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Star Wars: Empire at War - Collectors Edition


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As we now know, there will be a Collectors Edition of Star Wars: Empire at War. The first links to preorder are: ebgames.com and gamestop.com. The price is $59.99.


As we now from the gamestop.com product details the features of the Collectors Edition are:


- Bonus Maps

- Concept Art

- 3D Lenticular Packaging

- Wallpaper

- Screen Savers


If you dont know what a "3D Lenticular Packaging" is, perhaps this image might help you out.

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Definately spending the extra $10 on the Collector's Edition. If it has extra maps and more, count me in! I've also been looking for some awesome Star Destroyer wallpaper for my computer, so that'll be great too. :o

"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some would consider to be unnatural."- Darth Sidious



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As great as that sounds i don't think that i could wait like 2 weeks for it but i may buy it later on after i've bought a true copy of the game.




I Support the Resistance!

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damn im spooked


its great but clicking on that link showed up with a donnie darko thing, and my family is watching donnie darko now, and little things keep remindin me of donnie darko, now i am majorly spooked

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I don't think that bonus maps means that the campaign map will be different or something...maybe extra maps for skirmishes? :?


I'd agree ... but it means that maps would be downloadable .. ? ;)

Yeah I'm sure eventually they will get released to the community. Some people will probably share their maps as soon as they get it as well so they can play with their friends (like me) who can only spend $50 on it and therefore get the regular game.

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I wish they would of had this item listed on their official store sooner, I have already had EaW pre-ordered since Augest (haha) I would have gotten this instead. This is the first game I have ever really preordered, so yeah i dont usually preorder games a half year in advance lol :)


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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I wish they would of had this item listed on their official store sooner, I have already had EaW pre-ordered since Augest (haha) I would have gotten this instead. This is the first game I have ever really preordered, so yeah i dont usually preorder games a half year in advance lol :)


you should be able to cancel preorder or at least modify it to the collectors edition still

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I wish they would of had this item listed on their official store sooner, I have already had EaW pre-ordered since Augest (haha) I would have gotten this instead. This is the first game I have ever really preordered, so yeah i dont usually preorder games a half year in advance lol :)


You'll be able to change easily don't worry ;)

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Sounds awesome! Maybe ill preorder it after Christmas or something, i always get the collectors edition of good games :D
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