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Neutralizing the commander/hero


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Ok, we know that heroes can affect tactical battles in both space and on the ground. Given that, it seems to me a viable tactic would be to specifically target these heroes (or be required to defend your heroes/fleet commander) for the purpose of breaking to moral of the troops. This would either allow youan oppertunity to wipe out panicking troops or to encourage the enemy to retreat. Personally I know that if I was a stormtrooper fighting alongside Vader and I saw him defeated I'd be on the first transport out of there. :)



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Depends. If you're clearly going to win when Vader hits the dust, then there's no point stopping or you lose everything he fought for. "All for one" and all for the guy next in charge, which with any luck will affect your stormtrooper job promotions.


In terms of gameplay the fact that heroes can perminently die would make you more conscious of pulling a full retreat when he gets heavily wounded though. Those who fight and run away... etc, etc.


Still, knowing me I'd probably still fight, I'd just withdraw Vader from the heat of battle to a safe distance.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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I dont think they will include moral (like in Dawn of War). I think these units will give your troops a bonus (or at least those around them) which will of course disappear when the heroe dies. But I dont think they will include fleeing and such stuff. I would already flee when I hear an AT-AT coming close ;)
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I dont think they will include moral (like in Dawn of War). I think these units will give your troops a bonus (or at least those around them) which will of course disappear when the heroe dies. But I dont think they will include fleeing and such stuff. I would already flee when I hear an AT-AT coming close ;)


lol well then grab your anti-AT-AT weapons and hope for the best. Well if my hero dies then i'll try that much harder to get my revenge. :) Hero dies and the boost of revenge goes that much higher for us and probably your AI friends you control.

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> Hero dies and the boost of revenge goes that much higher for us and probably your AI friends you control.


Now that is an interesting concept. Granting the remaining troops a boost would be a kool feature and might even discourage some people from simply reloading their game if they lost a hero. It also has the effect of balancing the gameplay for the person losing a hero. The idea is also consistent with Star Wars lore. When Vader killed Obi his death gave Luke an significant advantage. It also allowed Obi to reappear as a silly green ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi. :lol:



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Just thought what might happen if a hero dies. I know this might or might not be in the game but its just a thought.


If your slightly winning the war or have a great leader that just died the units that been around it with morale and revenge will be boosted for like a year or 2 ingame time or if their goal is completed. If the Imps or Rebels units are heroless maybe they can vote on who to be the next hero until the morale breaks off into nothingness ? Also having Royal Guards protecting your hero might be a good idea ?


Lets say a unit like an AT-AT does 50 damage it will do 100 damage with its weapon system to the max and its aiming is also boosted. (thats if the hero was worthy of having around). Imagine the devistation and morale of the units. ok my example got messed up.

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I think that if Vader is in truble or another hero all the troops should rush to protect him.


By the way could we kill only or capture them too?! I gues we could capture them also.


I also think troops will have morale in the game. You can clearly hear at E3 some rebel troops panicing about Vader's presence.

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Petroglyph FF Admin.

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:arrow: Kill a character -> Upset his troops / interesting but highly unrealistic.


:arrow: I know Katran loves balanceing and gameplay as always :P but history teach us diferently.


:arrow: I think only the rebels will be capable to seek revenge ... the stormy on the other hand will run like hell. - What happened to the Empire after the Emperor and Vader died ?! It all colapsed.


:arrow: What about this options :


1. A character cannot die. If he is damaged enough until his health bar is 0 he drops to the ground and if the enemy sorrounds him for 5 minutes he captures the fallen character. If you sorrund him for 3 minutes you take it home for recuperation. (*Same in space with life pods).


2. If the enemy captures a character he may decide to kill it or torture it for informations. And this may convince you to start a rescue operation.


3. Now the balanceing stuff : If a character is killed you are able to recruit a new one. Let's say an officer will recive promotion. Still this ones experience will be low.


