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4 Nailed down questions, 5th one to vote on.


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1.We remember hearing a interview from E3 about recording video from ingame. Exactly how will this work ? Will we be able to record freely or will it just be normally recorded and the user able to freeroam around it?

2.We've been told that the game will be very moddable and use data driven XML files. Can you give an example of an entry in these files(such as the X-Wing)? Also how many files would we need to edit to put in a new unit?

3. Aside from having the tools to battle the enemy (moving your fleets around, building them, invading the planets, things like that), is there anything else that we've not seen yet? Something not as overt and aggressive like diplomacy, special ops, assassinations, etc?

4.Will the Stormtroopers sliding down from the AT-AT cost anything or are they free? Or is there a limit of how many Stormtroopers you can create from the AT-AT ? Also will Star Destroyers produce Tie Fighters during battles ?


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Moved to Maw, were gonna discuss this here as darkmark said.


To please all of those who are worried:


1. Recently the Venator was removed from the official website's list, has it been removed from the game?


I figured we could just add it so people can vote, but personally I think it's a pointless question. If you guys agree, than we shouldnt even put it up to vote on.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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Only post if you have an opinion or a question:


1: How do bacta tanks work? Will you be able to place your troops in there during a battle or before/after a battle? Also how long and how much health will it give the units? How do you repair vehicles?


2: Will there be a commander unit to keep an eye on the unit on the other side of the map for you since you can only be in one place at a time? You could tell which units the commander unit could use?


3: Is the XML Files going to allow us to mod in units to be able to have a cloaking ability? Such as modding in the Phantom with cloaking abilities.

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Can we restict posts to suggestions for questions. Please edit posts if you think of additional questions. 5 suggested questions per person.


Let's keep this organised.


EDIT: Ok, all clean again. I will add my questions tomorrow. I could do with the sleep now. :wink:

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Guest JediIgor

Replace question #3 with:


Aside from having the tools to battle the enemy (moving your fleets around, building them, invading the planets, things like that), is there anything else that we've not seen yet? Something not as overt and aggressive like diplomacy, special ops, assassinations, etc?


Same general idea but with room for a much longer answer.

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2: Will there be a commander unit to keep an eye on the unit on the other side of the map for you since you can only be in one place at a time? You could tell which units the commander unit could use?


I think we will have commanders - they are listed on the LEC site.


Aside from having the tools to battle the enemy (moving your fleets around, building them, invading the planets, things like that), is there anything else that we've not seen yet? Something not as overt and aggressive like diplomacy, special ops, assassinations, etc?


Yes the units are listed on the LEC site and I do remember the diplomacy from official sources.


So I will go for the first - I need to know how ships will be repaired and created ... etc.


So here are mine :


1. What are the steps and how it looks the repair&bacta systems ? For ground units&vehicles and ships. Also when a ship is repaired or builded - can you see it under construction&repair (unable to move) ?


Also about this :


1.We remember hearing a interview from E3 about recording video from ingame. Exactly how will this work ? Will we be able to record freely or will it just be normally recorded and the user able to freeroam around it?


Its a pretty cinematic tool from what I know and you will be able to save your own videos from your battles. Its not a good question since we know that is designed to be more of a tool. I think. If this question stays we need to mod it.


3. Aside from having the tools to battle the enemy (moving your fleets around, building them, invading the planets, things like that), is there anything else that we've not seen yet? Something not as overt and aggressive like diplomacy, special ops, assassinations, etc?



This also ... I'm 90% sure that is in.



4.Will the Stormtroopers sliding down from the AT-AT cost anything or are they free? Or is there a limit of how many Stormtroopers you can create from the AT-AT ? Also will Star Destroyers produce Tie Fighters during battles ? How many they can build anyway ?


I have moded it.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Some suggestions follow, since noboady else seems to be coming up with anything. (And yes I'm being hypocritical posting a second time when I suggested not to in the first place, but I figure it's not such a big issue now)


1) Is there any limit to how many heroes can be on a battlefield at one time?


2) What can we expect in the way of interactive landscapes. How does the landscape react to the presence of your troops and what effects do the various landscapes have upon them?


3) Is it possible for hero units change sides? For example are we able to have an Imperial Leia or a Rebel Tarkin, or are hero sides pre-determined?


