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Population Caps

jedi mike

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Forgive me if someone already noticed this, but I seem to have found a screenshot disproving the 20 pop. cap limit.


Take a look at this:



I count 18 capital ships plus a few squadrons of fighters and bombers (correct me if I've mis-counted). Now, if ISD's were to take up more pop. cap points than other vessels, theoretically we would not be able to reach this number of ships at all. Think about it, even though there are only 2 ISD's and the rest are other, lesser ships, both ISD's would have to cost 2 points or more granted that they do use up more points, of course. Now that is too close to the 20 limit for them, seeing that there are even a few VSD's in there too. I realize this is a rather old shot and things could have been changed since then, but I think it is relevant to our current disscussion. Also, notice that there are far more fighter squadrons than capital ships, reinforcing the theory that fighter groups do not take up your cap points.

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Omega: Yeah, we wish, but that's an OLD picture. Like, one of the first pictures released. I think a lot of things have changed. The only real hope at this point is to mod this (seemingly) restrictive space pop cap out of existence.
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Why Would fighters take up Population points?? The amount of fighters you have is capped already by what ships you command. I think that ISDs and Mon Cals will take up more than one point so that ruins my plan of a 20vs20 ISD-Mon Cal in Skirmish. Maybe I'll just have this instead :lol:



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If I were to hazard a guess... The picture you just brought up is from Skirmish mode, there the Pop Cap is probably a lot higher then the rest of the game...


I'm really starting to get mad about the Population Cap too, I mean Star Wars Rebellion was released 8 years ago and in it there was no limit to how big the space battles could get. Hell, I had battles with over 300 ships involved and well over a thousand fighters. This 20 slot limit is a great big step backwards from my point of view. Come on, what ever happened to "Epic" Battles.

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Ok I just noticed something that shows some evidence of the popcap effect on fleets. If you look at the recent screens shots from Powerplay and look at the one with the space station + Imp Officer hologram above him is a blue box(may have to enlarge pic) that shows the pop at 12/20 then if you look at the bottom to where it shows all your units. the only units shown are 3 Squads of TIE bombers 1 ISD and 3 Tarton Patrol Crusiers(sp?) I don't know about anyone else but that kinda seems small IMO.


Link: http://www.pcpowerplay.de/artikel/artikelunterseite_6787.html

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they need to do what bfme2 did, put in a option to change the pop caps.


BFME2 has a 1/3 2/3 1 2x 4x one other one then a 100x


(there is no nda so i didnt break any rules saying that)

nda??? and what rule are you talking about???


about the pop thingie- if delphi says it is unnoticable i beleive him

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NDA = Non disclosure Agreement i think


it basically means, that if you are working on a gme you have to sign a contract that forbids you from telling other people classified material about the game that the company doesnt want to be released.


if you break the contract, i think ou can be fined to hell and its a instaboot from a job.



you really dont want to mess with NDAs

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Ok I just noticed something that shows some evidence of the popcap effect on fleets. If you look at the recent screens shots from Powerplay and look at the one with the space station + Imp Officer hologram above him is a blue box(may have to enlarge pic) that shows the pop at 12/20 then if you look at the bottom to where it shows all your units. the only units shown are 3 Squads of TIE bombers 1 ISD and 3 Tarton Patrol Crusiers(sp?) I don't know about anyone else but that kinda seems small IMO.


Link: http://www.pcpowerplay.de/artikel/artikelunterseite_6787.html


thats not an ISD it teh republic drop ship (forget its name) and there are also some units not shown on teh screen but you can see them oon the mini-map.

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I'd like you all to look at this pic released on 12-17-05 (so no, its not out-dated): http://www.eaw-fr.com/modules/view_screen.php?n=3255


I can see, in this small view of the battle alone, 4 MCs, Home One, 3 Mk2s, 5 Neb Bs, 6 Core. Gunships, 2 Core. Corvettes, and 1 marauder Corvette. Thats alot of ships, in fact, its 22 ships. That doesnt count fighters, nor does it include Imp units.


And a fleet that size is dang impressive too. Look at it! And I'm pretty sure there are more units off-screen for Rebs bc, unless the Reb player is terminally stupid and put a lone Mon Cal on his left flank, there has to be some escorts for that MC in the top right corner.


This is a good sized fleet IMHO. Heck, the ships on-screen are impressive, combined with any units off-screen (and Im pretty sure there are some, considering that MC over in the right corner) that is more than enough ships for me.

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lol sorry but I won't read 100 posts :P


now whether or not the 20 cap is modable(I hope it is) its cool this way too. I mean in rebellion if you tried to split your forces, you'd have a much bigger trouble winning against a huge force, since if you were caught, you were dead meat.


so there it might be more like in the xwing series, where you have a lot of small task forces! I think thats nice too.


(btw no mean to be offensive but i think its dumb to have a 20 cap limit that isn't modable. in fact I think you should just be able to choose, kinda like in age of empires where you can have 50 or you can have 200.)

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Not really, when I played rebellion I tended to use tons of smaller fleets, with all your forces concentrated in one spot you're vulnerable to constant assault by smaller forces where you can't interfere.


But... 20 Capital ships in a fleet? Come on! I mean that 20 includes all the ground units attached to the fleet, so if you're going to make a full scale assault it would mean that half your fleet would be made up of embarked ground troops...



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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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If you read my long post on this page (pg 4) you'll see that the fleet in the pic is over 20 cap ships.


Btw Fosh, Im starting to agree with your multiple fleet idea due to the new preview. Some of the wording in that article has me thinkin that ur right.

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Now that ive seen that new review im not worried about the cap because its seems like u guys are right because even if its only 20 ships their is 3 slots so its possible u could have 60 ships per plant and thats plenty :D:D:D:D This game keeps on suprising me :D

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