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The Demo


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Lol nice convos we're having in the bar lol. If I had my mech I could own you all :P Well if its coming out in middle of December then i'll be able to actually own you Steller and Fosh :P Galaxy gun and K wing ? Now you really screwed up my plan :lol: O well nobody would have believen it anyways :roll: I prank to much to even make people believe me.


executor Homeworld 2 prank, demo prank x 2, and some other ones I cant remember at the moment.


For us mods do we get a moderator discount? 8)

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How do you discount a free and public download?

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Hey Steller up for multiplayer game over the weekend ?


- Battlefield 1942 game or Battlefield 2? If your the busy kind of person or dont have one of the 2 than might as well for the real thing (EAW)

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I'm busy and haven't got BF2. I've got the first version of BF 1942, but I've modified my version so we can't play...


Sorry man.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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