I may add more, but I can't think of any just yet.


Also I like ghostly's bascta tank one. We aught to put that in the poll for general discussion when we make it.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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2) What can we expect in the way of interactive landscapes. How does the landscape react to the presence of your troops and what effects do the various landscapes have upon them?


Yes they are ... No need for this one

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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fine then. Well I was planning on some hero map and well since we cant level maybe we can have bacta tanks help with survival since Level also dictates how long your units servive. Well doing battles I really want to know how Bacta Tanks will work since as I said for my hero map :P
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I figure we need to decide on at least 5-10 suggestions to put in a poll for general discussion. If we want to do that we need to make that initial list today. Unfortunately not many of the mods are coming up with ideas at the moment.


Like I said, Ghostly's bacta question should make it into the poll. I figure we might want to appease the masses with a demo related question. Not release date obviously, but something about it.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I don't know. If we were to ask:


Can you give us any information on what you plan to include in any possible demo, and what features and modes we can expect to see?


I mean, they could say no. But as far as I'm concerned that's pretty reasonable and open to interpretation.





Looking at the original 10 planned, I took out the ones we had deemed unecessary or have already made it in. The ones as they remain are: (and do correct me if I have them wrong or made poor choices of which to remove and keep).


1. How is base building/expansion going to be handled?


5. Will there be an artificial population cap/limit?


6. Will large ships be produced out in the open and will we be able to see them slowly be built?


9. What is the average length of a battle/ campaign?


Add to this list Ghostly's question and the demo one (possibly rephrased), and also any others that mods can come up with quicky we all agree on. With that we have a list of possibilities for a poll. Set one up in general discussion for 24 hours and then post the original 4 and popular 5th to Delphi.


That ok with everyone?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I really hope my bacta tank goes in :P Thats better then that demo question since we can get shafted with the demo. The answer could be for the demo as


"Sorry we cant release this information at this time since its meant as a suprise".


possibly for mine would be


"Well the bacta tank does this and heals units for that long and ect. Units heal before and after battles or what not :roll:"


Just keep in mind this is my theory and I can easily be proven wrong as I have been 5 times before by delphi.

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I'm just trying to set up a decent list for people to vote upon. I figure the bacta one is worth putting into the poll just as much as the demo one. I'm going to give it half an hour then set up the poll I think with what we've got there. If anyone has any problems do post before then here. I will check. Don't PM me or it will just kick me out of the forums. :?






As it stands the options for the poll are as follows:


How do bacta tanks work? Will you be able to place your troops in there during a battle or before/after a battle? Also how long and how much health will it give the units? How do you repair vehicles?


Can you give us any information on what you plan to include in any possible demo, and what features and modes we can expect to see?


Is there any information you can give as to how base building and expansion going to be handled both on the planet and for space stations?


Will large ships be produced out in the open and will we be able to see them slowly be built?


What can we expect in terms of the average length of both an individual skirmish and an entire campaign?



:arrow: Feedback is very useful because I'd like to get this out as quickly as possible. Tell me to get rid of questions here or add new ones. This is important because none of us want bad questions out there, and I don't want to be held responsible if it ends up that way.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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For the pop. cap question I would ask something like, "How will the pop. cap work for EaW? What are the ways that you can add to the pop. cap and how does it affect gameplay?" Since we already know there will be a pop. cap.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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I altered it above to try and get the same kind of point across. Anyting else before I post it up?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I thought that question was answered already, isn't the pop cap directly proportional to the number of planets you have?

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I heard that also so the more planets you control the more you can produce military wise. Its like the more shelters you have the more units you can produce :lol: Sorry had to say that lol.
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If it is there's no point keeping that one. So unless anyone else protests it's gone.


Again, anything else?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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They all look good to me. Im still a little ify on the demo question, because they may not answer it or give a bad answer, such as "Use the force to find out" :) lol. Otherwise lookin' good.


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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Welcome to the maw :)


@Popcorn: I'm going to keep the demo one in because there are lots of people out there who want a demo question and not to give them the option seems unfair. As it is it's cleaned up from 'When's the Demo out', so I think that's not too bad. Hell, even a bad answer for what we've got now wouldn't be that bad, since we're getting the demo soon enough anyway.


I'll remove it if everyone hates it though.


So is that it? Everyone happy?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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