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But we'll kick the world's a$$ in Football. :twisted:

Is there any other country that practices it? Is there even an international organization like the FIFA for "US American football"???


The US haven't won a World Cup, true, (well, at least the men team), Nor have most of the countries that are frequent in the World Cup (Netherlands, Sweden, etc). In fact only 7 of the 200+ countries inscribed in the FIFA have won it....

The US have, though, won the Gold Cup, which is the local Concacaf Cup, something that Costa Rica has failed miserably at. In the last World Cup, the US played good enough to make it into the quarter finals, while Costa Rica stayed in the first phase of the tournament. (Damn Brazil... Damn them...)

The US don't suck anymore at Football, nor do play as horrible as they did ten or even 5 years ago. Plus its well known the Football is an enormous market. Its the new opium of the people. From Costa Rica to Cambodia over Timbuktu, everyone knows and plays soccer. The lure of economic riches is enough to draw the US in. It'd be no surprise if in 10 or 15 years Football would replace US-American-Football in the US in terms of popularity.

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Guest Scathane

Awwww, okay! If you guys start blabbering about football and sucker, I might as well reveal my identity:


Name: Jurgen

Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Age: 32

Marital status: girlfriend, no children that I know of

Occupation 1: Accountmanager for a Debt Collection Agency annex Lawfirm

Occupation 2: Running a small marketing organisation that specialises in (corporate) video, events and parties

Interests: Multimedia, getting sloshed in bars, some reading, the universe, martial arts

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But we'll kick the world's a$$ in Football. :twisted:

Is there any other country that practices it? Is there even an international organization like the FIFA for "US American football"???


There is if you count NFL Europe.


The US haven't won a World Cup, true, (well, at least the men team), Nor have most of the countries that are frequent in the World Cup (Netherlands, Sweden, etc). In fact only 7 of the 200+ countries inscribed in the FIFA have won it....

The US have, though, won the Gold Cup, which is the local Concacaf Cup, something that Costa Rica has failed miserably at. In the last World Cup, the US played good enough to make it into the quarter finals, while Costa Rica stayed in the first phase of the tournament. (Damn Brazil... Damn them...)

The US don't suck anymore at Football, nor do play as horrible as they did ten or even 5 years ago. Plus its well known the Football is an enormous market. Its the new opium of the people. From Costa Rica to Cambodia over Timbuktu, everyone knows and plays soccer. The lure of economic riches is enough to draw the US in. It'd be no surprise if in 10 or 15 years Football would replace US-American-Football in the US in terms of popularity.

emphasis mine


I can see you've never experienced the rabid fanatics of respective NFL teams. There's a reason that The Super Bowl has nearly become a 'holiday' to rival Christmas in both viewership and comsumption. Granted, there's never been any fatalities resulting from a bad call on the field (all too common amongst die-hard soccer fans, from what I've noticed), but Americans tend to identify more with their sports teams than the state they live in. I.E., when asked to describe themself to another American, they are more likely to say "I'm a Bears fan" immediately after "I'm from Chicago". Or in place of it.


Viewership for NFL games has steadily grown over the past 20 years, and shows no signs of stopping, unlike the viewership for NHL, MLB, and MLS. It's even gotten to the point that there's frequent discussion that American Football should now be known to have supplanted Major Leage Baseball as "America's Pasttime".


And the sad thing about it, too, is that a lot of Americans see soccer as a sport for their kids (ages 5-12) to engage in until they are old enough to play basketball or football.


Now, I lived in Spain for three years as a military dependant, played soccer for my high school, and routinely got our butts kicked by the local teams. I've experienced the fervor and skill people of other nations have for the game, and I'm in awe of it. I just don't see that kind of passion for the sport ever taking root in the US.

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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  • 4 weeks later...

You know what... it have been some two years or something :oops:


I use to be in Rotterdam every day, Scathane :? well that is for school (Grafisch Lyceum) and for drinking beer in bars.


Anyway, AD&D is.. well: roxxorzzz your boxxorzzz or how do you spell it?

Z'anthr saves the world. Sorry about the mess...
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All this talk of AD&D makes my soul weep; I used to love the game! Did any of you spend weeks in summer doing the Against the Giants through to the Queen of the Demon Web Pits?


I did just that in a remote Welsh cottage with a gang of mates, playing AD&D by day, Cthulhu by night; twas memories I would not sell for gem or fortune. I think my fighter's constitution went up from 17 to 22 by the time we slew the Drow-Queen... he was very hard... :)


Flob. I'd move to Texas or Holland to get back into playing a game where the objective is to contribute as opposed to win... :roll:



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All this talk of AD&D makes my soul weep; I used to love the game! Did any of you spend weeks in summer doing the Against the Giants through to the Queen of the Demon Web Pits?

