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If you could make an RTS,what would it be like?


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Take note of this petro :wink:

If you could make your own rts, oh that wonderful genre that requires brainpower over twiddling your thumbs, what would your one be like?

I personally would like to make an rts more on the funny side. Every rts so far is serious, but I want to see a strategy game with a good sence of humour.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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I recently had the weird idea of an RTS for superheroes. Sounds a bit odd, but think for a minute. All your normal units would be heroes, randomly generated from various parts/colours. As with most heroes they would have to learn their powers (either through classic research or through veterancy) before they could harness them. These abilities would be slightly randomised too, so for example the classic gun infantry would be replaced in the game by heroes with the ability to fire lasers, attack from distance with lightning or other random traits (all with the same dmg and purpose).


Your classic 'Hero' units would be your superheroes, with the most powerful abilities and strengths. They would of course have more superhero strength than the regular heroes, so more hp, and the potential to tip the tide of battle. Add a hero creator into the mix and you've got yourself a completely customised leadership.


I say they're heroes, but in the end you would have different types of basic outline for team, like the classic superhero set up, or a villain set up, basically like races, so the ultimate powers are set before you begin.


Oh yeah, it would definately stray from being serious. This isn't for existing comic characters, this is a whole new hero world to play with. Just think, a whole city to unleash your crime fighting organisation/crime syndicate upon. But like I said it's just an idea. I often get odd ideas. :wink:

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I want another Mech Commander but on the scale of EaW. Chose you're faction (inner-sphere house, clan, or mercenary), and go at it. For gameplay the inner sphere-houses would have the best production capability and numbers, clans would have the best mechs and training, and mercs can play the other two sides to gain a wide assorment of mechs, vehicles and weapons and have above average pilots. That would be so very sweeeeeet.

A Warhammer 40k variant of that same idea is a close second.

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Guest JediIgor
I'd make a realtime grand strategy game where you can zoom out as far as the galaxy, and zoom in down to a square foot. Then all of the battles would be real time, so you could be fighting on several planets at once (ground or space) and the rest of the game would still be going on. So if you get bogged down in a fight for several "days" don't be surprised when reinforcements arrive ;).
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I would like to see a Anime Mech game since there is only action and RPG games for it on the PS2 and now PS3. I wish to see a RTS game of Gundam. :roll: Its better then you think :roll:
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i have thought of this in the past and i came up to only 1 thing.


3 factions, Flood,Human, and covenant. now ill explain how each would work

the flood

the flood starts out with a builder that builds the main flood. and thats what they would do, make buildings that made the main flood as thier onltyy unit, nothing more. then with your main flood you could go out and attack the humans and covenant, they would do medium-high damage with little armor,so overwhelming your enemies is key. then once your flood gets close enough to attempt a takeover move. then if they are successful, that hunter,elite,spartan etc would be on your side. thier main resource would be blodd, obtained by a steady stream of hosts.


this side is has thier infantry,marines.ranged,marines with sniper rifle. heavy infantry, marine with rocket launcher. air,dropships. transport.jeeps. tanks,scorpion. and then the spartans! the spartans would be like a super marine, cost more,better damage/armor and could further specialize in either ranged unit,infantry, or anti tank, these upgrades would also cost additional resources. and 3 buildings, the bartracjks, where all marines are made, autoshop,m where all veichles are made, then The Lab, where all spartans are made. special units, captain keyes,master chief,etc, avalible in campaign. thier main resource is ammunition,collected by ammo boxes thoughout the map.


infantry,grunts. ranged,jackals. anti tank, brute. spartan equivilant, elite. then their dropship and babnshee as air,ghost as transport, and wraith for tank. they also have morale, whichn increases performance, generated by the prophets. they have 6 buildings, 1 for each of thier units except for the veichles which are made at the autoshop of thiers. thier main resource is plasma. collected at plasma wells found in the map.

now there would be no pop cap, and with the humans and covenant, certain units like spartans and hunters would have increased resistance against the flood. currently there would be no space battles but if there was i wouklld incorporate thier respective battklleships, with the flood using stolen ships in space. so how do you like it? i havent really fine tuned the detaiils, now if i could just buy the rights.....


and if i didnt make this clear, the unit type (ranged,infantry etc.) is followed by the unit, for all of ytou who are confused

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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How i'll make my mech game (If I could)

Note: If you hate anime and hate mechs dont read. If you like anime or mech or one or the other chose to read at your own will.


Have civ 4 like world but much much better and have it actually like earth. Space battles would be connected with earth and would be more like RTW style. Since its an invasion at anytime its all real time.


Now 2 series in one game for 5 factions to chose from.

-Mobile Suit Gundam Series

-Gundam SEED/Destiny:roll:



Earth Federation



Earth Alliance




Earth Federation/Forces have to catch up on mech building so all they get is our 2005 military tech. For space they get these normal space ships and such and are able to build stuff on the moon.

