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Venator is out... Officially

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Well, Teradyn's comments may have come off as a bit ageist, OMEGA, but he's right on, sad to say.


Despite the few exceptions you see, the vast majority of teenagers (at least in my country) are snotty, fickle, materialistic, and dumb as a wall. They don't know a good story when they see it, and they certainly don't know a bad story when they see it. An entire industry positively thrives on the money of their parents placating their capricious whining, explaining the development of bad movies like Episode I. It's all here in this pamphlet. :lol:

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The venator gets phased out and it's old tech compared to the SD's so why would anyone want to build it? It's a war game not a sim game where looks matter.


It's all about raw power.

Then why do we have corvettes, why frigates? A fleet is not all about raw power, there are many layers to it and many ship-types to fulfill different job. The Venator with its massive hangar-deck would be a heavily armed carrier-vessel, for instance.


And the seperation of time between the Venator and the Imperial is 1 to 1,5 years. Not that much.

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Naja while I do fit into the age you group you are talking about I do agree with you. I find that a lot of my peers are exactly as you describe them. I live in the US and from the looks of your icon, looks like you do as well :D. And I have to say US teens do have the problems you describe to a T. But anyways lets get back on topic...


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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star wars is all about entertainment :) dosen't matter if it's good or bad it's entertainment either way :)


Of course due to its popularity some people came along and made something called the EU and turned it into a religion or something. Seriously some debates over star wars are way more fierce than something like science vs. religion


You insult me, and at least half of the Star Wars fanbase. You are blind if you believe everyone under 18 are as childish and immature as you claim. You think im into Star Wars just because it "looks cool"?! I love Star Wars for what it stands for, not what it looks like.


that right there, that's a perfect example of star wars religion


back on topic: maybe the reason people are so obsessed with the venator is for the same reason in this quote right here "You think im into Star Wars just because it "looks cool"?" the reason is because the venator "looks cool"

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First of all: I think Jar Jar was kinda funny but a bit annoying, not enough to get me to flame those who like him however.

Oh the venator... what to say.... every so many days we see a 'venator officially in' or 'why did they take it out'. Their going to keep the choice until the last minute because quite frankly, well...I'll make a list..


Reasons to Keep it:

Fan Pressure

Why remove something you already made?

Why remove something thats going to be added in anyway?

One more reason to love it.

As for balancing issues:

You can have the Venator as a uprade for another ISD(but still have the other availiable to be built, like the Z-95 and X-wing, the X-wing was based on it but you [should] be able to build both).

Mods will add equvilants for the rebels.

(more might be added)


Reasons to Remove it:

Lucas Arts wants it gone(blame them, not Lucas the person or Petroglyph).

The fans won't care since it'll be modded back in(might be a viewpoint of thiers).

Too many ISD's.

Balancing Issues.

Cheap tactic for the imps(ties, troops, etc.)

The average or those who just buy it for the game, not star wars, fans won't care.

Likewise, some won't care about star wars 'accuracy'.

Lucasarts just wants the money.

(more might be added)


Reasons to Ignore the Debate:

Moders, Moders and more Moders.

Are we making the game? No.

Does Lucas Arts care as long as they get money? No.


Reasons to Ignore all Announcements:

Not true.



Who are their connections.

Conflicting news.


NOTE: This list is written by someone who leans toward keeping the Venator.

Writers Note: The list supporting and trying to remove the venator are about the same length, so you can't say the list is one-sided.


Total amount of admendments to the list: 13

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




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lol there are people who believe in the force. *cough*


episode II looked like a history book to me. and it was the most boring I guess. i don't know if and how it and II could have been better. darth vader also doesn't look as scary as he is portrayed, except in III.


plus there are many things I've found in star wars which are true. unfortunately its a galaxy far far away, and its a story and there is the force. lol anyway


well on subject. I don't really care that much. I'm pretty sure that mods will be able to put most stuff in very easily. the real problem I have is how you'll do the AI to work with the new stuff. sure multiplayer is better, but well I won't play a 16 hour game till ... june. yeah me be in last year in high school, and here it means lots of studying.

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lol there are people who believe in the force. *cough*


episode II looked like a history book to me. and it was the most boring I guess. i don't know if and how it and II could have been better. darth vader also doesn't look as scary as he is portrayed, except in III.


plus there are many things I've found in star wars which are true. unfortunately its a galaxy far far away, and its a story and there is the force. lol anyway


well on subject. I don't really care that much. I'm pretty sure that mods will be able to put most stuff in very easily. the real problem I have is how you'll do the AI to work with the new stuff. sure multiplayer is better, but well I won't play a 16 hour game till ... june. yeah me be in last year in high school, and here it means lots of studying.

I forot that, added it..I agree, since no matter what they remove(remove everything, see what I care), modders will be able to add it back. The modders deserve some compliment and are the true heros, as they listen and add what we want.


Note: I was kidding about removing everything.

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

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....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

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Admins: Last post by me on this subject, promise. :wink:


1. If your're referring to the "MTV Jackass" generation, then yes, I agree with you there. I do live in the U.S. and I find those individuals to be most... irritating, but I would not go as far as to say all of the youth these days are in this category. This could considered something I like to call "prejudice". :?


2. If you believe me to be a person of the now official Jedi faith, I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. I am a Christian, (by my own will I might add, not my parents) and although there are some things I find about the Force to be relevant to my faith, I do not worship it. :roll:



I told you so...


