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New Rebel ships?


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It seems intuitively obvious that there has to be a matching amount of Rebel to Imperial units.


TIE Fighter/Interceptor?/Bomber/Scout = X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing, B-Wing?

Tartan Patrol Cruiser = Correlian Corvette

Broadside Cruiser = Correlian Gunship

Acclamator Cruiser = Nebulon B Frigate

Interdictor Cruiser = Marauder Cruiser

Victory Star Destroyer = Assault Frigate Mark II

Imperator Star Destroyer = Mon Calimari Cruiser


Super Star Destroyer = ?


Now that we know the SSD is in, what equivalent Rebel ship do you think will also be revealed?


In addition, how probable do you think other ships' releases are? For example, the Imperial Lancer Frigate. Or the Carrack Cruiser. If that was likely, what Rebel equivalents do you think we would see?

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I hope they don't make ships for each side that are comparable to each other. Who cares if the rebels don't have one ship that can take an SSD? It's unrealistic from a Star Wars point of view for them to be able to match up in terms of power with the Imperials. I want the SSD to have no Rebel counterpart.
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I had a dream last night (And I am being 100% serious) about a Bulwark cruiser kicking my ass. I woke up laughing. It took me two squadrons of ties and one of tie bombers and a lancer frig just to take out their one squadron of X-wings. Then I was able to take out thier only escort ship they had suprisingly easily, which didn't look like any ship i have seen before it was similar to a nebulon B only minus the vertical protrusion below the forward section. But the Bulwark took out my few remaining fighters, my lancer and two ISD's without a scratch. It was a nightmare.
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I had a dream last night (And I am being 100% serious) about a Bulwark cruiser kicking my a**. I woke up laughing. It took me two squadrons of ties and one of tie bombers and a lancer frig just to take out their one squadron of X-wings. Then I was able to take out thier only escort ship they had suprisingly easily, which didn't look like any ship i have seen before it was similar to a nebulon B only minus the vertical protrusion below the forward section. But the Bulwark took out my few remaining fighters, my lancer and two ISD's without a scratch. It was a nightmare.

Lol that's funny. :lol: I wish I'd have SW: EaW dreams though. Anyways I agree that there should not be the same ships for both sides (same type).

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If they are to add something similar to the SSD, then I surely hope they use the Bulwark Battlecruiser.


I darely hope they arn't going to go all creative and create another behemoth cruiser on the rebel side. I was barely able to swallow and move on when the Bulwark was introduced the first time in Rebellion.


Alliance with a behemoth ship, what the hell?!?


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I sure hope they dont make the game have two equivelant sides, thats just way boring. They need to make each side have its pros and cons. They dont need ships that match up with each other. As for the list I woulnt say its entirely accurate either, because we dont know the exact stats of all the ships so it's too early to say which ships "match" up with others. All we can do now is speculate. I just hope that they dont make two boring identical sides that best each other in all areas of combat.


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If they are to add something similar to the SSD, then I surely hope they use the Bulwark Battlecruiser.


They have noted that there will be some EU units. A SSD could easily be balanced out with b-wings, k-wings and E-wings without having to give the rebs a ship they don't really have.

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I have no idea why everybody is so worried about cepts and b-wings. They WILL be in the game. Any reasonable logic points to that. The inclussion of some EU units, the need for a larger tech tree than they have shown us so far, the fact that those are obvious fan favorites.... the list goes on. B-Wings AND Cepts with both be in the game. I can gurantee it. Stop worrying. Defenders/K-wings/E-wings is another story.
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I have no idea why everybody is so worried about cepts and b-wings. They WILL be in the game. Any reasonable logic points to that. The inclussion of some EU units, the need for a larger tech tree than they have shown us so far, the fact that those are obvious fan favorites.... the list goes on. B-Wings AND Cepts with both be in the game. I can gurantee it. Stop worrying. Defenders/K-wings/E-wings is another story.

I believed from the start that they would have B-Wings and Tie-Interceptors, but I bet that a lot of people will keep harping on this until the devs officially say they both are in. I agree with you Makwu. It's obvious that both HAVE to be in the game.

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Woah woah woah woah...I did not say that I was in favor of cookie-cutter match-ups! :?


I just merely pointed out that numerically, there seems to be the same amount of units per side.


That said, now that we know the SSD is in, and we can reasonably suspect more units, what Rebel and Imperial units are left to fill the void, do you think?

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I think the empire will get a cheap and quick cruiser, likely not the carrack. Something similar in capacity to the strike cruiser from rebellion but they will make a new ship for it. They will definetly get the Lancer or the Defender, but not both.


Rebellion will get a dreadnaught or an assualt frigate of some sort, plus an MC90 or Aldaraan War Frigate and they will get a carrier.

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