Zaft/Zeon gets these more futuristic stuff like spacecolonies (Orbiting earth like spacestations) and more sophisticated weapons of mass destruction and mechs. :roll:


I got it all planned out somewhere secret so this is just a scrath on a surface such as an apple :roll:

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Gen.Vader sez:

i have thought of this in the past and i came up to only 1 thing.



There is one on every forum... I can't see what people see in HALO, I really can't. I've tried and failed many times.


I would find it intresting to have a Gundam vs. Battletech game. Man would I love to smash a couple of my gundam fanboy friends with a couple of Madcats and Atlases... Earth Feds and Zeon I'd go for in a straight up gundam mod. Unless you want to do an SD Gundam thing :lol:

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Gen.Vader sez:

i have thought of this in the past and i came up to only 1 thing.



There is one on every forum... I can't see what people see in HALO, I really can't. I've tried and failed many times.


I would find it intresting to have a Gundam vs. Battletech game. Man would I love to smash a couple of my gundam fanboy friends with a couple of Madcats and Atlases... Earth Feds and Zeon I'd go for in a straight up gundam mod. Unless you want to do an SD Gundam thing :lol:


I'm not even going to expand in Halo topic or else i'll be a bad moderator.


What I want to do in a mod is have 7 units as neutral for EAW. If things turn out great I wont be bothered that much and I could be like the pirates or peacekeepers and attack when or how I want :roll:


For the RTS, SD Gundam is a joke for kids. Well if I finish school I would love to see a Gundam RTS or make one myself :roll:

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lol SD Gundam Force :roll: Have a hand as a base and protect that weird city. Then the Zaku Zaku army comes in and you would do whatever to stop them lol. Go to different dimentions and recruit other robot dudes (I dont know the SD term for Mobile suit).
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Gen.Vader sez:

i have thought of this in the past and i came up to only 1 thing.



There is one on every forum... I can't see what people see in HALO, I really can't. I've tried and failed many times.


I would find it intresting to have a Gundam vs. Battletech game. Man would I love to smash a couple of my gundam fanboy friends with a couple of Madcats and Atlases... Earth Feds and Zeon I'd go for in a straight up gundam mod. Unless you want to do an SD Gundam thing :lol:


what makes it a bad thing? this idea just came to me,since i had been playing it and wwas on my way home and it sorta just came to me.

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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I watched the first two series of Red vs Blue before playing Halo, and I think that affected my enjoyment of it. It's worth playing just for the feel of the game. But still on topic:


I like the halo idea, but Bungie has the rights to that, so I can see it not happening. At least not yet anyhow. I know near on nothing about Gundam, so Ghosty's idea doesn't really appeal to me. Maybe if I'd seen some maybe I wouldn't feel so ambivalent towards it. My superhero idea, now that was cool, but I can't vote for myself now can I... :wink:


I'd like something original from an RTS, and something not turn based. Sure sometimes turn based games are cool, but they're just not for me.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I don't know. It sounds ok, but I must admit it doesn't have all that much of a grip on me. I was looking for something original story and culture wise like Rise of Legends looks like it will be. Supreme Commander just... it doesn't seem to have any spark...


Maybe I'm alone in this view...

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I can't see a need for a story in RTSs due to the fact I mainly play multiplayer or single player skirmish. I'm much more intrested in gameplay aspects than story. If I want story in a game I'll play an RPG or platformer.

That'sa bit pointless. Developers create campaigns to give you something interesting and different from being called a hax by 9-year-olds all day long. It's like buying Halo just for the Multiplayer. Oh wait....

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Considering most RTSs I play fail at making an intresting story (starcraft being somewhat of an exception), I'm completly content to blow the $#@! out of stuff on multiplayer and simgleplayer skirmish... Not to mention you don't have to put up with defense missions and stealth missions on non-campiagn modes. Also playing humans brings great variaty, or more accurately, un-predictibilty. You think no one will be dumb enough to go one route yet they do, repeated and still somehow succeed on getting through forcing you to re-deploy troops for base defense. Also they go for feints and nasty little trick manuevers that the computer can't replicate. Also I've never played an RTS where someone started going on about "OMG!! soandso is such a h@xx0r!!1!1!", sure I've encountered a few idiots but nothing I couldn't handle.


In conclusion, the campiagn isn't really a nessicity for me. In fact I haven't completed a single player caimpiagn since C&C RA2 came out. I started DoW but never finished it due to the lack of intrest, same thing with Ground Control II, Homeworld, and Homeworld Cataclysm. I haven't even started C&C; Generals, Rise of Nations or Empire Earth I or II's campiagns.

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Well you should also remember that a lot of campaigns in recent games are trying to be more intersting-like I said, Campaign is ment to be different from Multiplayer and offer you some alternative prediciments to fight out of.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Thats probably why I don't like it... The alternatives usually being "defend this unit/building/area for X amount of time", a variant of this is also with a set number of units and/or you must fight your way to another location. I don't care for any of those. Then there are "sneak into this area, blow up the objective without being caught." I really hate the sneak missions.
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