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EAW Community - Second Interview (WIP)

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"From the reports we know that the ships in the battle must first get into postion of firering. At the Sides they have more firepower so that they turn right or left during the battel. What happened if the enemy destroys the weapon subsystems on the left side. Would my ship turning to get the weapons on the right side in position or will it roll on his own achs to starting fireing to the enemy?"


this is for me an interessting question. Maybe the ship needs to turn around 10 Seconds, but rolling on his own achs only cost 3 Seconds. And in a Battel every singel Second can be turn you battel luck from victory to lost.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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A few questions I'd venture - I'll put down a bunch in the hopes one gets in!



Can you give us a more detailed explanation on how the 2-player "campaign" will work?


How does the Death Star work? How is it destroyed, does it have defenses against other ships, and what happens when planets are destroyed?


What are the estimated minimum system specifications for the game?


How are new unit type aquired? For example, the X-wing would be obtained by raiding the production facility. Are there any other similar "quests" for units?


Is there a limit for how many units may be built?


Do Mon Calamari capital ships have random appearences, or are there several different types which look different?


Are big ships built in shipyards, or in the "galactic map" mode like other units?


Is there any update on how many planets are going to be in the release version?


Are there plans for an expansion of any type?


Will the game be playable over LANs with only one CD?

Currently waiting to get Age of Empires 3, Dawn of War, and Star Wars: Empire at War
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Here's one non-specific question that would put our wonder to rest when it comes to the SSD and B-wing:


Will we see space units seen in Return of the Jedi?


As the game gets closer to the launch will a demo be available to the general public?

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Welcome to our eaw home here imp high admiral :) Plz enjoy your stay. Yor imput on all the topic's will be most welcome

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

Click for EaW Countdown Timer!


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Hi all

<-- new member :)


My questions are all multiplayer related since this is the part i am most curious about. Waiting for a new great multiplayer game since Red Alert 2.



1. If there is a online multiplayer beta test - for balancing issues - how do we become beta testers? Big Lottery? Application (unlikely i know, who should check all those letters *g* )....


2. Will there be an world wide ladder system - WOL style. Basically something as comfortable as we had in RA2 / with Quickmatch, Clantag and Clanladder etc... Plz don't tell me we will get a Gamespy(-server) based system.



second question is very important for me - cause this will make IMO the multiplayer part so much better.



Regards Mooff

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Well I have a few questions.


1. How does the online multi play work? Is it all landbased with up to 8 players or will those 8 players have to deal with space at the same time?


2. In single player or co-op mode you control planets on the galactic map for your resources, how are resources in multi-player skirmish mode gathered or allocated.


3. You have mention that there are only 2 playable sides, if this is the case can you give us an approx amount of different units each side has? I am worried that few units and only 2 sides, the game play could become repetitive quickly.


4. How will the online multi-player work, is it linked to a server, or is it peer to peer once the game has begun.


I think that is all the questions I have. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to address them.

Co-Founder of the |elder| clan, you must be at least 18+ to join and understand the uber wife/girlfriend unit, the most over powered unit created.
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new member here as well


/waves hello :D



:arrow: will people be able to play the same side in a multiplayer skirmish? ie empire vs empire......take it it's a given you can't in the story multiplayer :wink:

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Just to make it more easy becuase now I can answer some of the question but please if you want to know more on a special answer open a new thread. THX:


Is that ship the Demolisher, the Liberator, or the Decimator? It's killing us

Neither nore. I will tell you tomorrow ;)


1) Can you reveal how new units are produce? Example, are there ship yards?

2) If there are production facilities, can you target them?

I will tell you shortly ;)


1) Will there be a skirmish battle for single player or just campaigns and multiplayer ?

Will be possible (Singleplayer Skirmish)


1) How do you plan to address researches in EAW? Will there be the classic research yard, where research affects all existing craft, gaining instant benefit, or the more modern upgrade of individual unit groups by the player's choice as they are needed.


2) We've seen ground based heros, and a sample of their power in Darth Vader. What can we expect from space 'hero' units? Will they have abilities of their own, or if existing Heroes can be applied to different spacefaring vessels will it have an effect other than an attribute boost (to damage and accuracy for example)?


- Researches are done in buildings or the main spacestation. More to this in my EaW special I'm working on.


- Yes. Heroes do have special abilitiers like Force Powers for Sith/Jedis


What is the average length of a battle?
Markus Neumann (Brand Manager Lucas Arts at Activision Germany) told me that he player a multiplayer match against a kolleque and they played for 2 hours and did not even reach the end of the tech tree


Plans on a Beta? Or Multiplayer Demo? (Something we can play before the game is officialy released)

Yes we will! A demo will be released at the beginning of January/End of December (aprox)


what is the final number of planets that will be in the game?
No exact info. Just more than 40


Do you plan to create a community website ? Forums ? Before or after the release ?
This is most likely not going to happen. Why is hard to explain.


One question- Will the Emperor be a playeble hero?



Can you give us a more detailed explanation on how the 2-player "campaign" will work?

It will work as the singleplayer campaign. One player takes the Rebels the other the Imperial Forces.


What are the estimated minimum system specifications for the game?
These are unsure because the Engine is still improved and worked on


1. How does the online multi play work? Is it all landbased with up to 8 players or will those 8 players have to deal with space at the same time?
In multiplayer games it is only possible to select Ground OR Space Combat.
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New Interview Question:


Will it be possible to script a neutral AI to engage in trade between planets. Not really trade but just allowing a neutral AI to be scripted to go to planets and land to conduct business and then leave the planet for another planet.

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I’d like to point out that some questions shouldn’t be asked, since we won’t get an answer. (Ie. Will there be SSD’s?). Also, the way a question is asked will often determine how much info you get in return. Asking yes/no questions should be avoided as well as unclear or questions that are five questions in one. (I find they usually answer the one of five that you are least interested in). Just my two cents.


10 Questions I would ask:


1) We’ve seen the DeathStar now and it appears to be part of the fleet. Can it be targeted by capital ships and can it target them back?


2) Skirmishes in all the C&C series generally are very quick and decisive. However, fans of Star Wars know that SW battles generally play out much slower. What are your goals for skirmish speed in EAW?


3) Most RTS games are about simply having more units than more strategy. This turns them into battles of unit construction skills more than tactical skills. What is being done to avoid this in EAW?


4) In the video it shows hardpoints being targeted but it unclear if you can do a general attack or if ships will automatically go to the next hardpoint after finishing off the first. Could you explain how hardpoints work in EAW?


5) So far we know about missiles, turbolasers, lasers and ion cannons. What other types of space weaponry can we expect?


6) In the videos, the fighters tend to clump a lot. Is this a limitation of system requirements, or are there different foemation/movement options?


7) At E3 it was said that the powercore will be outside of the shields on planets “true to star warsâ€

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Will we be able to capture buildings (ie: space stations shipyards, etc.) ? We will either be able to capture them or else they get given to you when you take over the planet. So one way or another, yes


This question is more about multiplayer. If we do have an engineer or not. ( I mean the CnC unit).

For Singleplayer this isn't really important - for multiplayer it does add a freaky tactic wich can win the game even if you are almost done.

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In terms of building and upgrading units and structures, how does single player campaign compare to single player skirmish?


For campaign, I would assume that buildings and units are built and upgraded soley on the Galaxy Map, while in skirmish, I would assume that you simply manufacture them during the battle.

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