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Episode III Plot theories


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Okay okay, I know it's been discussed before and elsewhere. But it's always fun to hear everyone's theories on the next film.


The working date is the 25th May 2005, so there's plenty of time for arguing how it is the Mace will die, and how Anakin will end up in the armour, will it really be lava?!?


Come on, you know you want to!

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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I think it will be the best episode ever. Darth Vader made the whole series famous, and this is a movie exactly about him.

I'm more curious about the drama. How will they adapt this deeply emotional and shocking turn of events in a scifi movie.

I think, as in ep I. and II. there will be only a few things enlighted from the technical side. Ties will just show up in a scene suddenly. There are many problems to be solved in this movie. 28 years! A great challenge for the dudes in Hollywood..

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Obviously none of us know what will happen in episode III, but here is my guess:


1: Padme will start to realise that Anakin is going over to the Dark Side and and confide this fact to Obi-Wan, who in turn confronts Anakin and a lightsaber fight ensues fatally injuring young Skywalker.


2: Palpatine will reveal himself to the universe as Darth Sidious and proclaim himself Emperor. He will also put a bounty on the head of any Jedi or Padawan, leading to a final duel between Yoda and Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus on the planet Dagobah.


3: Obi-Wan after defeating Anakin, takes a very pregenant Padme to see Yoda on Dagobah where she gives birth to Luke and Leia.


4: Characters from the original trilogy will make cameos, such as Moff Tarkin, Captain Dodanna and maybe even Hal Horn?

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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How would Palpatine get away with declaring the bounty? What reasoning would he use?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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Maybe he blames them for the start of the Clone Wars. It was a Jedi who ordered them to be built, and Yoda did bring them to fight the Trade Federation Army. He probably uses stuff like that to blame the universes problems on the Jedi and increase the general dislike for them.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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Could be.... :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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2.Star Destroyers

3.TIE Fighters



2: Palpatine will reveal himself to the universe as Darth Sidious and proclaim himself Emperor. He will also put a bounty on the head of any Jedi or Padawan
I do not believe Palpatine will reveal he is Darth Sidious because that would probably poise the Trade Federation and the other groups Sidious used against the new Empire. Instead, I think he will simply reveal the fact that he can use the Force. Of cours,e the question of why he is purging the Jedi if he in fact is one will arrise, but he will probably blame some MAJOR catastrophy (such as the Clone Wars) on the Jedi, diverting attention away and instead against the Jedi (using his political charisma, of course).


leading to a final duel between Yoda and Count Dooku/Darth Tyrannus on the planet Dagobah.
So do you believe that Dooku was in fact the Dark Jedi mentioned to have reached Dagobah in the Thrawn triology and Hand of Thrawn duology? He was said to be from Byss (I believe) . . . where is Dooku from?


4: Characters from the original trilogy will make cameos, such as Moff Tarkin, Captain Dodanna and maybe even Hal Horn?
I read somewhere that the EU has movie characters in them, but the movies do not have EU characters in them. I HUGE arguement was made over this at TheForce.Net, but it basically concluded that the EU characters do NOT appear in the movies. Perhaps this would be a good idea for another thread. . . .
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Bare something in mind guys, that I think is interesting... In ANH the Empire was still democratic untill Tarkin announced to his executive Death Star command staff that the Emperor had disbanded the Senate. That means it endured all the way through Episode III untill the events of ANH.


But also, he refers to the Jedi Knights/the Force as an 'ancient religion' which suggests they weren't around for a heck of a long time; ie: not after what's going to happen in Episode III... think about it...

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That Dark Jedi was from Bpfassh, Dooku was the Count of Serenno. I think in the Thrawn books it was said that this darksider, who kidnapped Jorj Car'das was from Bpfassh.


What do you think about the recently posted "draft script" by SOCL (? wild guess, I think it was him). Some things in there are pretty good, like Vader's surgery. But some of the dialogs and the general drift of events with Obi Wan and Cpt. Antilles could be more elaborate in my opinion.


Good point Jahled, I forgot about the still democratic Empire in ANH.


Well, somehow Palpatine has to get rid of all the Jedi and I'd like to see an explanation of how Yoda made his vanishing act. Vader and Palpatine don't seem to know, that he's still around in ROTJ (in the book I have, Vader meantiones him, though). Maybe we'll see some other dark Jedi, or the prophets of the dark side...




