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It isn't the same thing, honestly. Not only do they look completely different, one is a slow ground unit and the other is a spacecraft.


I tried to take a pic for you Ghostly, but the DivX prevented me from getting any pics which weren't back with green lines. :?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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greenlines, oi, hmm well I doubt fraps will work. Doesn't matter anyways unless you want to keep on trying so I could see it :roll: Well hope theres update about couple units and Decimator would be in there :roll:
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Ill get you a pic if you can tell me how to take a screen shot. I know im an iddiot for not knowing but i have tried to figure it out yet i cant. If you let me know ill get you a picture.
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Boy am I an idiot. I'm trying all these fancy ways to take a screenshot and turns out I'd just forgotten it takes them for you. :roll:




There are some others I took of it in game, but this should be good enough. If you need more I can take them, but I shouldn't think it'd be necessary.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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nice, hey could you try hosting the game so I could FINALLY try this crappy clone wars game out ? :roll:


NIce vehicle btw :P Its not the V49 Decimator but its the Decimator lol. Running out of names ?


I believe screenshot is printscreen key then find it in the main folder.

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nice, hey could you try hosting the game so I could FINALLY try this crappy clone wars game out ? :roll: NIce vehicle btw :P

Colne Campaigns was not crap! It was the beautiful masterpiece that welcomed me to the wonderful world of rts gaming.


Anyway, the decimator was a one-off just for SWGB. I doubt it will be in.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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I took a closer look at the video (and another one we can see the Decimator in as I found out) and as it seems it is not transport because you can see it firing several missiles vs an incoming squad of A-Wings. At least I think. The video is the GameZone E3 Special. I just cant remember which minute it was in ;)
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ok sorry it was a enjoyable RTS that helped us continue liking RTS :roll: Well the normal battlegrounds did but not the clones since I haven't tried it yet but I have it.
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Yeah i hated the Decimator in that game. It was so slow, and its attack wasn;t even cool looking or anything. It wasnt even that powerful for that matter, also you couldnt beuild them they were just like hero units. Anyway i like SWBG, i didnt like the AI whose tactic is "Build as many freakin guys as you can, oh yeah and build a ton of fortresses." I would love NOT to see the SWBG decimator in EaW. But the ship looks sweet!
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But will they use other ships from Galaxies? Really, I want to see some of those cool Hutt fighters and the black sun stuff.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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we'll see later on but maybe the pirates do have those ships.


ok last time i'll say this (not a threat but just asking) does anybody want to host a game of clone wars so I could see if I could join then see if I can play it ? Haven't tried clone wars yet and would like to. :roll:

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Just for you I think I could try setting something up. I haven't played it in ages, so I'm likely to be a little rusty. Also I'm behind a router, so It's likely I'll need your IP to allow a connection.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Well I still cannot find anything in the canon about the V-49 Decimator. The closest thing which looks like it is the Doomgiver from JKII. The only thing i can think of is that you may have gotten an image of 2 things meeting at the same time.
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That was what I was suggesting :P . My router blocks all access attempts, so I was going to have to allow your IP so it would accept it.


This probably isn't the best place to arrange it, so do you have Msn or some other means of talking easily?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Ah Ghostly, if you're talking about the clone campaigns decimator it was only in the single player missions or any built with the scenario editor. I don't remember what the plot surrounding it was because I haven't played the SP in so long I've forgotten completely.


What exactly is the Demolisher class star destroyer? Do you have any shots of it at all?

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Not right now, I have things I need to do this evening. But if you catch me on Msn sometime I'll gladly host a game again.


I don't know why they used the same name. My guess is the guys who worked on the two games just didn't know about each other's decimator.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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sorry its just hard to find the right people to play games with these days :?


Ya sometimes people thing they came up with the greatest idea but turns out they ended up slightly or fully copying the other :roll: Small world

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Well I still cannot find anything in the canon about the V-49 Decimator. The closest thing which looks like it is the Doomgiver from JKII. The only thing i can think of is that you may have gotten an image of 2 things meeting at the same time.


It would be shhweet, if The Doomgiver would be in the game. But it's not going to, and that's just sad.

Go Leafs go!
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