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I didn't think the game would go to the end of RotJ.


I thought the game would go on till you lost or won. :?


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I didn't think the game would go to the end of RotJ.


I thought the game would go on till you lost or won. :?

Me too. The way they marketed the game it seemed that you would keep on playing until one side won. Now it sounds like you play up to a certain point and then the game stops. At least there will hopefully be expansions and, if nothing else, skirmishes.

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Yea thats what it sounded like, you started a couple years before ANH but from there it became dynamic and you created your own events. There was no longer any movie boundaries and you went through the tech tree all the way to ROTJ (and maybe slightly beyound). The game ended when one side conquered the other.


I think that is what most people thought. like i said slightly disapointing.

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well i always thought of it as you could go from before ep 4 and go up until you beat the other player, in thier time it could happen 20 years after when ROTJ takes place, the tech just stops at ep4 and a little more i think and the game doesnt stop. keeps on going and going, like the energizer bunny!
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I'm curious .... where have people read that the game will end when the Death Star is destroyed?


If that's the case, then simple solution would be "Don't build it!". :D


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It's probably under the early stages of construction when you start considering the time period, we see it being constructed at the end of ep3...

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Actually, the one you see in Ep III is the one the Seperatists were building, the Great Weapon. Tarkin had just captured it.


Construction on the ANH Death Star didn't start untill years later.


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Actually, the one you see in Ep III is the one the Seperatists were building, the Great Weapon. Tarkin had just captured it.


Construction on the ANH Death Star didn't start untill years later.


Wikipedia would beg to differ:

Two such Death Stars (I and II) were featured in the original movie trilogy, the first in A New Hope, and the second in Return of the Jedi. The designs for the Death Star are visible in Attack of the Clones; early construction of the Death Star I is seen in Revenge of the Sith.




and wikipedia knows....everything!

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wiki knows every misguided people choose to post :)


True, but the star wars stuff on there is usually the generally accepted stuff, or there would be an outrage and it would be edited.




The initial design of the first Death Star was done by the Geonosians under Poggle the Lesser. At the start of the Clone Wars, they gave the designs of their "Great Weapon" to Count Dooku to prevent the designs from falling into Jedi hands. Dooku took the designs back to Coruscant and gave them to Darth Sidious. Once the war was well underway, the Separatist leaders began to finance and build the weapon, using mostly Geonosians as their laborers. Due to the changing political climate, the Separatist leaders were all murdered, the Separatist movement was ended and the weapon fell directly into the hands of the newly-formed Empire. Raith Sienar also had plans for a Death Star-like battle station. However, he later let Grand Moff Tarkin take credit for the design since he no longer had interest in the project. It is believed that enslaved Geonosians continued to work on the Death Star well into its construction.


Hmm there is also a debate on there about the DS II, it says some consider it to be the same size as th DS I while others consider it to 900km. I have always heard that it was bigger than the DS I....

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Well, there are 2 very well researched and calculated values on the net, one done by Curtis Saxton, which has come to the conclusion it is 900km wide, and another one who's page I don't remember, but who pokes believeable holes in Saxtons measurements and claims it to be 260km or something.


Either way, they both agree the first DS is 120km, and both agree that the second is larger than what official secondary sources has claimed.


Personally, I'm leaning towards Saxtons measurements since he has access to much of the notes and stuff concerning the making of the Death Star model for RotJ. But the other guy do lead a convincingly argument.


Anyway, about the Great Weapon:

By Dr. Curtis J. Saxton:


During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems secretly began development and construction of a moon-sized battle station with superlaser prime weapon. Geonosians already had plans for an Ultimate Weapon before their world was overrun [AOTC]. Three years later, Archduke Poggle the Lesser had dubbed the secret project as the Great Weapon. After the Battle of Coruscant the war had apparently reached a stalemate, but the Separatist leaders knew that they could win eventually if they could prolong the conflict until the Great Weapon's completion. According to Shu Mai (in a pessimistic mood on Utapau), this might have taken "years" [Reversal of Fortune #112].


