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How the game Begins(conquest single player).....


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STAR WARS EMPIRE AT WAR(vidiprinter like usual)


Tutorial on how to use ground units.....


duirng this tutorial you have to get to an enclosure and steal the X-wings seen in the T-65 X-wing minivid at http://lucasarts.com/games/swempireatwar/indexFlash.html you are victorious when all AA guns are destroyed and when you can take off.


Then there is a space battle to get away from the planet. Then the video cutscene seen in the trailer saying that the Rebels have escaped with the X-wing Prototypes.

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In a gaming magazine in Germany (out on 21. December here) they will report about a small mission in their preview. In that mission you have R2-D2, C3-PO and some infantry. Your aim is to capture a small base, take over one enemy turret with your robots and shut down the base shield with R2-D2.

When the magazine is out, we will inform you. ;)

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I was posting what I thought could be the initial opening for the game as it allows the use of X-wings and Rebel forces in a tutorial for the Rebels. The Imperial Tutorial will proabably be some sort of assault mission against Dantooine or maybe Mon Calamari.
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