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So the resource managment in EaW is supposed to be very steam lined and automated. Being that for every planet you capture, the more resources you are able to bring in to support your side. There may also be additional ways of bringing in resources, but not many have been released.


My question to you is, in your opinion, does this make the game far to simplistic? Or do you think that the new system will allow more control over strategy? and less focus on the tedious task of collecting resources?


p.s I enjoy not having resource management, just a thought. :wink:

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Less resource gathering I have to piss around with the better. Thats why I like DoW, you don't have to keep track of peon units, which has always been my traditional weak point. In the old C&C series, Homeworld, the Crafts and Empire builders, if you want to put the hurt on somebody early you hit their resource collectors . I hate having to tie up units to defend my resource collectors when they should be up fighting on the front or defending my base. Also, directly making mining related to money making in a war setting never made sense to me.
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Yeah, this will help players concentrate more in the battle than protecting your resource center or the droids that are gathering them...


I am very happy about this! I hate droids chopping wood! But, I did use that to my advantage by killing other people's workers...Oh well! This is a lot better and is one more reason to get the game.

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Meh, I am calm. It is just that some of our newer posters give me the feeling that I am reading the LEC forums sometimes. No real offense intended, but I do enjoy thoughtful, intelligent posts as the majority, rather than the minority of posts that I read.

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As I said twice before I wouldn't mind if I can effectively get it running withing 5 minutes. What I hate about that is it takes up population limit which ruins your military size. So everything is converted into credits ? (now if i mistype its becaues i'm flippin cold from going ionmt toe the window)


Well for skirmishes how will you get resources? Just by capturing those points on the map or are you set with certain resouces.

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you would prolly have a set number of credits to start with ex.)small=1000,medium=2000,large=3000,or default=depends on #of sugested players/size of map

then you would capture those little hill thingies that give u resources!


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I would think in skirmish you would start with a set amount of planets and the resources they provide to increase your resource cap you need to inhabit unclamed planets or take over the enemy ones thus increasing your resources giving you more credits to spend.
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I don't think skirmish will happen at the galactic map. You will be playing on a ground map or a space battle with pre-set forces or a base to build things like a conventional RTS.

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I don't think skirmish will happen at the galactic map. You will be playing on a ground map or a space battle with pre-set forces or a base to build things like a conventional RTS.

In space skirmishes I'm guessing you start out with a space station and the station generates credits or something?

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I don't think skirmish will happen at the galactic map. You will be playing on a ground map or a space battle with pre-set forces or a base to build things like a conventional RTS.

In space skirmishes I'm guesses you start out with a space station and the station generates credits or something?


Right. This sounds kind of like what they have hinted at. There hasn't been too much solid detail offered on the skirmish part of the game. IMO, the skirmish part of the game will be kind of like what you get out of a separate RTS game altogether. This is kind of like getting two games at once if you think about it.


If you have played Rise of Nations, you remember the "Risk-like" world conquest map. You probably have wished you could play that part with a human opponent. Well, with EAW, you get to play the individual maps online like Rise of Nations, but you also get to play the Galactic (Risk like) part of the game multiplayer too! This is one of the things I am most excited about, because they could have done like Battlefront I (dont know about II) and had a small conquest part you played in single player but have multiplayer only one map at a time.

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Meh, I am calm. It is just that some of our newer posters give me the feeling that I am reading the LEC forums sometimes. No real offense intended, but I do enjoy thoughtful, intelligent posts as the majority, rather than the minority of posts that I read.


I joined only 15 days after you did. Sometimes I am serious--like the time when i said.....i can't remember....or the time when.....nope, not that one either...I give up! :D:D:D


But really, The point is: I hate droids chopping wood!! :D

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