At some unknown time after the Separatist Council's demise and Lord Vader's recuperation as a cyborg, an incomplete battle station fell into the hands of the Galactic Empire. Emperor Palpatine, Lord Vader and Moff Tarkin inspected this prize [Revenge of the Sith]. This may have been the unfinished remains of the Great Weapon. The framework is almost exactly spherical (whereas Tarkin's later, operational Death Star was oblate) and the superlaser dish is proportionally smaller. Therefore they are not the same object. The earlier device must have remained secret. In their ignorance, Princess Leia and the Rebel Alliance wrongly believed that the Death Star was a novelty. Development of prototypes started much earlier than the Alliance suspected.


Tarkin's experts could reverse-engineer and improve the secret, captured Separatist technology at their leisure. This opportunity may have been a vital inspiration and practical boost to the later Death Star research programme. (Similarly, German rockets and engineers captured at the end of World War 2 greatly advanced the USSR's and USA's efforts to develop space travel.)


The construction of moon-sized starships remains a novelty at the end of the Clone Wars. How, specifically, did the Empire exploit what it learned from its studies of the Great Weapon? Where was it hidden; when and how was it eventually discarded? Was there any continuity between the Separatist project and Tarkin's later programme in the Maw? Did the research effort pause or halt when mundicidal weapons were no longer needed, during the years of peace between the Clone Wars and the eruption of rebellion? How many more intermediate prototypes were built and tested? What were their flaws and inefficiencies? Did any of the prototypes fail catastrophically or explode? These stories remain untold.


Intruiguingly, the initial design of Ultimate Weapon differs from the Great Weapon. The Ultimate Weapon's dish is shaped more like the eventual Death Star's. Perhaps the Ultimate Weapon was only one of several idealised concept designs presented to Count Dooku, and not the first one to begin practical development?


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Yea I also guess there is a book coming out that goes through the history of the death stars, it is suppose to tie up all the loose ends of continuity.


That way we would get an official source on these things instead of just speculations.

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Though I find, when there is no other choise than to speculate, Saxton does a hell of a good job at it. ;)


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Star Wars Technical Commentaries


Go to Death Stars, then scroll down till you see the catagory Great Weapon.


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Just keep in mind the Tech Commentaries is a fansite. A fansite run by a man who's been a freelance Lucas Books author, but still a fansite.


Though I agree with his assessment of the ROTS-object, I would also like it to be the DS prototype, known from EU. Hell, the thing in the film look like they based it on drawings of the prototype (from various comics).

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It is indeed a fansite, but it's the best fansite out there seeing he's got access to stuff. ;)


I usually go by what this man says over anything else, cause I trust it to be well researched. Even better than StarWars.com, which you would assume didn't make any misstakes. But it has taken them over 10 years to establish that the Executor is around 11-12 miles long, something he has been sure of since 1995. :D


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That is true, Saxton is resourceful and tireless when he's searching for sources and quotes (I'm even on the list of people who contributed to something on the site. ;))


Heheh, yeah I saw him update that on his site under the 'Executor-size' history section.

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That is true, Saxton is resourceful and tireless when he's searching for sources and quotes (I'm even on the list of people who contributed to something on the site. ;))

Same here, I reported the new 19km value upgrade for the Executor on StarWars.com. You'll find it in the History of the 5 mile Fallacy page.


Star Wars: Empire at War.Net Moderator


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eh, I just don't think Lucas would think that much into it, to mean that it was not actually the death star, but a prototype to be used towards research of the actual ANH Death star. Lucas usually makes those thing blantently obvious. Otherwise with him the most simpliest answer is usually the correct one and that one would be that is the actually DS1.
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No, Lucas is a very simple minded guy, I agree. ;)


But since noone in the movies claim it to be the Death Star, the same Death Star we see in ANH, and since we have so much more history about Star Wars to be concidered, there's nothing conflicting about it not being a seperate entity from the ANH DS. :)


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But since noone in the movies claim it to be the Death Star, the same Death Star we see in ANH, and since we have so much more history about Star Wars to be concidered, there's nothing conflicting about it not being a seperate entity from the ANH DS. :)


Wait till the DVD commentary, they are bound to mention it as either the DS or not the DS.

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