What's suprising is they outnumber the Judaism even, lol.



Now, if you don't mind, let's not turn this into another prejudiced discussion about controversial issues. All I ask is for a little respect, no matter what their age or background. I apologize to Teradyn for my comments earlier.






The Venator will be missed. It was a unit that I was really looking forward to having in my armada, and now it's gone. All we can hope for are mods or an expansion to fill it's abscence. Until then, I think that the ISD's can crap out more than enough fighters for my purposes. :wink:

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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so you think it's gone then? I think it will still be in.


If you believe me to be a person of the now official Jedi faith, I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. I am a Christian, (by my own will I might add, not my parents) and although there are some things I find about the Force to be relevant to my faith, I do not worship it.



you took my comment about a star wars religion way too literally, in fact by seeing some of your other posts you take everything way to literally. I have never heard of an official Star Wars religion, I just called it that because people are obsessed with it. For exapmle take the Ipod religion.

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so you think it's gone then? I think it will still be in.


If you believe me to be a person of the now official Jedi faith, I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. I am a Christian, (by my own will I might add, not my parents) and although there are some things I find about the Force to be relevant to my faith, I do not worship it.



you took my comment about a star wars religion way too literally, in fact by seeing some of your other posts you take everything way to literally. I have never heard of an official Star Wars religion, I just called it that because people are obsessed with it. For exapmle take the Ipod religion.

I do agree with you..never heard of a star wars religion....

Read my list post for what wiether I think if the decision is permanent or not.

Hey! Invader Zim, whats it on nowadays?

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

..Imperial Assault II Mod for Empire at War!!..

...Empire at War Nexus, Modding for a Galaxy Far Far Away!!!...

....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

.....International Battlefront Clan!!!!!.....

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yup, thank the great piggy for mods


invader zim was sent to nick's reject channel called "Nicktoons" you have to have cable or something but that is the only reason I watch nicktoons

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Well some people think the Venator is just a ship since those people dont know the meaning. You know how a word has meaning? Well think of a ship with meaning. You know how you know Ties? Same with Venators :) It proved itself during the Clone Wars.
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yup, thank the great piggy for mods


invader zim was sent to nick's reject channel called "Nicktoons" you have to have cable or something but that is the only reason I watch nicktoons

Nicktoons is a reject channel?

Had it when I has satelite:(

Yup, thank god for mods

We should make a thread complimenting moders(you know, thx, etc.)

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

..Imperial Assault II Mod for Empire at War!!..

...Empire at War Nexus, Modding for a Galaxy Far Far Away!!!...

....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

.....International Battlefront Clan!!!!!.....

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I believe in Star Wars to the extent that it is a wonderful modern day myth, in the same ranks as The Chronicles of Narnia or Tolkein's Similarion (The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, etc). The reason that the prequels were dissapointing was because they lacked that certain mythological magic the original trilogy had; mainly due to George Lucas having a heavy hand in everything, in contrast to the original trilogy, where his role was minimal.
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The reason that the prequels were dissapointing was because they lacked that certain mythological magic the original trilogy had; mainly due to George Lucas having a heavy hand in everything, in contrast to the original trilogy, where his role was minimal.


To bad millions of views around the world disagree with you :)


As millions and millions enjoyed the new eps' just as much if not more then the old ones.

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Why can't they just upload the Venator at the main EAW site as an optional download if they simply do not want it added in the official copy of the game for whatever reason? Sort of like how Maxis/Electronic Arts upload new landmarks for their Simcity games.


The model is already built and this would give Venator fans the satisfaction that they truly crave. If it does not fit in the story campaign, then fine. But at least let us have it for the conquest and multiplayer campaigns.

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That was because some radio show thought it would be funky to screw with the census results and told its listeners to put 'Jedi' as their answer, which quickly caught on, because people wanted to have a laugh.


In short, it's not true, but did show a high amount of boredom with the government doing such things, probably. :)

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so you think it's gone then? I think it will still be in.


If you believe me to be a person of the now official Jedi faith, I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. I am a Christian, (by my own will I might add, not my parents) and although there are some things I find about the Force to be relevant to my faith, I do not worship it.



you took my comment about a star wars religion way too literally, in fact by seeing some of your other posts you take everything way to literally. I have never heard of an official Star Wars religion, I just called it that because people are obsessed with it. For exapmle take the Ipod religion.




NOW i have heard everything!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Well I am pretty close to not buying this game now.


A ship that is supposedly in the game, been in the game for months now.


Unlikely reason taken out: balancing


Almost positive reason why: since it is so popular they are holding it for an expansion so they can get more money out of us.


BS if you ask me, I want a star wars game, not a game of made up ships, while actual star wars ships aren't in the game.


I'm not going to pay for an expansion for a ship that should have been in the original game.


LUCASARTS not everything needs to be a marketing ploy!!!!!

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Well we could for a group and sue them in masses ;):P But that would turn out bad so pretend I never posted :P


Well if they do get an expack we vote on who gets the expack then someone finds a way to share the ships and planets and blame the pirating on Lucasarts.

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Well we could for a group and sue them in masses ;):P But that would turn out bad so pretend I never posted :P


Well if they do get an expack we vote on who gets the expack then someone finds a way to share the ships and planets and blame the pirating on Lucasarts.


...Or, just boycott the expansion.

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