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Finally recognition! and intrestingly enogh..


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look at this months The Economist, with the headlines of BREEDING EVIL? the real impact of video games. and at first i thought it was another anti M games thinng, but it wasnt and it is a good read, and i hope you pick it up.anyways there was this poll that had the total amount of gamers who played...

under 18 years at 35%

18-49 at 43%

50 years and older at 19&

and no age given, at 3%

games are finally mainstream, but we know that,but its not just with the kids, about 2/3rds of people who play are over 18 which i found intresting.


well hope you are more educaated by this :D

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Lol, my dad (before my parents split) used to always tell me to "Hook up the nintendo" of course he was referring to the playstation 2 and MOH: Frontline. He'd never get very far cause hed fall asleep :)
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:? I remember when me and my dad played Sega Genesis and Sonic the hedgehog game then some street fighting game in a 6 pack cartridge with other games. Then came N64 and I soloed from there :?
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Sonic is one of my favorite games. I was playing that when i was liek 3 or 4 years old, and before that the Original Mario on NES.
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sonic was GREAT! i never owned a genesis,but it was one of the earliest games i played in my 15 yrs in llife. then i got a N64, i remember BEGGING my parent s ty to get me one but my grandparents got it. hmm i wonder where i would be without spoiling grandparents? i dare not think about it. with N64, i only have about 6-7 games but they are the best,i will prolly keep it till it breaks down. *sigh* we need to open a console forum.
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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Not just a console forum, but one for all non RTS related games. It's hard to talk about any other types of games without putting it in the pub, which isn't really the greatest place for them.


And surely we play other types of game right... right?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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FPS genre is my primary, closely followed by RTSs. I also play lots-o-platformers and fighting games. Though right now I'm playing more of the "old school" stuff on my NES (8-bit music rocks!!!) and Atari 2600. Ninja Gaiden is are real biatch I'm finding out and I want to get a sega genisis just for Gunstar Heros, that was such a great game.


My dad thinks computers and video games are the bane of all existance. He use to play Madden 2005 (during the football off season) for a bit, but quit that after he started up a bar band. My mom is a closet gamer, she extols the evil of games while playing C&C Red Alert 2. There was a period of time were she had more hours on C&C than I did, and I pissed away enitre weekends playing that game. Also she use to play NES a lot, but after a bad experience with a game called Little Nemo: Advetures in Dreamland she swore that off. My little sis is a Tomb Raider addict and recently has developed a taste for Half-life 2 and Counter-Strike source (she is very scary with a defender.) The latter two games are causing me some distress considering I've got to fight her to play on my own computer.

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My dad does like the Silent Hunter 3 game he got me and keeps on asking, "Sink any ships lately?"


And recently I keep on replying "no my patience for it today is low" or "no since i'm playing this game or surfing the forums"



One of my friends thinks he owns my consoles and hard to make him think otherwise :?

me- "Hey this is my PS2 and my house do what I say"

person- "So what this is my game"

me- "wtf does that have to do with anything"

person- "Its my game so I have the right to play it"

me- "Wtf your in my house and its my console"


Think about it, we're all arguing to play games these days :? All I do now is let him play PS2 and I play games or surf this forum.

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I would play more console games... but my gamecube is downstairs, so I don't much. :roll:


But I do play other genres on the PC. RTS is my favourite, but that doesn't stop me enjoying other games. Also, is it mainly the dads that like games? The only time my mum's ever got involved was with sim city 2000 where she would walk past and tell me to build more parks...

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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lol, Build more parks where she can rest and read a book in the sun under a tree :roll:


Ya dads tend to play more. Some dads then others tho :roll: Well maybe in the next generation we'll see more females playing games that'll turn into gamer girl moms and no more socker mom problem :roll:



Edit: Sockermon problem right here: http://www.mavav.org/

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sonic was GREAT! i never owned a genesis,but it was one of the earliest games i played in my 15 yrs in llife. then i got a N64, i remember BEGGING my parent s ty to get me one but my grandparents got it. hmm i wonder where i would be without spoiling grandparents? i dare not think about it. with N64, i only have about 6-7 games but they are the best,i will prolly keep it till it breaks down. *sigh* we need to open a console forum.


I have all my old consoles and they all work fine, i still get them out from time to time and play games on them, lets see what i have...


1.) NES

2.) Sega Genesis

3.) N64

4.) Sega DreamCast (<-Loved this one)

5.) PS2

6.) XBOX

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Oh lemme see... I've got a

1) Atari 2600 (on death's doorstep)

2) NES (8-bit music rules!)

3) SNES (most played console)

4) N64

5) PS1

6) PS2

7) X-box


Right now I'm actively seeking a good conditon Sega Genisis, a replacement Atari 2600 and sooner or later I'm going to brake down and get a Lamecube... I mean Gamecube. Has 3 or so games I want. Also I'm trying to secure a part time job when my summer job ends so I can afford a $1750 computer I'm going to have built. I'll probably wait a year or two before I go to the next generation of consoles. I'm more of a PC gamer than console.

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gamecube is better then sex i play picmin and animal crossing for hours not to mention mario ddr and star fox assault (not the crappy adventure one) Ohhhhhh and i love Dynasty warriors 4 for the x-box !!!!!! i would love a new place to post about this stuff
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Hadoken and i are pretty much very gamerish and my mom plays quite a few games my dad...meh he does SOME games... BUT my MOST favorite game of all evur...has to be secret of mana ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IT IS BETTER TO POST IN AN EXSISTING THREAD THAN TO START A NEW ONE
Yub Yub commander
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O wow games makes us violent. OMG the Romans in Ancient times were violent since they played video games. Ah so your going to ban video games from the Romans ? O wait they didn't have video games since they were just violent since they wanted to conquer to make a world.


How the heck does media make us violent if the ancient civs were violent from the start ? :?

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