about a discussion board. But, maybe I have been mistaken all along...


Is the FAN in PFF as literal and binding as it could be interpreted? If you are not a "fan", meaning I guess having no negative attitudes about Petroglyph, then you have no place here? If that is true then I shouldn't be here because I will voice my opposition when something is done that I don't agree with. Of course none of this explains what any of it has to do with LEC other than I guess the association I alluded to earlier.

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cain might be a good idea to create a new forum section called


Teradyn complaints and moaning section. If you want to have a moan about a game that hasent been released yet in full or demo form come here :lol:



seriously Ter calm down I agree with what cain has done as there was a lot of repeat subjects and it was a waste of space and im sure its just not your posts that have been deleted. The idea of this forum is to discuss the game and what we have seen or heared offically and the odd rumor if you dont like something fine say it leave it at that no one least of all the Mods are censoring stuff. I am one of the people that rarely posts unless a topic interests me and a firm beliver of lets play the game then make a decision if you like it or not. [/b]

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Can we have a complaint forum here?


I don't agree that those threads should have been deleted or moved to the slag. Make a new feedback forum or LEC forum. A feedback forum where we can complain all we want and not have to worry about someone complaining about "negativity".

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Teradyn there is no connection betwen P and PFF besides frendship.


Let's stop this arguments and go bad to our usual disscutions about ships troops and such.


This situation is painful - topic moved to the bar. Pls don't make me delete it.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

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Does it take playing the demo to have an opinion on things like the Venator being left out (probably due to saving for a clone expansion possibility), the Broadside being included, the timeline being misrepresented, etc?


There is more to EAW than a RTS game. The Star Wars license should come with some responsibility. Sadly, the very body that is supposed to enforce that doesn't even handle it correctly.


Anyway, it is statements like what I just made here in this post that are being deleted and that is what I am objecting to.


I am not the only one that has expressed these views either. Some have done so more elloquently than I.

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If this is the solution i will consider doing it. make a special topic in the feedback forum.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I don't think it woud be really a good idea. If someone has problems with LEC, they go to the LEC website. PFF has no links with people who take decisions. So here, we delete because it's not our matter.
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I don't think it woud be really a good idea. If someone has problems with LEC, they go to the LEC website. PFF has no links with people who take decisions. So here, we delete because it's not our matter.

Allright...my idea was just a suggestion. Go ahead and do what you want...(*whisper* People overreacts sometimes...it's just a game)

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I've tried to make it but then I have reconsidered the ideea.


There is no point in complaining here when you can do it on the LEC forum.


Since most of the problems you disscus are generated by LEC PR anyway.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I've tried to make it but then I have reconsidered the ideea.


There is no point in complaining here when you can do it on the LEC forum.


Since most of the problems you disscus are generated by LEC PR anyway.


It is still EAW feedback tho, LEC or Petro.

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There are still two threads open in which this "current quarrel" can be discussed. It was just getting annoying that every day two (or more) new threads were created which dealt with the same topic. You are still free to discuss those things but please on a normal level. Many of those threads were nothing more then flame topics and have therefore been deleted. We support an open exchange of thoughts but we do not support flames which are not based on any rational argument.


This is not about censorship but about keeping this forum "clean" and the discussion on a friendly and objective level.

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Whether an argument is rational or not is a matter of opinion, so when you remove a post based on that, you are imposing your opinion on the entire board by means of a moderator flag.


What is the general discussion forum for then, if not to discuss the metaissues around EAW? The specific units and how they work, etc should be discussed in the military academy forum.

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It may just be my interpretation but is PFF Falling apart??? Moderators vs Moderators, Mods Versus Admins over the forum running??



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