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Isn't it ironic now for those of us (me included) who said that it only started a bit before Yavin and went on until you won and it turns out those who said it went from a few years until Yavin were correct? Now a lot of the people on this forum (not devs of course) are saying this game has been a disappointment. This is a Petroglyph Fan Forums (unofficial of course), but you guys that think the game has disappointed should appreciate the efforts of Petroglyph in creating an ultimate Star Wars RTS experience for us gamers. Just because the SSD is not in or it only goes up to Yavin does not mean this game is going to suck. I believe the Star Wars: Empire at War will be just as good without all the EU ships in. I personally am going to remain true to the purpose of this forum: being a fan of Petroglyph and supporting them and their game-making efforts. I know this is a long post, but this has been sitting on my chest and I needed to get it off. Cain if I did something wrong delete the post and pm and I did not intentionally mean to step over bounds. [/rant]
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Well that clears my question up...i always thought that it ran through the entire Orgianal Trilogy...cuz i believe in one of the many videos someone said that you would be able to re-enact the classics battles...oh well



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Well, it's not ultimate until you have complete control over it and can take the time it needs to win it. The way it's designed means you will constantly be fighting against the clock to try and crush the Rebellion, or overthrow the Empire. Cause let's face it, if you play as the Empire, you will have to utterly crush the rebellion in order to get peace and order restored to the galaxy. ;)


If there are still a spark of the rebel spirit left when the game ends, you have basically failed your task and would be summary executed for failing the Emperor, irrelevant if you control 90 or 95% of the galaxy at the end. Your sole mission given to you by the Emperor, is to crush the Rebel Alliance. If you can't complete it by the time expires, it doesn't matter if the game tells you you've won if there are still a few rebels left. ;)


I hope you guys are able to find out how to disable the clock, fast, cause the first thing I want to do is just that. ;)


I don't like restraints in an RTS, that's why I think Rebellion still is one of the best (ok, the best ;) ) Star Wars RTS ever created. Grafics and some missing elements such as ground battles left much to be desired, yes, but still. ;)


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Hmm, did I missunderstand it again?


I thought I missunderstood it the first time, then I saw it being said by that Petro guy, but now I'm unsure yet again. Let me look around and I'll confirm or retract my statement. :)


Star Wars: Empire at War.Net Moderator


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Ah yes, here it is, in this very thread actually. ;)

And I quote:

The game ends at the Battle of Yavin (episode 4)

"The game ends at the Battle of Yavin" (probably not right at Yavin, mind you ;) ).

That just screams timelimit to me.


Doesn't it to you aswell?


So, I guess I confirmed my own statement rather than having to retract it.

I wish it was the latter case though. :(


Star Wars: Empire at War.Net Moderator


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- What we do in life, echoes in eternity!

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I beleive what he meant was the we won't see any of the technology, ships fighters, etc past that point.




I second that, but I do also have an impending feeling of doom as far as the game overall is concerned.


It seems to me that the idea of a free form galaxy is an idea of the past. It looks like we will have to wait again for someone to develope a true Star Wars RTS for the time frame that we are really interested in*. I really would rather Lucas didn't make Episodes I-III if I had my way. And I think that if he hadn't, this point in computer graphics and power would see a game like EAW being created for the proper timeline, Episodes IV-VI +.


*A majority of gamers who have been struggling with Rebellion for almost 8 years now. And are old enough to vote. :P

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Now a lot of the people on this forum (not devs of course) are saying this game has failed.


I just woke up, looks like I missed a lot while sleeping. Anyways, I haven’t read a single person saying this game has failed, I think its just a matter of wrong expectations. A lot of people thought that based on “you can reenact classic battlesâ€

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That doesn't scream time limit, it screams the game will end when you get to that point in the story.


Unless i'm mistakin, think of it like Rebillion, you could research all the units and buildings, but once you researched it all the game didn't stop. they game just kept going. This will prolly be the same way once you researched everything you won't need to put the resources into research, and just build the units, and the game is supposed to be non-linear, so you'll do things when you want, how you want.


Although, your prolly finish the game before or shortly after you reach that limit.



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:D yeah I guess. But G. Noone has said that the game has failed. I am sure that there are loads of things that Petroglyph will do to the game in the final run after the Beta test. Maybe there will be an EP IV-VI expansion pack later in the future.
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I agree. (Refer to my post several back). Its just a case of having to change expectations. Happens all the time. I'm sure many people were thinking this game would go up through ROTJ and then the first expansion would be Thrawn and then the second would be New Order. Well folks, that isn't the case. Now we get to kill ewoks in the expansion pack. So be it. This game is going to be great, that is why we are on the forums posting like maniacs.
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well thats a shame, we didnt have as much control over the story as i thought, i guess we just influence the start of the rebellion, not really the events of 4-6


but hey! in our game there is no ep 4! with the alterable timeline, with ANH you need luke skywalker but without him.....there is hope yet!

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Ok, since we now know when the timeline ends. We might as well start looking in the opposite direction for new units. What ships do we expect do see? What happened to all those driod ships? The Driod battleship was 3000k wide. That's no SSD but its still a huge ship on the battlefield and it carries over 60! squadrons. Will any of the other droid army ships make it in? The have a lot of nice destroyers that i suspect LEC would rather make an appearance than the old dreadnaughts. Venator? What early hero ships might there be? I am not that familiar with the technology timeline at the point in the history.
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I doupt we will see any units the seperatists...from episode 3 the entire doid army is shutdown...and from a logical point of veiw (which is an oxymoron...Sci Fi Movies are rarely logical) the empire would have destoyed or disassembled the doid army to prevent anyone from using them. However any of the later republic ships might have a chance...though unlikely.



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I doupt we will see any units the seperatists...from episode 3 the entire doid army is shutdown...and from a logical point of veiw (which is an oxymoron...Sci Fi Movies are rarely logical) the empire would have destoyed or disassembled the doid army to prevent anyone from using them. However any of the later republic ships might have a chance...though unlikely.





Katana fleet anyone? The Victory class is also a hold over from the Republic days and screens show the Acclumator (or was it the Vent-somethingornother) class. It's be nice if you could run across some hidden weapons stash, especially if your the rebels early on.

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lol it goes a bit like this

Captain rebel: SIR! they have us pinned down on Yavin! how will we turn them back?!

General Rebel: Easy, call in..... The Katana Fleet! dun dun dun!

all imp ships and units have a -10 damagae to any katna fleet member.(this means instead of losing life they gain life)

and then the rebels take over the galaxy..

darn and we almost eliminated them too..... :lol:

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Does that answer your question?


"• Begins several years before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, including vehicles and locations from both the classic timeframe and Episode III."



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Does that answer your question?


"• Begins several years before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, including vehicles and locations from both the classic timeframe and Episode III."




Well unfortunately that just says when it begins...in order to know the timeline we need to know when it ends, which we found a few days ago is around the time of then end of ANH...I and others thought the game would go to the end of ROTJ.



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Nope. Just raises questions

Which can't be answered due to the NDA. (Non-Disclosure Agreement).


From what I can tell, this game will go on as long as the DS isn't destroyed. That means all the battles of the OT would be there, just with the possibility of using the DS I instead of the DS II.

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