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I first learnt of the Decimator in SWG but where else has it been mentioned ?


Edit: VT49 Decimator


The VT49 Decimator is most correctly classified as an Assault ship. It is heavily armed and armored, and built to carry light to medium loads into dangerous places. Its form follows its function, and its shape offers a relatively small target with no large fins or wings as seen in some of the less combat-oriented craft of the Empire, such as the Lambda-class shuttle. Armor and deflector shielding is particularly heavy, and the weapons load-out is fearsome and includes turrets capable of engaging any target fast enough to out-maneuver the VT49.


As a ship built to out-fight anything it can outrun, and outrun anything it can't outfight, the Empire uses the Decimator as a multi-role craft and will outfit it to suit the current need. Decimators make simple supply runs to listening outposts in dangerous areas like asteroid belts, perform long-range reconnaissance, serve as temporary listening posts themselves, or act as picket ships at the perimeter of an Imperial fleet. They are also called upon to use their weaponry to carve a path through enemy defenses and insert shock troops and raiding parties, or destroy their targets outright. A more recent duty that has fallen into favor sees Decimators being used more and more as long-duration medium patrol vessels. Also, being easier to hide than a frigate or Star Destroyer, Decimators have been used to set up ambushes in areas believed frequented by Rebel shipping; their cargo space being used to store food for the crew and ammunition ranging from missiles to torpedoes to mines.


Command of a VT49 is a coveted position and point of pride among the middle ranks of the Imperial Navy. It is a lightly-crewed combat vessel for their Captains to command without a higher ranking officer standing behind them constantly. Also, earning a reputation as a skilled VT49 Captain is seen as a jumping-off point to service on the larger ships of the Imperial Navy. The line officers of the Imperial Navy generally look down on the rank and file troops not stationed on capitol ships, but that hasn't stopped the rumor from propagating.




Ok my point is where was this first introduced before SWG ? Well if I can i'll be mass producing Decimators ingame since 1) Its my fav ship next to the Interceptor 2)it is strong enough to protect itself and was worthy to the Empire.



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What the Lady Luck. A Pleasure Yacht??


I think that the Decimator may have been mentioned in the Thrawn Trilogy but not by name. You see at the start of Heir to the Force there is an attack upon The Chimera and Thrawn orders the Picket ships to attack. Maye they are the same class we just don't know. I personally haven't seen the Heir Graphic Novel so I can't really say.

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Lady Luck is a nice yacht in SWG but sucks you cant use it in combat.


Well we have the decimator ingame and I wonder if its going to be as strong as it was in SWG, destroying a fighters in a hit. Wish SWG released more information about where they got the drawings and specs. SOE sucks these days.

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Well any small ship is destroyed straight out when hit by a full turbolaser salvo. Larger ships also suffer massive damage in the area hit.
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So like the Phantom, the TIE experimentals and the TIE Raptor. Not to mention the Scimitar Assault bomber and the Chiss Clawcraft.


Wonder if you will be able to build the Chiss Star Destroyers instead of the original Imperial.

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I think on that website you referred me to for units it has an imperial unknown fighter, the image quality sucks but it looks like this ship your talking about. Shoudl someone contact them and tell em to update the page?
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he already knows but seems to be busy with things. Ya well thats the only place its been shown so thats the only picture of it. Better shots of it will pop up.
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i don;t thnk its the same thing but maybe it is. in galactic battlegrounds they had a decimator as a sort of hero unit. it couldn't fly but it looks the same as the one in the picture. if they have it in this game it should fly since thats what it was meant for.
> http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/7696/briansstarwarssig5fi.jpg
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What ? :shock: you have a picture of this in Battlegrounds ? I played through the Empire through cheating and haven't seen one single glimpse of it (I cheated since it was so badly done).
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No i know what hes thinking of its not the same. In battlegrounds its like a tank thing with a big red ball on top. It may be in the Clone Campaign Expansion. It was a pretty crappy unit in SWGB:CC it was this big tank with this big red sphere on it and when it attacked it fired a little laser that did like 50 damage. I dont think their the same things.
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I have a ripped version of clone wars I want to try out but cant since people either are behind routers or cant get their version working. Could you printscreen it and post it ? Would like to see it. Unless my ripped version could work with yours.
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