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The Canadian Avro Arrow


Should Canada make a modern Avro Arrow ?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Canada make a modern Avro Arrow ?

    • No since Euro Fighter is better
    • No in general
    • Yes to finally protect itself properly
    • Yes in general
    • I dont know what it is still

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Well its still a Canadian symbol and still its one of the most advanced fighters and i'm not saying THE best but ONE of the best. Well heres a picture of it (Bottom one).




Well I know Canada won't make one and if the US makes it it wont be the same and same goes with another country but what i'm wondering is what you think of it (if its going to be negative make it nice) and i'll set up a poll also.


My opinion:

I wish it wasn't cancelled and stupid missle shield idea. This would have still been in service and it would have done great things. There was a part where it could have sent technology to space but guess what, it was cancelled before that happened. I want this back and modernized. Even if we still have borrowed tech we can at least have a piece of Canada in that military and not some borrowed thing that we would blame on other country.


Also if Avro Arrow is in the military i'll join the military just because of the Avro.

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It isn't really advance anymore, it'd be very standard and even a bit dated if was upgraded with modern avionics. It had a lot of first, I'll give it that, but the bloody thing was developed in the late '50's for crying out loud. But knowing that Canada doesn't phase out stuff as rapidly as the US does, I think it wouldn't of been a bad investment. Then again, when was the last time Canada had a use for it's fighters?



Alright my Top5

Warning: Pics may be a bit big.

:arrow: 1) Martin B-26 Maurader: Best. Medium. Bomber. EVAH!!!!



:arrow: 2) Avro Vulcan: This thing is just plain sexy. I saw one at a airshow when I was young and loved it. I don't think any are flying anymore, which is a pity.



:arrow: 3) Vought A-7 Corsair II: Not pretty, but extremely effective light bomber. That why I love it.



:arrow: 4) Supermarine Spitfire: Early variants. The later marks were a bit big and heavy.



:arrow: 5) Hawker Tempest: I sat in one of these and got to fire it up, after that I fell in love with the thing.


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Oh its still very advanced but people just say, "Oh its old so it can't be" but dont let that fool you :P I love the Avro Arrow, I just love it. You'll never know when Canada might need its air force but seeing as whats happening around the world its might be best.


ok heres my top 3 Fighters I like.

EuroFighter: Best European plane ever made



Avro Arrow: Greatest Canadian Plane ever made.



Hind: Not a plane but this is my fav helicopter made by the goold old Russians. Still very useful to this day.


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Mi-24 is probably the scariest heli you can run into, I love that thing. Its probably my favorite helicopter. A few problems with it though. A short combat range, not very agile, and the tail section is usually made up of wood. Some versions have updated composite tails, but that is costly and the Russian army hasn't updated a lot of Hind Squadrons. So if you run into an un-friendly one, shoot out it's tail since small arms fire can heavily damage it or destroy it. Edit: when I mean tail, I mean the area where the rotor is.


The Avro Arrow is still a dated design that would be out performed by modern day fighters. It has good range, excellent speed and a good payload, but it's radar cross section is very large and isn't very agile at all by today's standards. It was waaaaay ahead of its time and is a good design, but by todays standards it is not what is considered to be "advanced." It would of been lke the B-52, it probably would have been one of those planes that would be around for many decades and still be useful.

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American planes did 1.3 Mach and this Avro Arrow did mach 2.4 I think and the Americans thought we were crazy and slightly shocked when designing this.


Well if it isn't so advanced then why the hell is most Canadian's and some Americans keep on bragging that the Avro Arrow still can take on any modern fighters we have to date and still is advanced enough to do anything ? I believe them since look at it, so simple and it can do mach 2 and took lots of influence to get it done such as Petro getting enough spending money to get their own stuff done (Not saying the project money is the same but comperison, exagerated yes but it proves my point).

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Mach 2 doesn't do anything against a Mach 4 missile. As I said, the Arrow would be a good plane to this day, but it could not take on the new generation of aircraft. A F-22, Eurofighter or the new Sukhio or MiG designs would eat that thing alive, becuase they could detect it before it could detect them and if it tried to dash away they could keep pace. Another problem with the mach 2 number is that it uses afterburners to do that, and that sucks up a lot of fuel. So the new generation of fighters, like with the F-22's sonic cruise capability, can go faster for longer durations of time. Against a Mirage, F-15, F-16 or the older Su's and MiG it could hold it's own, but with the new genration it just can't cut it.
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Now your saying Canada is going to fight Superpowers :| Thats America job since they're the ones creating these newer tech and Canada is only "helping" out a tad bit. Now answer that thing I said above, Why the hell do people in Canada and some in America still make a big fuss about Avro Arrow if its not that good anymore :)
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HAGHAHA I continued watching the movie at my school and damn did it ever scare the American's (Censored). Even if it was in a movie it still scared the Americans :P


Well at least they could make 1 which could just be used for Canadian Pride reasons :) Well right now its the politics that is screwing everybody over and giving everybody a migrain but having some new or old Canadian tech thats similiar to Avro or is Avro would be nice.

