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Population Caps

jedi mike

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Now that ive seen that new review im not worried about the cap because its seems like u guys are right because even if its only 20 ships their is 3 slots so its possible u could have 60 ships per plant and thats plenty :D:D:D:D This game keeps on suprising me :D

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Man, 6 ISD, and when you loose one, another from your reinforcements can enter the battle!!!!!!!, also the ties don't count!, so we can have 6 fleets with each one 6 ISD, 50 ties, that's A LOT!
EaW is coming!
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Man, 6 ISD, and when you loose one, another from your reinforcements can enter the battle!!!!!!!, also the ties don't count!, so we can have 6 fleets with each one 6 ISD, 50 ties, that's A LOT!


Now try looking at it from the Rebel Side... where X-wings and Y-wings count. Then again, i may like this, since it'll actaully force the Rebels to do what they where suppose to: use Hit and Runs.

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it looks that way when you get slots in the pop cap you can bring more units in to support the existing units in the battle but how many pop. caps does the Mon Cal take?




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i am not worryed about the population cap. i mean it has got to be pretty high. remeber the first trailer with the frames of 40+ ships in thata line? Heck, there is a screen shot with 20+ ships in one battle and it is only like a smalll shot!!! Did you watch the 47 min video??? at about 17 minutes it will wash those devilish thoughts of pop caps away. so seriously pop caps are nothing to worry about.
For the rebelion!
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i am not worryed about the population cap. i mean it has got to be pretty high. remeber the first trailer with the frames of 40+ ships in thata line? Heck, there is a screen shot with 20+ ships in one battle and it is only like a smalll shot!!! Did you watch the 47 min video??? at about 17 minutes it will wash those devilish thoughts of pop caps away. so seriously pop caps are nothing to worry about.


Did you not read the new Q&A thread?


It states there 6ISD is max on map at one time.



I just hope the reble fighters are super strong or tis gona cause problems.

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i am not worryed about the population cap. i mean it has got to be pretty high. remeber the first trailer with the frames of 40+ ships in thata line? Heck, there is a screen shot with 20+ ships in one battle and it is only like a smalll shot!!! Did you watch the 47 min video??? at about 17 minutes it will wash those devilish thoughts of pop caps away. so seriously pop caps are nothing to worry about.


Did you not read the new Q&A thread?


It states there 6ISD is max on map at one time.



I just hope the reble fighters are super strong or tis gona cause problems.

You'll probably be better off getting 2 anti-starfighter ships and 3 squads of X-Wings than 5 squads of X-Wings. That'll narrow down the massive fighter and bomber waves. :) I think that rebel fighters will be able to kill lots of TIEs and take lots of damage though.

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If you guys read the gamespy FAQ, it says that the defender will also have some garrison units on the field from buildings that will not affect your pop cap. It also says that there are other ways to get more units that will not affect your pop cap.
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Fear my 20 squadrons of fighters!!!!! HAHAHAHA!


How much do smaller capital ships take up?

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Fear my 20 squadrons of fighters!!!!! HAHAHAHA!


How much do smaller capital ships take up?

I'm thinking heavy cap ships take up 3 (ISD, MC) Medium takes up 2 (VSD, MK2...) and light take up 1 (CR-90, Tartin Patrol Ship...)


But this is only a guess.


Edit: fixed my spelling, sorry.

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Fear my 20 squadrons of fighters!!!!! HAHAHAHA!


How much do smaller capital ships take up?

I'm thinking heavy cap shits take up 3 (ISD, MC) Medium takes up 2 (VSD, MK2...) and light take up 1 (CR-90, Tartin Patrol Ship...)


But this is only a guess.

tsk tsk cussing :shock::P . Jking Phantom. Anyway that is exactly the 3-2-1 scheme that I had proposed on LucasForums a week ago (you can check you you don't believe me: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=157132 ). Anyway I have never been concerned much about the population cap and the recent news we've gotten about reinforcements reinforces the fact that I shouldn't have worried.

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ok so we know that the limit is 20 and you can continously bring reinforcments.


but what about the defenders? Shouldn't they have more than 20? or maybe the defenders can bring reinforcements as well? Or does that mean that your space will eventually fail and the only way to stop is on ground or how many transports u destroyed?

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Remember that each planet has 3 fleet slots to fill. My guess is that you call in reinforcements from your other slots to aid you in battle.

Think of it as calling in reinforcments from the other side of the planet. :)


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ok so we know that the limit is 20 and you can continously bring reinforcments.


but what about the defenders? Shouldn't they have more than 20? or maybe the defenders can bring reinforcements as well? Or does that mean that your space will eventually fail and the only way to stop is on ground or how many transports u destroyed?


Yes the defenders have the same reinforcement system as the attackers (I'm assuming). I think that with the many defences you can build around a planet (spacestation and ground based weapon which both are powerful) that the defender will be perfectly able to defend itself against attacks as long as you have a decent amount of firepower in addition to these defences.

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Yeah, replaying "your favorite classic battles" becomes difficult without the classic units and relatively small caps. Maybe bump the min requirements up to par with most games released in 2005? Then bump the unit cap to 40?
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Since you can constantly bring reinforcements as your ships are destroyed the battles will not be really that restricted. Although I suppose one could argue that they would be small.



Mehh. Imagine the Battle of Endor under that very system:


6 Rebel Mon Cals vs. 6 ISDs.


Oops! Lost my ISD.

*New ISD joins the fray*


Oops! Lost the Mon Calimari! And Ackbar, too!

*New Mon Calimari joins the fray, Arthas...oops! I meant Ackbar...mysteriously becomes ressurected after the battle, after having been disintegrated on board his starship*


Rinse repeat. :? I'm buying the game at this point soley for Legacy of War and to kick my wife's ass online...

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