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Revenge Class


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Has anyone heared of this imperial ship class before? It is used in the I.M.P.S. - The Relentless movie. A user asked me where this ship is from and if we might see it in EaW. But I haven't heared of this tpye before the IMPS movie. So perhaps one of you has....


In the movie they say that it is a "Revenge Class Heavy Carrier". Could not find it in any database. I think they invented it for the movie, but who knows?! ;)













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The film at that point is very cool. Whoever worked on the CGI in it did a good job, but no I'd never seen one like it before. I never even considered the possibility it would be in EAW, probably for the best because I don't see it happening.


IMPS is cool, but I liked Troops more :P

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I seen that ship before but I dont know where it spawned from. Well as you said it was invented for the movie.


I like that design and it got destroyed in one movie while being built.


Video is: Revolation or something like that

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I am near 100% sure that the model is the same as Admiral Fyyar's Doomgiver.


The model must have been made for the movie as the doomgiver was made for JKII.


The Model also looks as if two star destroyers collided and fused together doesn't it.

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  • 5 months later...
That is completely different from the Doomgiver. Completely. The Revenge is larger and doesn't have cargo pods attached to the lower hull.




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  • 1 month later...
its a great SSD but the fact that they havea  hangar with a Lamba and a Sentinel and they have the entire docking launch bay at the bottom confuses me, whats worse the acting was horrible the chatter was constant and not like the empire would have the ship is good but in truth that means it has 2 command decks and whats worse it has 4 deflector domes, that would put a single Assualt Carrier at the ability of standing up to a SSD for up to 1 hour, which makes no sense.

Person B: Wheres the Emperor, anyway?

Person A: The Emperor is currently at Nal Hutta.

Person B: I don't think he'd be at Nal Hutta it has a swamp.

Person A: Whats wrong with a swamp?

Person B: Well its the Emperor, he would never touch a swamp as hes well the Emperor.

Person A: Your right...

Person B: Instead he'd make a super weapon to destroy the swamp, it'd probably be called the Plunginator!!!!

Person A: Huh?

Person B: Lol....

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that is one ugly star destroyer :P


That one is cool. The Doomgiver is ugly.


To FoshJedi: No it's not, look like over-sized ISD hulls. The configuration isn't remotely similar to the Doomgiver.




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Yeah, its a class they made up, along with the VSD look alikes and the unusual looking version of the AT-ST (Which could be an AT-ST/A).

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Yeah, I think it's supposed to be an AT-ST/A (or they didn't watch the movies enough).




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