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Shield Frequencies

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Just been watching Star Trek Movie and was wondering if theres anyway to penetrate shields in frequency. For example if the shields are on 251.3 and you got a weapon to match could you just hit the Star Destroyers on that frequency? :roll: Well if the ship shields are to strong and you have one weak ship left couldn't you just use frequency to your advantage?


edit: I didn't say if it was in the game I was saying What did you think.

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It is an element Ive noticed in Star Trek, and I always thought it was cool. Wouldnt work in a game though except in campaign missions. Or, it would work in a game but since you could choose from an infinant # of freqs it would be kinda pointless.


My 2 cents.


PS I really loved that part of ST lore.

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i dont really think that this would work in star Wars because the weapons don't work on frequencies as such they are just energy as are the shields.




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Guest JediIgor
This is Star Wars, not Star Trek. Have you ever heard of someone "modulating" their turbolasers to fire on the same frequency? Neither have I.
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Well considering that shield modulation is a means by which to allow weapons fire to pass through shields I'd have to say that it exists in the star wars universe... after all, you don't see turbolasers fired from a ship get stopped by their own shields. :wink:


This feature could also explain how a droideka can fire through a shield globe. I'd have to say that while we don't necessarily see it stated it seems to be an implied part of shield technology.

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Guest JediIgor
Well considering that shield modulation is a means by which to allow weapons fire to pass through shields I'd have to say that it exists in the star wars universe... after all, you don't see turbolasers fired from a ship get stopped by their own shields. :wink:


This feature could also explain how a droideka can fire through a shield globe. I'd have to say that while we don't necessarily see it stated it seems to be an implied part of shield technology.


Two solutions. Solution #1 you can fire from inside the shield but not outside. Solution #2 the shields are lowered for something like a nanosecond to let the turbolaser through. Neither of which depend on the shield having a frequency.

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Well directional shielding may exist in the star wars universe, You may recall that the hoth shield wasn't directional, it had to be lowered for the weapon system to have a clear line of fire. In fact I'd have to say that lowering the shields, even for just a nanosecond, in the middle of a full fledged battle would be a very bad idea, you'd be even more vulnerable then if you used shield modulation, after all you can always change modulations just by hitting a couple of keys. The enemy would need specific intelligence from the ship in order to know what frequency to use. Therefore I feel comfortable that frequency based shielding would be the most efficent and likely form of shielding in star wars as well as star trek.

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Guest JediIgor
Well directional shielding may exist in the star wars universe, You may recall that the hoth shield wasn't directional, it had to be lowered for the weapon system to have a clear line of fire. In fact I'd have to say that lowering the shields, even for just a nanosecond, in the middle of a full fledged battle would be a very bad idea, you'd be even more vulnerable then if you used shield modulation, after all you can always change modulations just by hitting a couple of keys. The enemy would need specific intelligence from the ship in order to know what frequency to use. Therefore I feel comfortable that frequency based shielding would be the most efficent and likely form of shielding in star wars as well as star trek.


There's nothing wrong with putting your shield down for a nanosecond, especially if you have layered shielding. Pull down layer 1, bring it back up, pull down layer 2, bring it back up, the TL is away.. its all done by computers so its highly unlikely an enemy TL would get through (and even if it did, there is the hull ;)).

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Considering neither of us have any canon sources besides personal observation this debate shall go nowhere. Therefore lets quit while we're ahead.

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The comparison to the Star Trek universe is pointless as well. They used different technology and stories. While Star Trek may have most of its technology based in experimental and theoretical physics, Star Wars has a more pragmatic approach. A big mistake was when Lucas tried to get more towards the Star Trek methodology of explaining things with his mediclorians.

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I know we arn't ment to continue, but I have to get this in. :)


Remember, shields on larger ships have shield projectors all over the surface, meaning if one fails, the entire ship isn't shieldless.


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Jan Gaarni is right. the bridge defector shield went down on the SSD in ROTJ (which lost the ship). but he's right about the layer shielding if you have to shields being projected then the first ones dropped as the Laser reaches it and then the second one nano seconds after that.




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Good point. I am probably forgetting but does anyone know if the shields have to be dropped to let attacks out? Talking microseconds here, but still. Or do the shields work like a 1-way mirror?

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i think thats a bit of an unknow no ones really thought about it i guess everyone just assumed that they let shots out and not in so yeah i suppose i thought about it being a one way mirror.




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It is clear from the films however that particle shields at least are two directional (The Rebels lowered the shields at Hoth to let the transports out.) As to whether the Ion Cannon could fire through the shields is unknown, but considering that the ion cannon only fired while the shield was down during the film I'd say its highly likely that energy shields are two way.

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who knows if some Jerk from LA has taken control but hopefully yes otherwise it wouldn't make any sense to not have them any other way.




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Jeez relax with the insults will you. We're supposed to be one of the best EAW Forums here not some Star Trek vs Star Wars bashing forum. I only wanted to see what you think not some bashing.

Looks at JediIgor


Well I will take the nanosecond comment as a theory.

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I'm working on the final installment of The White Admiral now, so expect another burst of activity now that I'm on break (Really can't do much modding or anything with 28.8k internet without the demo).

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