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jedi mike

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Don't get me started, I could give you a whole list...


No diplomacy in Galactic Conquest Mode


No experience system for Units


Lack of well known ships from the era: Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates, Escort Carriers, Carrack Cruisers... etc...


Small Galaxy... 43 Planets? Thats maybe half a sector, not a galaxy.


Units that aren't to scale.


Infantry that take several hits from an AT-ST to kill...


Need I continue?

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Ok Stellar Magic Calm down and breath we all know how you feel about that stuff but every size restriction or lack of has a reason to it there are things that everyone wants to see in the game that arent there.




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Ok Stellar Magic Calm down and breath we all know how you feel about that stuff but every size restriction or lack of has a reason to it there are things that everyone wants to see in the game that arent there.
But he's got a valid point. If Delphi was here, he would do something about our complaining...
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dude its a game fgs when have games copied their subject matter perfectly i dont think i have ever seen it. Nothing is ever perfect lucasarts whats things done the way they see it and unfortunatly petro have to conceed.


you have your right to moan dont get me wrong but at least lets actually play the game first eh 8)

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dude its a game fgs when have games copied their subject matter perfectly i dont think i have ever seen it. Nothing is ever perfect lucasarts whats things done the way they see it and unfortunatly petro have to conceed.


you have your right to moan dont get me wrong but at least lets actually play the game first eh 8)


Hmmm...you may be right...we shall see when the demo and full game comes out... :|

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Don't get me started, I could give you a whole list...


No diplomacy in Galactic Conquest Mode


No experience system for Units


Lack of well known ships from the era: Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates, Escort Carriers, Carrack Cruisers... etc...


Small Galaxy... 43 Planets? Thats maybe half a sector, not a galaxy.


Units that aren't to scale.


Infantry that take several hits from an AT-ST to kill...


Need I continue?


A lot of these have perfectly good reasons for them. Like Delphi said earlier, it makes the game bad to have too many units. As for 43 planets, good luck keeping track of that many planets. 43 planets is still amazing to some games that only have a couple maps. And if the units were exactly to scale, it would be impossible to keep track of or even find the smaller ones. Units gaining experience doesn't matter much anyway because a lot of them get destroyed. If you got the AT-ST killing Infantry easily from the short clip on the official site, it was four AT-ST vs. only two infantry guys. It seems only reasonable that they would die after facing four AT-ST.

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Lack of well known ships from the era: Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates, Escort Carriers, Carrack Cruisers... etc...


That one i agree with, the Carrack Cruisers would have been much better than a stinkin "broadside"

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Yes most of the Diehard's would but then again the Carrack and the Broadside aren't the same thing. the broadside is a Missile Frigate and the Carrack is a little Picket ship that is optimumly used to escort Convoy's NOT the sort of Heavy Combat that the Broadside needs to go into.

anyway from looking around the Ship that should be in is the Rendili Star Dreadnought.




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Don't get me started, I could give you a whole list...


No diplomacy in Galactic Conquest Mode


No experience system for Units


Lack of well known ships from the era: Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates, Escort Carriers, Carrack Cruisers... etc...


Small Galaxy... 43 Planets? Thats maybe half a sector, not a galaxy.


Units that aren't to scale.


Infantry that take several hits from an AT-ST to kill...


Need I continue?


change these things and put it into EaW and you'll get Star Wars Sim City than another RTS. :)

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Ok Mr. Magic, you want a galaxy worth of planets? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A GALAXY IS?! There are close to 100 billion billion stars in our own galaxy (if not, more) , and that doesn't include planets either (scientific fact)! Let's see you keep track of that many planets! Or why don't you mod them in like everything else you don't approve of?! You havn't even played the game yet and all you can do is complain! :evil:

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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btw our galaxy pretty Small Compared to the One were going to Collide with its Called Andromeda and if you don't believe me about the Collision look it up.




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Ok Mr. Magic, you want a galaxy worth of planets? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A GALAXY IS?! There are close to 100 billion billion stars in our own galaxy (if not, more) , and that doesn't include planets either (scientific fact)! Let's see you keep track of that many planets! Or why don't you mod them in like everything else you don't approve of?! You havn't even played the game yet and all you can do is complain! :evil:


hey hey don't get all angry.. Stellar Magic has a point. previously they mentioned there would be 80 planets, so 40 is way decreased from the initial number, so many people, including me, are somehwat discouraged.


althoguh i'm not sure if anyone would ever occupy all of them in a game, but then again that's also strategy, looking for planets that the opponent would never look for.

