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Hero Ships...


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I think that the SSD will be in there as Flagships only. only characters like Palpatine, Thrawn, Ozzel, Piett, Griff and Vader can have the ship in their fleet.
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I really hope this isn't the case and if it is, a nice mod could fix that. You can build as many of them as you want in Rebellion cant you?
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I could see building SSDs being restricted to when you've got Fondor and Kuat but not for heroes.


I mean, Thrawn never used an SSD...

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I agree with stellar. Build conditions is something that would ballance the game, and at the same time make it plausable. And having a few SSD's around would be very nice.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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But think about it even if you could build as many SSD's as you want there are already some build conditions on them. Cost to build, time to build and cost to maintain. Building only 1 and your looking at a ton of time and money from the time you build it to the time its destroyed.
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I know I'd rather have number of SSD's instead of a DS. I know DS are fun. But from a stragegic stanpoint, it's not a good idea to destroy resourses and credits, and also hero's, when u can take em over by force, aka SSD's muah'ahaha!

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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I agree 100% the only use i could find for the DS would be to finish the game by blowing up the Rebel's main base. And if your able to blow up cap ships. Other than that some more SSD's would be more useful.
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Well, of course IF the DS will be able to destroy Capital Ships, it will be a frightening planet guardian for your main base. It could even scare the Rebels away. If it can only destroy planets, then there's no reason in spending tons of credits on it.
Go Leafs go!
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They'd probably cost a bomb to build, so unless you purposely sit there doing nothing, as does your opponent, you won't get enough of them. Likewise, in that time your opponent will have been building up his own fleet too, and he'll have superior numbers because your SSDs took so long to build.


It will be balanced if you get more than one, surely. If they're designated as Hero ships though, you may find you're allowed only the one (executor probably).

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Guest JediIgor
I think there shouldn't be a cap on the # of units, instead they can cap the # of resources produced per turn, that way it would be hard to make a lot of SSDs unless the games goes on for a really really long time, and by then the Rebels could make dozens of Bulwarks (or hundreds of mon cals) easy.. of course they probably won't include Bulwarks, but I hope they do include everything we seen in the movies including B-Wings.
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no caps on ANYTHING! I hate caps, the only way i would limit thngs a bit is just make sure the amount of resources comin in is slow and not ridiculously fast. I hate it when you can only build X number of units.
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Guest JediIgor
i never played rtw :oops: what was the cap like?


Arbitrary cap of 20 units per army. Unlimited armies, but 10 armies maximum can participate in a battle (not sure about that last one though). The # of units produced ranges from 1 turn to something like 4 turns. It also depends on whether you have enough florin to complete the production.


The important thing is you can build as many units as you want though, until you run out of map space or money anyways :).

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I think that a resource Cap may be usefull. Based on ST and SWR the Cap on resources and manufacturing facilities really helped the structure of the game.
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  • 2 weeks later...

There will be heroe ships: Those which were included in the Alpha at the Games Convention were: The Moldy Crow (Kyle Katarn), The Millenium Falcon, The Accuser (SD), TIE Advanced X-1 (Vader I think), Red Squadron, Slave 1 (Boba Fett).


So far with the Alpha...

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I'm as excited as you, they must have the SSD, it would go against rational logic if they didn't :P I also can't wait for those 4 exclusive screenshots, I hope they have the SSD, B-wings, and interceptors on them and not just cheap screens from the convention.
I strike again!
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I think that a resource Cap may be usefull. Based on ST and SWR the Cap on resources and manufacturing facilities really helped the structure of the game.


What was the cap in SWR?

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