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..emmm...which also springs to mind Han Solo's comments in ANH in the Millenium Falcon; 'I've been from one side of the galaxy to...' (You guys know the dialogue; taking Luke & Obi-Wun to Alderaan!) essentially stating he had no personal contact with Jedi/the Force, or any tales of them during his upbringing, which would suggest the Jedi were wiped out in the events in Episode III, given how prominant and respected they were during the events of Episodes I & II... I think the Jedi Order is in for a pretty harsh time in the final movie...so long as GL follows the plot...


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Anakin's fall to the dark side:

Padme sees that Anakin, perhpas influenced a bit by Palpatine's comments starts acting bad, she tells Kenobi and Obi-Wan and Anakin wind up fighting on Naboo (? (Molten pit, the smae one where Maul died?).

Palpy rescues him and helps him recover, back on Coruscant he wants revenge and goes tot he Jedi temple, lots of Jedi get killed and in the ends he kills WIndu, too, WIndu's death, possibly nasty, will buy enough time for Yoda to get out.

Among the chaos shocktroopers arrive at the temple (to help anakin) and get killed, Palpy uses this to argument that the Jedi were attacking the Army of the Republic. Since he has the Emergency Powers he will use them to declare the Jedi as a menace to the republic. Somewhere he wil reveal that he has negotiated a treaty wiht the COnfederation... and that it was the JEdi that had caused the crisis by sending spies to GEonosis and then the secretly-built CLone Army.

TIEs and VicStars are introduced and begin to hunt down the Jedi.

During Yoda's escape Kenobi battles and kills Dooku, then escapes with Bail Organa and Padme and a young captain antilles, all of them aided by an opportunistic Chewbacca.

During the escape Kenobi faces Vader again but escapes, the rematch between Master and apprentice will wait for Ep IV.

Obi-Wan brings them to Dagobah, where he knew he'd find Yoda. Padme gives birth. Obi-Wan takes whatever vesel Yoda used to get to TAtooine, while Padme leaves with bail and antilles to Alderaan.

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Bear in mind that it has been confirmed by GL himself that JEJ and Vader will not be in Ep III except for the last 5 minutes. :)

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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What do you think about the recently posted "draft script" by SOCL (? wild guess, I think it was him).
I most certainly did NOT write it! I discovered it some years ago, but didn't think it was anything important (at the time, at least). I haven't even read it the full way through!


..emmm...which also springs to mind Han Solo's comments in ANH in the Millenium Falcon; 'I've been from one side of the galaxy to...' (You guys know the dialogue; taking Luke & Obi-Wun to Alderaan!) essentially stating he had no personal contact with Jedi/the Force, or any tales of them during his upbringing, which would suggest the Jedi were wiped out in the events in Episode III, given how prominant and respected they were during the events of Episodes I & II... I think the Jedi Order is in for a pretty harsh time in the final movie...so long as GL follows the plot...
Very good point, Jahled. I believe, though, that Lucas forgets things in the other SW movies, though, and doesn't try to fix them, just leaves them to be. Example: when was Obi-Wan was apprentice to Qui-Gon, not Yoda as Ben had stated in TESB. Is there something I missed?


and that it was the JEdi that had caused the crisis by sending spies to GEonosis and then the secretly-built CLone Army
I had forgotten that it is said that a Jedi Master ordered the creation of the clones . . . a VERY good way to turn matters against the Jedi. Just like today where we brand a group of people as "evil" because of a few's actions, it is quite plausible that the creation of the clone army and the Clone Wars could be actually to blame on one Jedi, but make all the nager turned against the Jedi as a whole . . . though I doubt GL would think that deeply about the entire situation and in the end I have this bad feeling we, the SW fans, are going to leave the theater with this bad feeling in our stomach about a billion and one contradictions Episode III (much less the other prequels) have in the over-all SW universe. . . .


About the over-all Jedi thing: Who knows, maybe the Jedi will already be under purge at the beginning of the movie for some untold reason or a reason mentioned breifly in the starting introduction (which would make it better so we, the fans, can imagine rather than be dictated to).

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TIEs and VicStars are introduced and begin to hunt down the Jedi.


If the TIE's are introduced in ep III, I don't think that they will be the same model as seen in the Original Trilogy. It doesn't make sense that a model that is twenty years old is still going to be able to go up against a newer fighter. The Y-Wings were already obsolete by the time of ANH, my guess is that the Z-95 headhunter will be introduced. VicStars will probably be introduced, and we will probably see Dodanna as a Captain as one

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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In the Force-net i read that vader's suit will appear in EP III and James Earl Jones, Vader's voice will also be in.

