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Whats Up with Fosh??


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Ok. Here goes: The reason I have been so Abrasive recently.


When I first joined the forum Ghostly had just joined as well a few days earlier. We had a completely different Ethos months ago. We were so small that we were able to have a strong relationship between the Admin, Mods and normal Staff. I admit that back then I was like Megajames. I trolled the forums badly. Once, every active topic was full of my posts. Cain told me to calm down so I did. Then Ghostly, Marcus, Seewolf and I were made Moderators. We were all given a specific role to do. I wanted some global mods as there were certain forums that were- Shall we say -poorly managed. Instead of doing a Poll Cain made every Moderator Globals. I have noticed a number of Posts of mine be edited with no notice of why.


I am sorry for saying this but I was annoyed that Cain had the audacity to set up the NMA without consulting the staff and members as a group. Instead of randomly setting it up and saying that it was better than Nexus.

Its the Same with Ghostly. He set up the Bestine Cantina on a whim. FFS this is a forum for Petroglyph and Empire at War. IMO people are trying to turn this into a Business. Sorry and I know that I will get Flamed or banned for this post but the Admin need to Consult the WHOLE forum before doing anything Drastic like moving PFF to http://pff.swrebellion.com/ we all knew that the forums were being backed up but Why not to Petroglyph??


That is a question I want answering here and now!!


And then Moderatorship. Why do we have So damn many?? There isn't a need for that many. I am sorry but I don't think that we need an extra Moderator ever unless the forum increases to millions of member then yes we need loads. We really need a radicalisation of the whole structure of the forum. Maybe Splitting up the Preview section etc.


:arrow: Feedback is very welcome and can any flaming please be over secure channels. Here's looking at you Ghostly 8)

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I don't know the English chunk but we have a sentence in French wich says " Here is The droplet which makes extend beyond the vase "


Yeah we are too moderators, and I'll even add I feel now you shouldn't be one. More, I'll even add G_S shouldn't. More ! I'd say that we mustn't confuse "super"posters and moderators, it's not a good idea.


But all of this, It doesn't matter for me, I just want to enjoy my time on PFF. But about the news you put in the News forum about the website update, I don't agree. I'm not gonna put all website modifications exept big ones because it would be boring with time. Next time, feel free to PM Darkmark or me. The news is poor. You lock the topic but you didn't put a link to the PFF discussion, the text is sensless. If it's what you can do, don't do anything.


No offense but for now, I'm a little annoyed.

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Guest JediIgor

Fosh, I edited your posts a few months ago. I think you already know why, you explained it just now (spamming like a little immature kid). I think you really need to calm down and fix your attitude. If you've got something to say, deal it with Cain/Ismael in private, but instead you want to take it to the rest of the moderators? You think we should rally behind you for support?


I don't know about the rest of the moderators, but I know I simply can't do that because you yourself disobeyed the moderator rules (not spamming, or making useless posts). Posting here just makes you look worse because you are trying to subvert our administrators' authorities.


As to the move to pff.swrebellion.com, we haven't done that yet, now have we? It's there simply as a backup for now. As for "why," well maybe you don't know (or ever cared to inquire), but Forumer does not allow backups, and so there is no way to ever make backups. There is lots to be said about this, however, there is no Petroglyph forum *yet,* and once they *do* decide to make a forum, PFF will probably be forked. There will always be room for two forums, you cannot depend on the official ones alone.


That is all.

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Well Fosh seems like you need a break and before you do anything stupid I will unmod you since you are finding pointless reasons to be mad about. You complain about my title, then because i'm a admin, thirdly you complain how close EAW is to BF2 and well if you have a problem in your life then fix it and stop stressing yourself out and making us think wrongly of yourself. Pleaes Fosh dont act like a girl would in an argument (cry about pointless things).



I agree I said things in the wrong way but not much you can do when your head is boiling in anger. Why do we always have to fight about pointless things such as "Ranks" and "Admin" stuff. Its pointless and only girls should be fighting this much not us. I know i'm being sterotypical but still we're fighting over pointless things and its DECEMBER (Time of happiness). If you want to fight use my venting thread and people will ignore it.

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Ghostly pls arange the moderators in different groups and different task. maybe this will solve the issue.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I would have thought that would just make it worse. Honestly Cain, this seems all to be hyped up like the point similar to that time when people all deceided to leave and then didn't. I don't see Fosh's problem to be honest, and I don't see much problem with the way the forum works at present. It doesn't need us all split up in to seperate groups, because we're like that anyway because of timezones. If anything that will just seperate the mods even more and cause real conflict between us as opposed to this blown out of proportion frustration by a few other moderators.


And Fosh, if having so many moderators was an issue for you, then why did you recommend popcorn and nevets in the first place? Wouldn't it have been more sensible to have had this discussion about too many mods beforehand? :roll: For the record, I think we have a decent amount of active moderators, but not too many. We probably just need to clean away or demote some who don't moderate actively anymore, that's all.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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