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What does it take to mod a game?


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I was just wondering how everything is done for sheer curiosity. I envy those who have the knowledge to mod a game. The best i can do as far as programming goes is some C++ and Flash - Actionscript. I was just wondering what languages do you use? What programs do you need? How much must you know? Stuff like that. Also how do you mod games through text files? I would love to be able to design my own ships and put them into some of my favorite games but now i dont have the abilities, perhaps in the future. If anyone can answer my questions above or tell me how i can mod through text files thatd be great! Any links, helpful advice, etc. ANYTHING PLEASE! Thanks again!
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Same here but a friend of mine told me not to try it since it takes so long to learn. Also need to much patience just to mod then skin then code.


The only thing I know is Pascal, that stupid noobie picky crap.

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The farthest extent id want to mod would be like i said earlier, design a ship and throw it into a game. I figure id need a 3d program, the only thing is im not about to go spend $500 on one. If anyone could refer me to a cheap but good one (if there is such a thing) or a shareware/freeware one. But back to my point, what im really interested in is what i would need, and need to learn/know to design a ship or any other unit and put it into an RTS game. Im always up for a challenge and am a very quick learner. Plus learning it gives me something to do. Im still game to learn moding through text files too. Thanks guys!
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I'm just hoping it will have a mod selection menu like Battlefield 1942 has. Makes things easier and you dont have to replace things in EAW.


Well to me modeling is the easiest part its the skinning and coding my friend told me i'll be annoyed about. I used a old modeling program at my last school and it seemed easy enough.

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I dunno. I can skin stuff but never managed to model. You need patience to skin and get it to look right, but it isn't all that hard as long as you have a good art program. I myself use picture publisher 7, but any decent art program should do.


Coding I have no experience in in terms of modding other than changing txt files in ST:Armada1, but I should imagine the more difficult stuff would most definately bring a headache...

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I downloaded a free 3d rendering program called blender. Its a little diffucult to work with, but im learning. Right now im actually attempting to render a Star Destroyer. I still need to figure out how to connect shapes and how to delete points without destroying faces. I was looking at what skinning was, i havent gotten to try my hand out at it yet but it doesnt look too diffulcult. THe problem im having now is trying to figure out how to UV map. But will i need to use skinning for my SD? Its pretty much a basic polygonal shaped ship, no curves or anything. I was working on a tutorial that featured skinning in it but the tutorial was very hard to follow and vague. Thanks!
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Skinning's just the basic, arty side, so many tutorials focus on the actual art side of the skinning, which is perhaps the more difficult side if you want to get it perfect. But still it's just creating a .jpg or .bmp or another art format that can be applied the the mesh/3d model.


I'm not certain about modelling, because I've never got very far with it, but people I know use either the free Milkshape 3D, or the expensive set of tools 3D Studios Max.


For a model just displaying in a modelling program, there should be some way of applying a skin to it, but without in depth knowledge of any model program really, I'm not so much of a help there. For a model in a game, there's usually some sort of pretty simple .txt coding that connects models to skins so I'd copy that and use it to link the model to my own skins.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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ok i'm very annoyed.


I'm doing what it says but I cant find no damn picture upload crap. I cant even make a frame. I'm not annoyed at the program but my patience is extremely low today.



edit: Nice, F and B key are your friend :) B and select the 2 points you want to connect and f to get them connected :)


edit: Damn those last 2 dots, cant connect them for some very messed up reason.


edit: yay finally i'm able to connect the last 2 dots, Press C. There that should be helpful for people using Blender :roll:


edit: Lol :roll: Look at this beginner crappiness. On second thought its nice start :P


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No, that looks pretty damn good. More than I can do.


Must have taken a bit of patience getting used to the program and making that.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Dude that is pretty good, this is the best i got thus far. This was like the 2nd tutorial i did, unfortunately it took me way longer than it should have. Not done yet still need a backdrop, ground, mouth color (if i can figure out how to color individual faces) and little touch up work here and there.


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I was tired when I made that comment, its the best I did so far then I screwed it up after. I had a blur of blue on it. Well maybe after I finish reading up on this forum i'll star a Tie Fighter :roll:
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Ive started on a SD but i cant figure out how to get the fine details in it. Its a very basic shape and i cant subsurf it then extrude the faces to add details because it makes it round so maybe ill just subdivide the crap out of it. Maybe ill post that one up here too, just dont laugh at me!
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Here you go but like i said very basic, very low poly model. I still have to figure out how to add in some bigger details and then add in the rough kind of texture. Its a long road ahead...


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Hey I tried making a Tie Fighter twice as 3d and image but I accidently hit a button now its all gone, I was almost done to.


I donno who has MSN or not but if you do wanna help me a bit ? Connecting one shape with another ? The Tutorial is vague in some areas.


Heres my half finished tie, I erased it by mistake and it was 99% done :cry:



:cry: If I saved it I wont be able to edit it like I did with my Zlaty Bazant thing.

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What program are you using? Im doing my crappy stuff on blender, the one thing i dont like about it is that if i dont click 1 button before i render the whole computer crashes. I gotta make by SD wider. Good luck man.
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Blender version 2.3. I cant get the solid stuff, the grey in the box. All I get is pencil markings inside





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Well you octopus lloks like its coming along nicely other than the little problem your having which i dont know what it is nor can i tell you how to fix it. Ill have to give this tut a shot and see how bad of a job i can do at it and how long it will take me to do a bad job. If you come across any other good tutorials PM me or something. Good luck dude
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Tried to make a Tie Fighter but it ended up like this. I call it a Tie Seaker Experimental :roll:


Tie Seaker Experimental, low firepower with low armor. Still in the experimental stages :roll: Time to make a better one :roll: btw can you tell me how to change colors on a color ? Tutorials bore me to death.




Pounding Decimator

:roll: I know it looks like nothing to some people but this is how you start learning :roll:


Anyways I just need to learn how to color one part without coloring another.


Say hello to my little friend (I think i'll find a way to mod this into EAW :roll:)


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Well since EaW looks like such a good game with a community I've never felt more good in ( :wink: ) I think I'm going to try my hand with modding for once (see my two topics on mod ideas). I have a few questions though:

-Where can I download a free modeling program?

-can microsoft image editor be used for skinning?

I think when I get around to modding I'll probably try and see who would want to help me with coding.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Ghostly and Vader89 are using Blender, which is free. I think this is it, but I'm not sure. http://www.blender3d.com/cms/Blender.31.0.html

If you want animated 3d models I've heard that milkshape 3D is a good program for modelling, and is also free. Since some of the models in EAW do show animated flexability, this might be more like certain moving models in game (Stormtroopers with moving limbs, artillery with up and down aiming). Still, I've never had the patience with it for modelling, so it's hard to say.



As far as skinning goes, it really helps to have a good art program. I'm not sure how good microsoft image editor is because I've never used it, but if you're going to skin it's a priority to have a decent program to do it in. If you would like I can give you a hand with skinning when you get around to it.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Im using blender, you can do aniamtion in it but i dont think illbe trying my hand at that just yet. As for ghostly, im trying to figure out the same thing, if you figure it out post or PM me, ive asked it on other forums and havent gotten clear answers. Good luck.
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Ghostly here is my attempt at a tie fighter,, i threw it together in 10 minutes, i also need to leanr how to apply material to eack individual face. For noew im just uv mapping each individual face as you can see with the wings. It is tough to see the shape of everything because its white and there are 2 lamps canceling out eachothers shadows. I also need to figure out how to subsurf one area but not another, like subsurfing the body but not the front windows.


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