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Well the Brits are currently debating on whether to upgrade our Trident Missile System. I mean whats the point. Blair is leading us towards kowtowing to Europe and joining the general EU Superstate. Britain needs to go Isolationist like we were in the 17th Century. Lets Nuke the French. No Offence intended of Course. But they are our nearest Country. We Don't wanna Destroy Ireland.
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We Don't wanna Destroy Ireland.


Why? Mind you I've some distant family left over there, but still...


Brits have my favorite proposal of all. I forget what it was exactly called, but I believe it was during the early to mid '60's when the British govt. said all aircraft were obsolete since the advent of the ICBM and basiclly killed the Royal Navy's air fleet and hobbled the RAF aircraft for a good long while to make way for more ICBMs. I don't see why any nuclear arsenel has to be updated at this point, I doubt well see anything like the cold war for a 3 or 4 more decades and even then we might not be so luckly as with the last. Waste of taxpayer money.


Yes, the American Air Force and aircraft industry were quite upset that our friendly, yet backwards, neighbors were about to create something that could knock out anything we had at the time. I find that fairly funny, but all the politics involved were sick... But it is usually that way with the military.

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HAGHAHA I continued watching the movie at my school and damn did it ever scare the American's (Censored). Even if it was in a movie it still scared the Americans :P


Well at least they could make 1 which could just be used for Canadian Pride reasons :) Well right now its the politics that is s******* everybody over and giving everybody a migrain but having some new or old Canadian tech thats similiar to Avro or is Avro would be nice.


canadian propaganda??


i dont know much about it, but canada fightin america is hilarity!

not that you guys have a sucky military, but where is your nuclear capacity to destroy the world 4 times over?


america 1, canada 0


wait....you guys get more snow and have kindereggs!!

i fear its changing


america 1, canada 1


damn you dellicous and creative kindereggs!!! aagghh....

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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And America's economy is still beating Canada's, despite a cyclical recession that is now over. Yes, our GDP has been risinig the past year, and despite the hurricanes our un-employment is falling and now stands at about 5%. Though the state I live in (Michigan) is ranked 46th with 6.7% last time I checked and only Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi are lower and we're tied with Alaska. Right now, nationaly, inflation is the main concern. Don't believe the hype kids!


And why and what would anyone attack Canada? Really, I have trouble seeing why Canada would even need a really advance army, they have us to the south. Even if we had sour relations with Canada, we would not allow a hostile and aggressive force entrench itself so close to our borders. All they really need is a modern defense force and use the money saved from defense spending for other things, like getting the QEW repaired. Seriously, that road gets rough around Hamilton sometimes and Canadian truckers are friggin' evil!


Edit: About the Bush thing. Even though he is partially to blame with an ill advised tax cut and increase govt spending at a time when we should've cut back and try to save the surplus, the govt is not the sole cause of the recession. Did anyone here remember the internet boom? Does anyone remember what happen to a lot of those companies? They aren't here anymore now are they? Which, means the goverment has less of a base to collect taxes from and eliminated quite a few jobs. That was the main cause on the recession, even if Bush cut back spending and didn't push through those tax cuts, there still would have been a recession, though probably not a pronounced. Then there is the little matter of Sept. 11 which help extend the recession for about another year and ate further into the surplus, though by that time we were starting our deficiet trend. So as with many things in the economy, Bush was only a factor. ow large is always up to speculation and debate.

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its a tie again


ghostly made false facts so he has -2 points to his score



also, we have blizzard!




score is 2 to 1 neener neener :P:P


and just so ghostly or other canadian buddies out there dont get offended, the score is not permanet nor does it reflect off of any individual in our bordering countries.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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False Facts ? About what ? :roll: Vader dont cheat :P



I wont comment on the US Topic since its NOV 11 and since this is a Avro Arrow Topic.


Its from what I seen Europe was respectful to Canada but I remember seeing something in the papers about a fight against Denmark about something? Some patch of land in the middle of no where? Hmm well yes I was getting Avro Arrow happy but would you rather be out of date or up to date on defence tech just incase someone attacked or need to give out a helping hand ? I have a negative mood towards missles shield idea since you cant advance farther in tech.

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the eurofighter Typhoon is the world's coolest ship it is mostly designed by the british lol and the ratings of the Pilots are excellent although i dont agree that Turkey is being brought in on the project.




I Support the Resistance!

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then i'll just make a Space Station and Live on it hang on isnt that already happening? and the reason theres so much war is because Bush and Blair have Started it and then not kept up with the UN in ending world Conflict and Removal of Dictatorships from this Earth.




I Support the Resistance!

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Please don't get me started on the U.N. That byzantine bueacracy can hardly manage it's own affairs lets alone the world's. Only thing that the UN is useful for is as a quick line of communication between countries.


Even without Bush and Blair there would still be war. Theres been war before them and there will be war after them. All that changes are the players and technology involved.


Edit: Also aid programs that don't require the presence of UN security forces also do quite well, I'll give it that much also.

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Hehe, Eurofigther was my favourite fighter, but it's out od date now ;)

Until the future american F-35 scheduled for 2008, the most advanced interception figther is French and it's the last version of the "Rafale".




Yeah I love this another one, we can feel in "Top Gun" :D








I love fighters, I think it sooooooooooooooooooooooo beatifuuull :)

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