Datin' yourself a little there, aren't ya, Jahled? :wink: Actually, my buddies and I didn't get into D&D until late '89, and even then it was all home-brewed, hack-and-slask "adventures". It wasn't until around '94 that we actually started to really care about things like plot and character development. Enter Valkir. He's 6-7 years our senior, and he ran an impressive Menzoberranzan adventure for our munchkin characters that about killed us. He followed it up with a visit to The Ruins of Myth Drannor, and after all that we've never gamed the same. We started a new campaign, which was advancing pretty darn well (if I do say so myself) when 3rd Edition came out. While initially opposed to such change, we decided to playtest the rules...and now it's the only version we play. (All my hard work...for nothing... :cry: ). That was right about the time that the 'silver' editions of 'Against the Giants' and 'QotDWP' came out. I've been attempting to convert them to 3rd Edition rules and 'adapt' them for my current campaign. :wink:


I did just that in a remote Welsh cottage with a gang of mates, playing AD&D by day, Cthulhu by night; twas memories I would not sell for gem or fortune. I think my fighter's constitution went up from 17 to 22 by the time we slew the Drow-Queen... he was very hard... :)

My first character was a fighter that I played as a 13-year-old with a group of enlisted guys my father worked with at Zaragoza Air Force Base in Spain. He ended up with three artifacts of Thor (hammer, gauntlets, and belt), turning him into a fighter/cleric. I continued to use him in high-level campaigns here in Texas, before finally retiring him in '95 at fifteenth level. He's now a luminous NPC in my campaign world. :wink:


Flob. I'd move to Texas or Holland to get back into playing a game where the objective is to contribute as opposed to win... :roll:

Love to have ya, Jahled! That is, if you don't mind the 1-3 months between gaming sessions... :(

Five of the Greatest Lines in the Star Wars Trilogy :roll:;)

-"As you wish..."

-"He's no good to me dead..."

-"What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me."

-"Put Captain Solo in the Cargo Hold"



Fett's Vette

The Lyrics

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  • 2 months later...

OK! Lots of new and old faces contributing to the forums; but who are you :?:


Whilst it's fun to surf the internet with our 'cyber-space' identities; it's also fun to know a little about the people we're communicating with!


Here goes:


Me: is Jahled! :)

Occupation: Back to school web-designing and photoshopping; having learnt that 13 years on and off the road as a despatch rider is ultimately...boring!

Age: How rude! :o (32.5)

Location: London

Profile (obviously optional!! :lol: ) Me!

Interests (other than SW!) errr....ummmm....errr

Favourite Films: (other than SW! 8O ) 'Withnail & I,' Das Boot, anything by Akira Kurosawa, and sci-fi goreand special effects in general...

Favourite Musics: Miles Davis: 'In a Silent Way.' lots of rock, more Jazz, and then a trailer load of world music to idle away the evenings...

Favourite books: LotRs, HGttG..., 'A short History of Nearly Everything' by Bill Bryson; 'The Winter King' [3] books by Bernard Cornwell...


..do add other little things.... :idea:

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Me, Mad78, will now reveal my identity to all. (lights dim)


Name: Oliver Williams

Age: 15 (it may appear that I am the youngest here. but i still manage to write reasonable SW vs ST stories :D )

Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Nationality (may as well tell you everything): English Australian

Occupations: trying desperately to learn german, reading, computing,trying to find a girlfriend and trying to learn programation.




I am also partialy welsh so the guy who said you have to be carefull about the welsh is totally wrong (it's the irish you have to be carefull about :lol: )




Click here is you like Trance

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Kurosawa? You like Kurosawa? He's my :!: favourite :!: too! What films do you saw from him? The "Das Boot" series is also a great one!


Cool! :)


But where do you begin with Kurosawa? The guy was a genius.


:arrow: The Seven Samurai

:arrow: Sanjuro

:arrow: Throne of Blood

:arrow: Yojimbo

:arrow: Throne of Blood

:arrow: Hidden Fortress (which GL accounts as a major influence for ANH)

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Throne of Blood 2 times? :wink:


:arrow: The Throne of Blood is a masterpiece. The hungarian translation for it is "Chaos", as I think it is called in japanese too (Ran). Superb adaptation of King Lear!


:arrow: Seven Samurai. Yep! Got it! Also a masterpiece!

:arrow: Sanjuro. Just have downloa...umm...got it. :wink: Not seen it

:arrow: Yojimbo. Now this one, I don't know. Could you tell me something about it?

:arrow: Hidden Fortress: interesting. I've heard some things about it, but never saw it.


AND :arrow: For me, Kurosawa's best work is: Dersu Uzala. Simply brilliant! It tells you more about Life, than any other movies. Recommended for everybody!

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Throne of Blood 2 times? :wink:


:arrow: The Throne of Blood is a masterpiece. The hungarian translation for it is "Chaos", as I think it is called in japanese too (Ran). Superb adaptation of King Lear!


:arrow: Seven Samurai. Yep! Got it! Also a masterpiece!