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Actually guys the Carrack is a combat oriented Frigate that could eat most of the frigates in the Rebel Inventory for breakfast. It has Ten Heavy Turbolaser Batteries and twenty ion cannons. It's not a measly ship by any means (Thrawn utilized theses ships as front line combat vessels in his fleet). In terms of combat effectiveness Carrack's approach the utility of their larger cousins like Rendili Dreadnaught.


The Broadside Cruiser isn't a cruiser at all, if you look at the screenshots and concept art you realize something that isn't pretty. Its only armament, and I do mean only as in nothing else, is the three heavy concussion missile tubes. It's even smaller then a Corellian Corvette.


The Marauder Corvette isn't a missile frigate either. Its primary armament is a pair of heavy turbolasers on the wings as well as 8-12 dual turbolaser turrets depending upon their mission (Standard is 8 turrets). It isn't a missile boat, actually the Corellian Gunship would make a better missile boat then the Marauder because it does have a number of concussion missile tubes on later models.


The thing with bad scaling... Almost all RTS's do it and they always use the same excuse, you wouldn't be able to see the units if they were real size.


All I can say in response... Have you heard of zoom? I mean Supreme Commander is an RTS coming out with real world scaling, if EAW really wants to match up to its competition they should have jumped on the bandwagon. Homeworld 2: Warlords mod has properly scaled units, and it isn't all that difficult to play.


I read alot of science literature so I know how big a galaxy is, it just makes calling EAW a war over the Galaxy more insulting, especially if we've played games like Star Wars Rebellion: You've got to give us at least 100 planets for you to be able to passibly call it a struggle over the galaxy.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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I agree with stellar. With this planet reduction i was also disuraged, but over 40 panets is also still good. I dont honestly like the compared sizes of fighters and bombers to cap ships, but even with a zoom, trying to find this tiny tie fighter in a black barckround... and most everyone is complaing because the relese dates have been all over, dec, oct then feb. with really nothing to satisfy us, in outher words (the game and demo) its all you can do.


I hope things go better as anticipated so things go much much faster. But thats all we can do on this sub, is hope. very sad but true.

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So is Reality of Rebellion, so don't think the 100+ Planet Galaxy will be yours exclusively.


Of course to accomodate both our mods we'll have to modify most every map from the vanilla game, if only to add build slots for buildings.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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As someone new who's been reading the message for a long time, perhaps it's ironic that I choose the very last day of the year to say anything, but hello to you all. :)


I dont honestly like the compared sizes of fighters and bombers to cap ships, but even with a zoom, trying to find this tiny tie fighter in a black barckround...


That part depends, as I seem to recall a message which spoke of the sizes not yet being defined (thankfully, because some of them are very odd to look at). It should be pointed out, however, that even a game as old as 'War Of The Worlds' was able to get around that, in the same way that that various 'Total War' games managed to: Units can be clicked on the screen, but are primarily selected from a group of collected tabs down below, which gets around the scale problem totally. Units are scaled right and selectable.


If figuring out where the smaller units might be is worrying, then why not simply produce a mouse-over effect on the tabs themselves? Whenever the pointer moves over a tabbed unit (or, more correctly speaking, a group of them), they become highlighted on both the main map and cinematic screen, allowing the user to locate them in battle without having to click or deselect any.


Heck, the 'Homeworld' series had some insanely small units! With that in mind, scaling should not be an issue (unless the maps for this game are somehow even smaller than those). The problem with it was that units weren't produced in workable batches, which this game will have a very big advantage in doing.

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Don't get me started, I could give you a whole list...


No diplomacy in Galactic Conquest Mode


No experience system for Units


Lack of well known ships from the era: Dreadnaughts, Assault Frigates, Escort Carriers, Carrack Cruisers... etc...


Small Galaxy... 43 Planets? Thats maybe half a sector, not a galaxy.


Units that aren't to scale.


Infantry that take several hits from an AT-ST to kill...


Need I continue?

Hey, thats what mods(notice I said mods because after careful reviewing, I've noticed none of the mods are going to fix all the prblems without the others.) are for.

http://www.lucasforums.com/images/avatars/tiedefender.jpgMay the force be with you, always. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/susangillan/EDF-Avatar-X-Wing.jpg




.Check for Updates!.

..Imperial Assault II Mod for Empire at War!!..

...Empire at War Nexus, Modding for a Galaxy Far Far Away!!!...

....Use the Spell Check Feature People!!!!....

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