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Q&A 2 - For Delphi's pick up


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1) Can we place planets where we want to on the galatic map, as in making a new spot for them, or do we have to place them in empty slots that you have pre-placed? Would it also be possible to keep the planets hidden from the AI/Player so they dont rush to the place the first chance they get for any possible exploits? And can we also create our own new planets without replacing existing ones?


2) Will there be a mod list menu or a mod folder such as in Battlefield 1942?


3) We've heard that the population cap in space is 20, but that it will be hardly noticable. Could you tell us how much population cap a Death Star, Star Destroyer will take? And also will fighter squadrons count against this limit?


4) Delph-PG mentioned that you have anouther 50 models, why arent they in the game? Will they have any role in the collector's edition?


5)In the Nexus Q&A you said that speeders will go into a circling pattern and cannot land. Do speeders have a landing platform for them to reload on or anything of that nature? If no, than is it easier for enemy AA to shot these down? Along the same lines, how would you go about bringing rebel speeders to attack an enemy planet, how do you transfer them between worlds?

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Number 5 seemed moronic. :evil: Honestly, who cares about what speeders can and cannot do when there are so many other important questions to ask?


I take it questions are done, now?


If not, I'd suggest that in place of the current #5, we ask a general, all-purpose modding question: "We know that the game will not be moddable outside of the box, and will need outside programs to extract the XML data. But once these programs are released, who will get to use them? Will it be a universal release where everyone who owns the game can download the modding programs, or will only a few select mod groups (like Legacy of War) be able to download them? How long after the game's release will the modding programs be released?"


The second part of the question concerning when the programs are released I believe is important because it would show whether or not LucasArts is trying to be slimy and stall modding until a sequel or expansion comes out; if the programs are universal and come out, say, 2 months after the game's release, then we won't need to freak out so much. :lol:

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