:arrow: Sanjuro. Just have downloa...umm...got it. :wink: Not seen it

:arrow: Yojimbo. Now this one, I don't know. Could you tell me something about it?

:arrow: Hidden Fortress: interesting. I've heard some things about it, but never saw it.


AND :arrow: For me, Kurosawa's best work is: Dersu Uzala. Simply brilliant! It tells you more about Life, than any other movies.

Recommended for everybody!


:) Dah! Ok I wont even edit my mistake out...


Yojimbo translates 'the bodyguard,' and is perhaps on-par with the Seven Samurai. It was later remade as A fistful of Dollars, just like Hollywood remade a Seven Samurai as the Magnificent Seven.


Needless to say, both remakes are pale copies of Kurosawa's original masterpieces...


The end piece of Yojimbo features perhaps the most on-screen believable action sequence of someone dodging a close-call bullet in movie history. Watch it and you'll agree with me why!


The main man in Yojimbo, Toshiro Mifune also won the best actor award at the Venice Film Festival in 1961; which was when it was released.


Perhaps the American Film-Industry should heed such masterpieces such as this other than bombard the rest of the world with the souless crap of hollywood... :roll:


(oops...off on a rant.... of I go...)

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I'll try to get that movie too. I've decided to collect most of his films.


Perhaps the American Film-Industry should heed such masterpieces such as this other than bombard the rest of the world with the souless crap of hollywood...


Agreed. :roll:

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Hmm.. about me, most of this you probably already know, at least bits and pieces, I tend to let it all flow out at un-stoppable speeds and later say, ohh I told everyone that :D


Name: Michelle

Age - 26

Married 6 years in June (met TF when he tried to pick up a friend of mine in college) :D 2 Kids, 13 month old today and a 3 1/2 year old who tends to go by his later-ego of Aaragorn from Lord of the Rings.

Job - mostly stay home with my kids, watch two other kids, and work as a child facilitator at a homeless shelter (the best way to descirbe it is I work to teach family betterment skills to parents and children)

Orgin - I'm all American. Grew up all over as my father was in the military. Was born in Guam and returned there a few years later, lived all over the US and moved to Texas. My family is from Texas mostly, so that is the area I proudly claim. My ancestry is a mix from Polish to Scotish to Cajun to Native American. My grandpa used to saw our family wasn't proud we slept with anyone.

Favorite movies - I like the dumb ones, Airplane, French Kiss, Dude Where's my Car. Anything that makes me laugh, I also love romantic comedies.

Faovrite books - The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, Paul Kidd's series with the Justicar, Anne of Green Gables. Hmm... There are so many books I love

Hobbies - Gardening, reading, visiting with my friends, playing with my kids, playing with my husband, hiking, camping, anything outside, dancing, I agree with what someone posted last year, I love to have fun and basically am up for most things involving fun. I love playing sports but have no hand-eye cordination so I suck at almost all of them.

"You came in THAT thing? You're braver than I thought." -Princess Leia
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Well, well, I never came across this topic before...


Admiral Fishface

Name: Martin Koza

Occupation: Studying Geophysics, at least in theory I do

Age: Born on Aug 5th, 1985, do the Maths yourself...

Location: Beautiful Vienna

No picture of me available right now.

Non-SW-Interests: drawing, making up sci-fi universes and writing stories in them, drawing, Babylon 5, drawing, sometimes comics, drawing,...

Favourite films: anything from Tim Burton (especially Nightmare before Christmas and Big Fish), the Matrix, Twelve Monkeys, Blues Brothers, Pulp Fiction

Favourite Music: anything from Danny Elfman and John Williams, REM, Jamiroquai

Favourite Books: Hitch-Hiker's Guide Trilogy

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That makes me hink that I forgot to name my favorite music.


I especially like for anyone who knows them Scooter




Click here is you like Trance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm I'm a fairly new poster here.


Name: Steven

Location: Staten Island, New York

Birthdate: August 1985

Occupation: Student majoring in History

Non-SW interests: StarTrek :roll: cars, gf, current events, some other stuff

Fav. Music: Classic rock, classic music, all starwars

Fav. Movies: Too many

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Okay I'll play this game...


Stellar Magic:


Name: Paul Naughton

Age: 18 8)

Location: Fremont, Nebraska (USA)

Occupation: Student / Writer :wink:

Non-SW interests: Hiking, flying, writing, writing, mythology, Star Gate, Star Trek, astronomy, physics, debate, artistry, Babylon 5, and playing cards.

Favorite Films (Other then the original Star Wars): Lord of the Rings, Bourne Identity, Blues Brothers, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and many others.

Favorite Fiction (Non SW): (You'll want to kill me for this) Harry Potter, Foundation Series, I Robot, Raptor Red, and Lord of the Rings :)

Favorite Music: Weird Al Yankovic, Blues, Classical, and the Beattles.



Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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