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Dig your grave right next to some undeground cables and youll be set. Although can the dead use computers? Anyway, whats with everyone ging back later than me! :cry: Oh well, i get out sooner! :P I wish i lived in Germany, school till like 1, i go til 2:30 and school starts me for me at 7:30 AM How do others countries go to school much less than the US but still they are much better on their test scores?
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They grade their students higher and teach them harder. Chinese people have to get over 80 or 90% or it'll be a Chinese failure. All the European friends I know are getting mad scores yet I dont care and em near the failing line.
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if you think about it though, where they are raised on such high standards there probably use to it, but if they came to the U.S. everything would seem so easy to them.
I strike again!
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yea, if we fund our schools = less dumb people we can be like the...french! wait wait wait, hold on a sec, lets think,naaw i like our current predicament better.

(no offense to any french/french speakers out in the forums, we love you too!)

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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i go back 2 skl on Friday the fu*ke*s its a friday For hells sake! who goes back to school on a Fu*king Friday!


it really Sucks in England!

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Well I start school tomorrow (or today depending when you read and time zone). Wonder how crappy my school year will be :( Anybody tempted to suicide or skip school yet ? :roll: Bad thought but some people hate school they'll just skip it. :?


Anyways this'll consume my time again.

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suicide not cool ghostly, but hey so was "smoking " but meh what do they know *cough* oohh gotta go to the doc tommorrow, he said to come in when i coughed up my other lung.....wait 1 lung minus 1 lung is...*turns blue* aagghhh

all kidding aside school so farfor me is pretty cool, i found out we have an anime club where i can beat dowwn my opponents in total nerdiness!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Sweet, my first half of school till January is sweet. :) Well sweet enough that I can tolerate it. I hope I can fix up my second half of my school year on friday. Well I got a effects and photographing course :roll:
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heres what I got,


:arrow: Co-op (Job placement course) and I chose "Sears" (Its close and they might have what I want, as in products,and if I pass I might get a job there) (2 periods till lunch)

:arrow: Lunch

:arrow: Communications - Computer special effects and such

:arrow: English - Self explanitory (first time using that word so forgive me if I spelt it wrong :roll: )

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