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darn you sam! i told you to post, but not to this extreme, time for a beatdown now bucko :D


uum if i was being silly i would have an empire of........jawas and ewoks/wookies

that would mock other races and be pretty cool

they are pretty ferocious too! they bite..... :(

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Hmm...depends on the type.


I suppose for the most effective and repressive of police states, I would have a totalitarian theocracy. Just think about it: the average citizen has to not only watch what he does because Big Brother has an eye on him, but because God/Allah/who the fuck ever will smite him with unending fury for disobeying the state (or so he is conditioned to believe).

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Yes, state-driven command economies don't really pan out too well, history has shown. Be it a right wing planned economy (fascism) or a left-wing one (Marxism). Fascism in particular would fair poorly under current global economic trends because it specifically places importance on a state becoming "self-sufficient" on its own resources - a feat of impossibility in today's global marketplace.


Although, to be fair to Marxism, you could speculate that in that particular instance, we've never truly been able to see what a real socialist economy can do because every 3rd world nation that declared itself Marxist within the last century has been either invaded, blockaded, or shut off to international trade by our forces, or by our allies. You could also speculate that - the same with fascism - today's new global market especially limits our view of a socialist economy's effectiveness or lack therof. Trade is the lifeblood of any country's economy. And no one can trade with you if you're blockaded, or everyone else is bullied away from trading with you.


That said, my totalitarian theocracy might be economically stable if it allowed say, free enterprise, among its (dronish) citizens, and maintained open trading relations with the big players. Worked for the Taliban, worked for Hussein's Iraq until '91, works for Saudi Arabia. :roll:

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but if you rule the galxy whart economy is there? yopu could make em succumb to your wishes?

but all ewoks aside i would have a role system. I dunno the term for it but like 1 planet does this job, and another planet does a diffrent job, and if one planet resists then you send in your military from your military planets to get them back to work, its all the little pieces that makes the whole machine work.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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also W00T black mage guy! http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a9/Hadoken13/thevisionofhypnotics.jpg remember that ?

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blaack mage has one purpose

to use his stab stabbyness on fighter! and mebbe on other ppl too......

gotta love his HADOKEN! and i like the burning of dwarfland series, the best!

gotta love thief too

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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hey if you want to download the pics just go to the 8-bit theatre site go to profiles right click on the pictures of the people and save as, but you can't take the black mage one cauase i already have the cool one, i used to have a better one, wait a second, i do *fast paced change pic* hey imagine an 8-bit theatre empire
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heh, didn 't log on, thought i was logged on for me, can't change pic, too large, but you should still do what i said, now for my empire, if i was serious, i would make a good empire with a lot of rules i forgot now and traveling air tube thingys, in sillyness, nazi pirates, har har me buckos (guy (gen. vader) get's this, no one else will)
The Rain God
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But not Iran or North Korea. If you can't remain pragmatic, you die.


Oh, the Saudi people may be very religous, but the controling royalty really isn't.


I didn't understand your first sentence, so bear with me if I get something of it wrong. Are you saying that these countries are statist, and haven't been blockaded? Statist, hell yes, but North Korea has been under blockade for a good 50+ years. Iran as well has been under trade embargo as well, ever since the Iranian hostage situation; a mere few years after its current theocratic government took power (approx. 25 years).


As for the Saudis, I never ever said that the theocracy's rulers themselves had to be pious. :P I mean shit, wouldn't all that power and clout make you a hedonist, too?

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You were saying the whole totalaterian thing worked for the Taliban, Iraq, and the Suadi's. I think the reason was, they knew how to play the sides and make themselves useful, and at times, needed. Hence the world was (and in some cases still is) willing to turn a blind eye towards them. Once the stop being useful and are precived to be a threat, bad things happen to them.
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