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Capital ships or fighters?

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It's more fun with fighters I'd say. I have more fun annoying the capital ships by flying around them with swarms of fighters.

Imp. Gunner: Sir! We can't get firing solutions! They're too fast!

Capt.: By all that's Imperial you'll find solutions officer!


Anyway I've always been a starfighter jockey at heart (love wedge, luke, corran, etc.), so I'm a die-hard starfighter man.

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Given a standard game, I go for a mixed group. Fighters screen the cap. ships and provide cover for bombers, while the big boys slug it out and the bombers soften up and finish off the enemies cap. ships. But if I had near unlimited resources, I'd go with a huge capital ship fleet with corvettes and specialized frigates providing anti-fighter support and use the fighter squadrons as recon, hit and run missions, and (if they can go atmo) air support for ground troops. I get rid of the bombers and the fighters would be more attack fighter than your standard air/space supiriority fighter.
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Actually, a 100 squadrons wouldn't be enough against 25 Eclipse. The fighters would run out of ammo before they knocked them all down even if the squadrons somehow took 0 causualties and if the Eclipse's didn't have fighters of their own.


Would the Suncrusher count as a fighter?

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I prefer seeing Capital ships dog it out one on one. I love seeing their turbo lasers firing at each other and slowly damaging each other. Imperial capital ships are my favorite espicially Star destroyers or interdictors (for their gravity wheels)


> Petroglyph Forums Moderator

> LucasForums Moderator

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yea i dunno why i like capital ships more.



maybe its just because they are so huge and deadly.



i also like the "lore" of the mon calamari ships, they sould beutiful on the inside and each one is a peice of art.

Its a trap! -Admiral Ackbar
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Yeah, I never liked how the X-Wing type games made starfighters these uber-overpowered machines of carnage. Bombers and fighters are tactical units made to cripple specific parts of ships, enabling the capital ships to fight that much more effectively. Capital ships were still the main starship killers.
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Yeah, I never liked how the X-Wing type games made starfighters these uber-overpowered machines of carnage. Bombers and fighters are tactical units made to cripple specific parts of ships, enabling the capital ships to fight that much more effectively. Capital ships were still the main starship killers.

Spoken like a true capital ship lover, but you cannot deny that some fighter squadrons or groups of fighter squadrons, if they are very very good, could possibly hurt a capital ship very badly or even destroy them. It also depends on the fighters or bombers in question. Y-Wings and B-Wings could do extensive damage to capital ships if in significant qualities. Proton torpedoes and concussion missles give starfighters a punch needed to take on capital ships. I don't deny the fact that capital ships do pack a lot more punch than fighters though and are the backbone of any fleet.

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Yeah a Fleet of 12 or 13 could take the galaxy however how would you hold all the regions together. You would need massive fleets to be able to hold the galaxy. The Empire had Millions of ships, the NR Thousands. See where that got them in the EU!!!
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yeh the simply question "What would you do again 25 e SSD?"

i say "Nothing. the fleet can only secure 1 planet. :) we will invade and attack all the other planets and in the end we still waiting for the moment when hes running out of credits :)"

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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I prefer the Rebel fighters, but the Imperial capital ships. If I had to go for only one I'd probably prefer to go for the star destroyers more... so capital ships. Still, it's a tough decision.


For EAW I'm likely to create both fighters and capitals in great number. It's more about what I need at the time than anything else.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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capital ships all the way all i need is a few lancers and all ur little starfighters will be dead :twisted:

*pouts* True that Hadoken. :D Now I'm going to get ten times the number of fighters and swarm your lancers. :lol:

i think you just said the magic word and it was HADOKEN!!!! ha now ur dead......but i think i will prolly build a 3/1 ratio of fighters squads to capital ships

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  • 1 month later...
the capital ships are gonna be awesome, but dogfights are awesome too. But what i got from the leaked info, dogfights wont really be dogfights i guess, like i dunno, we'll find out when the game comes out.


EaW.net Moderator

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I'm a capital ship person since they do more damage and freighters die like flies when attacked. I'll mass produce Capital ships and fighters since do more but is more expensive.
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the Cap ships are cool and good in most situations but where subtlety is concerned id go for fighters and shuttles and maybe a Squad of Wraiths




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