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It occurred to me last night that there really weren’t too many ships introduced in between ANH and ROTJ so we aren’t missing out on a whole lot of content. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is it:








Lancer Frigate







*These made it in game


That is only 7 less ships (unless I am mistaken) which isn't much at all. I'm sure any reasonably good design/mod team could make those ships in a few weeks at most.


What was the Accursor btw? Some people have it at Mark1, the X-wing games had it Mark2 and the tech commentaries has it as a Mark3. Anybody know?

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The interdictor. However, right now the Empire has only only 3 fighters and we can easily surmize that that will not be enough. And what good will fighters prior to the wonderfully dominating tie scout be againt A-wings and X-wings? The empire from a gameplay standpoint needs interceptors, I suspect they are already in. There are clearly more imperial fighters to be shown.
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That I would like, but I don't see it fitting wonderfully with the current heroes behind the helm. I think only Obi Wan comes to mind, and it looks like he didn't have that anymore or he wouldn't have hired the Falcon.


Would still be cool if they did though. :)

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Yea don't see where the Jedi Starfighter would fit in. Only way I could see it being in would be for them to make up a hero "who just happened to come across one and made it his own" which I think would be very lame.


and do you think the Imps would hold on to any ARC 170's?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was just thinking, Delphi said that LA gave them the info about what is in the timeline but whats not. Then I remembered that Star wars galaxy had a similar timeline situation, but they managed to bend the rules and have the a-wing, b-wings, and interceptors. I wonder if this is where LA came up with that the a-wing is in this timeline, could also mean that the b-wing and interceptor could be in, since lucasarts has allowed them is the timeline in other games.
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And what good will fighters prior to the wonderfully dominating tie scout be againt A-wings and X-wings?

That was sarcasm, right? :D


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Yep I was right, just listened to the ep III commentary, Lucas says that while the timeframe is a bit of a stretch, there were supply shortages and labor disputs that caused construction to be longer than it should have been.
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ok, delpi said the time line ends with the battle of Yavin, but since were talking about the Tehc time line and not the date time line, don't you think the game would keep running after the time of the battle of Yavin? i mean, how many RTSs have you played where the game will just end after ...lets say 2 hours? I cant think of any, im pretty sure the game will keep running you just will not be able to get more upgrades.
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