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Venator is out... Officially

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yeah ive just been looking on the LF's and here's what ive found!


Lucasarts associate producer; David Silverstein posted today that the Venator has indeed been removed from Empire at War, despite gaming press posting new screenshots, even as recent as Jan 4th 2006!


The Venator was cut from EAW guys. I asked them about it when it got removed from the EAW website and I got a response from them last night stating it was cut. [LEC] Rogue


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that screenshot is from gamespot's designer diary #2 which is dated today. There are 4 screenshots besides that one and they all look current.


Therefore, they either submitted the diary and shots before they scrapped the Venator or they are leaving it for a surprise or expansion. That model looks too far along to be simply cut.


Thats what i'm thinking about also. If its been rendered up and its going to be kicked out before released someone needs to be kicked in the rear and hard. Why waste how ever long it took to render and texture it and then put it into the game then cut it? Waste of time. It should stay in now. Time could of been spent with something else if they didn't want it :?

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It's cut. Just going to look forward to it maybe in an expansion or a mod. :)


The venator gets phased out and it's old tech compared to the SD's so why would anyone want to build it? It's a war game not a sim game where looks matter.


It's all about raw power.


That's prob. why it got cut. It looks cool but too underpowered to be useful.

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Its a shame! They really didnt do a good job marketing. They have released two recent screens of it and yet they plan to remove it? Im really uspet about this one. :( ! Well I guess ill turn to a mod for my venator needs.


Btw: I cut this out of the other thread and made it, its own thread. Good job thrawn on the news find!


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

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merlock seems to have summed it up right really i think i as nice as looks it doesnt really seem to fit in with the time period. when you think that later model star destroyers were developed not long after the ven came into service.
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this is really turning into a fiasco with all these changes. There had better be an expansion out by June the latest or heads are going to roll.


First they made up that stupid Tartan and that Mk2 assault frigate.


Then they said there would be no B-wings, interceptors or SSD 9the last I could live without but the other, what the hell?).


now they go and cut a ship that we all concieved of as some sort of consolation for all this.


god damn it. This is getting worse by the day. I don't care if all the ships do almost the same thing, In rebellion they made it work. Here they're just appealing to the regular RTS hobos and screwing those of us who were waiting for this game for the last 10 years.


I swear, if they make one more major change like this, I'm not buying the game. The unit list is already crap compared to Rebellion's, don't make it worse.

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Wow man i dissapointed to but they must of had a reason and dont worry the ships we all love we will get through expantions or mods just be patient this game will be great have some optomism




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Well in a skirmish battle with friends and want to mess around with the native pop in the air space or land you might want looks instead of "ugly" war machines you know. Not saying it should be in there for only that reason but you gotta start somewhere somehow you know. FOr example Ties didn't just pop into the scene since there might of been a few left over V-Wings from Episode 3 that didn't get used for spare parts.


I can accept its gone just I want to say something while its gone :roll:

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Blame Lucas. Why didn't he have the SD's come out first and have the Venator be their replacements. ROAR!


And don't worry. I'm sure tomorrow we'll have an "Venator is Officially Back in the Game" thread.

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I bet we'll have a The Game goes up to Ep VI thread!! :P:twisted:


I can't believe that an OT era game doesn't have the TIE interceptor or B-wing, OR SSD in it!!!

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Blame Lucas. Why didn't he have the SD's come out first and have the Venator be their replacements. ROAR!


And don't worry. I'm sure tomorrow we'll have an "Venator is Officially Back in the Game" thread.


This is why children under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed near Star Wars... they are to thank for the condition of Episode I and especially II and III.


I don't care to have the Venator be in at all, but I wouldn't care if it is in either. I just want the units to properly reflect the timeline but I don't even know if that can be said to be totally true any more....

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This is why children under the age of 18 shouldn't be allowed near Star Wars... they are to thank for the condition of Episode I and especially II and III.


What does that have to do with anything? i am 29 (30this year) and i loved ep1-3 just as much as i loved ep4-6.

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He means: It's all Jar-Jar's fault! And that it is the kids fault that Jar-Jar is in it! Even though I don't agree with him....

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lol i thought jar-jar was funny and enjoyed him.


You probably shouldn't have said that...you're going to get flamed by a bunch of people who hated him and though that episodes 1 and 2 were awful. Just to warn you.....


But anyway....back on topic! Why want the Venerator when you can have the more powerful ISD?

Protecting the world from those who have an IQ higher than 30! Huzzah!


Trust me...I'm a professional.


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lol i thought jar-jar was funny and enjoyed him.

Hate to add to an off topic discussion lol. When I watched episode I the first time I found him annoying and freakish looking lol. But when I re-watched it with my little brother (7), it was actually kind of funny lol. He's okay I suppose.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

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out and in out and in out and in that's all we hear about the venator, needless to say I can't discern wether the source is official or not. I would like to belive it's in due to all the screens and whatnot. but even that may not matter. some of you may remember stuff from the battlefront screenshots that were never in the game
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[bitterness]Ahh, laziness reigns supreme once more. We can have the earliest Clone War Star Destroyer known, but an Episode III one? Nahh.


So help me Bob, I'm gonna boycot the expansion if it turns out to be a Clone Wars one.


And LucasArts PR, Petro, whoever it is that's releasing these screens only to later deny the units' existence, and keeping other dissapointing developments until the last minute: enough of the goddamned c*ck-teasing, please. It's very aggravating.[/bitterness]

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Teradyn, how could you say something like that?! How dare you! You insult me, and at least half of the Star Wars fanbase. You are blind if you believe everyone under 18 are as childish and immature as you claim. You think im into Star Wars just because it "looks cool"?! I love Star Wars for what it stands for, not what it looks like. This 15 year old knows what you're trying to say, and I can see that YOU'RE the one that lacks the common sense to see that age doesn't equal maturity. You've lost my respect. :evil::evil:

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Teradyn, how could you say something like that?! How dare you! You insult me, and at least half of the Star Wars fanbase. You are blind if you believe everyone under 18 are as childish and immature as you claim. You think im into Star Wars just because it "looks cool"?! I love Star Wars for what it stands for, not what it looks like. This 15 year old knows what you're trying to say, and I can see that YOU'RE the one that lacks the common sense to see that age doesn't equal maturity. You've lost my respect. :evil::evil:

No need to worry Omega. Im under 18 and I have quite a few accomplishments under my belt :D . I just ignore people who call minors childish because it works both ways. Im a moderator on two forums and im not an adult, this shows maturity if you ask me :) .


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

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