TIEs, yes the first model I imagine it to look like darksaber's republic tie. If you want to see it look at http://www.darksaber.freeserve.co.uk it's a xwa editing site.

SOCL as you pointed out Lucas does contradict the original movies and then he tries to correct them but too subtly for fans to realize this. Yoda was BEn's master during BEn's training as a Jedi child, in AOTC we see Yoda training children obi-wan probably once was trained like that too, soo Kenobi's statement: the jedi master who trained me, wasn't that wrong. But again this theory depends much of the point-of-view thing, i still think that the prequels are not too good... I still like my own more, there are some parts that i really am proud of myself, some noghri vader scenes....

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Where can I read your version of the prequels, Trej?


I can see what you mean by Lucas trying to cover-up his mistakes, but personally I believe Lucas just did a bad job at directing and remembering his own storyline. Granted, the story evolves in his as time goes on, but once you extablish something you can't simply change it and attempt a bad cover-up! Well, you can, but . . . well. . . .

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You can read them once their are finished. I have most of the story in my head. I've written about two-thirds of EP I and some scenes for EP II... and some for EP III, one of them includes Anankin Skywalker's recovery on Wayland after his fight with Kenobi, there the Noghri offer him an armor worthy of a warrior, while Palpy¡'s scientist developed the portable voice distorter... breaithing apparatus the noghri created the mask to look like a skull.

It was my unique chance to portray the Noghri's servitude and wish to honor their Lord Vader.

PArt of my difficulties comes from my realtively big cast, and also some from lengauge...There are things, thecnical stuff mostly and some description that'd be perfect in GErman, narration and dramatic scenes on Spanish and of course dialogues in English....

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Sounds pretty good, Trej, except for one thing. . . .


includes Anankin Skywalker's recovery on Wayland after his fight with Kenobi, there the Noghri. . .
I don't believe Noghri were living on Wayland until after Thrawn (perhaps before, but in that sense were put there by Thrawn after the capture of Mount Tantiss). Plus, it was about during that time that Honoghr had a ship crash into it. Along with that, according to the Thrawn triology, the Noghri did not know Vader until after he was clad in black armor and cape.
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I can see what you mean by Lucas trying to cover-up his mistakes, but personally I believe Lucas just did a bad job at directing and remembering his own storyline. Granted, the story evolves in his as time goes on, but once you extablish something you can't simply change it and attempt a bad cover-up! Well, you can, but . . . well. . . .


I think what Lucas was getting at was that Anakin missed an intergral part of his training, the part that Yoda does while the would-be Jedi are still young. Anakin went right from being a slave to a Padawan, he completly skipped past the process that filters out any potential dark-siders, so Obi-Wan had to give the initial training as well as the Padawan training, so maybe it was the initial training that Obi-Wan had failed in, not the Padawn training, hence the line " I thought I could train him as well as Yoda trained me"

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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You can read the evidence in the first book of the Jedi Padawan series, that Obi Wan was trained by Yoda, before he was Qui-Gon's appentice. I've only bought the first three books of the series, cause I was somehow disappointed, that the books had about half the pages of a regular book, but the full price. But the story, who Obi Wan became Qui-Gon's Padawan (1st book) is not bad and if you got the time, give it a try.




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I'm a little afraid to read those books after buying some of the Young Jedi Knight series.

Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has, how embarrassing. - Yoda


Do not count a human dead until you've seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake. - Bene Gesserit saying

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I think what Lucas was getting at was that Anakin missed an intergral part of his training, the part that Yoda does while the would-be Jedi are still young. Anakin went right from being a slave to a Padawan, he completly skipped past the process that filters out any potential dark-siders, so Obi-Wan had to give the initial training as well as the Padawan training, so maybe it was the initial training that Obi-Wan had failed in, not the Padawn training, hence the line " I thought I could train him as well as Yoda trained me"
Good point!


I'm a little afraid to read those books after buying some of the Young Jedi Knight series.
Agreed! :x
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What was wrong with YJK?

Elvismiggell. Strike me down and i will become more powerful than you can ever imagine...


Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la

Not gone, merely marching far away

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SOCL, I altered it just that one bit for two reasons:

1. Zahn books, while they are great have some mistakes in it. For example: The Noghri matriarch in DFR says that the noghri had served the mpire for 44 years if you do the math, they would have met vader 31y before anh... so i altered it that they met vader... or a dark anakin skywlaker... 18 ybanh.

2. noghri could detect leia as lady vader because of her smell, i can't imagine that vader's suit would give away any particular smell other than electronics and canned oxygen... therefore they must have met him in the flesh...

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