4. Major characters can't be killed but they can be captured ... still if we enable the killing of Maj. Ch. then the game will start to look silly if we are not it will be highly unrealistic ... etc.



:arrow: So I raise another qustion : How we can kill major characters without unbalanceing the game and the story ? And what about characters who become traitors ?! Rebellion had those ...

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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hehe. The idea of capturing and rescuing of heroes sounds very much like hummm.... Rebellion.


For many reasons I think it would be best not to kill off major heroes. I only gave that Obi example to demonstrate that in the movies they make a connection between defeating a major hero and giving the remaining hero an advantage. I agree that any advantage should probably be limitied to Rebels. As is true with real history if a leader of a small rebel group is defeated he often becomes a martyr which in turn strengthens the rebels cause. But if a powerfull leader from an established government falls it has the opposite effect. How does that translate to gameplay? Well if Vader is defeated on the battle field he would not "die" but by some means he would be removed from the battlefield. He would be unavailable to the Imperial side for some undetermined duration. Maybe he is captured, he retreats, he needs to sit in a bacta tank for a month, how his is removed doesn't matter for this discussion. What is important is that as a result of losing a major hero the remaining Imperial troops may decide to retreat sooner than they normally would. And when troops are in retreat they might be easier to kill. This would grant the small groups of Rebel forces a huge tactical advantage if they could neutralizing Vader or any major hero on the Imperial side. The opposite would be true for the Rebels. If you neutralized one of their heroes they would be less likely to retreat and more willing to fight to the last man.


Just a thought :D



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rescuing of heroes sounds very much like hummm.... Rebellion.


Loll ... well EAW looks like a new Rebellion on steroids and with major body rebuilding ...


Yup I agree with your words .... should we email Petro ?! (* I bet they work so hard that they don't even use the internet this days - I didn't see any of them anywere, and Chris our official admin is probably as usual in the Outer Rim with some petroglyph mission)


- just a thought maybe you could add it in our feedback section in the 004 ?!


You seem to be very good at this - you remaind me of someone I know - Loll - I think you are a moder or something, like me, but you don't seem to like SWRebellion to much ... :D


So lets recap :


1. Rebels loose a character (*captured or killed) they recive a boost in morale in that particular battle and if they are under AI they fight to the death with increase power.


2. Imperials loose a character (*captured or killed) they loose morale and start to be more defensive and even decide prematurly to retreat. Of course if they were clones I'm sure they will never done that but the stormy may actually do this (*they did it in the movies many times including when Solo was running after them on Bespin).


- The new question is what will happen when you have two characters in the battle or who knows what number of them and one dies or is captured. (*Still I don't get the caputre mechanism).

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking that they flee once they have 10% health left then go back up but if you anti-aired the place and attack the hero it wont have a way to escape so you can just kill it there.


Common even heroes run out of luck. :roll:


Common quote "we'll see when the game comes out"

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What if the captured character is a jedi. What if u could attempt to turn/seduce that character to the dark side with vader or the emperor himself. Or what if in retrospect, save a dark jedi, and bring them back to the light. Or if the character isn't a jedi, could mental conditioning be done by the empire to turn the character and join there cause, or if rebel, show the imperial character all the lies the empire has shown, and that the empire is evil.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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1. Rebels loose a character (*captured or killed) they recive a boost in morale in that particular battle and if they are under AI they fight to the death with increase power.


2. Imperials loose a character (*captured or killed) they loose morale and start to be more defensive and even decide prematurly to retreat. Of course if they were clones I'm sure they will never done that but the stormy may actually do this (*they did it in the movies many times including when Solo was running after them on Bespin).


Interesting, but I think it would make more sense for both sides to be able to loose morale at the death of a hero, maybe having a randomizer so there's a small chance that units morale will increase in order to avenge the death.

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  • 2 months later...
i think morale loss should be affected by how important the character is to the Faction. eg Mon Mothma would be greater than say LEia or Luke as they arent as public at the time.




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  • 2 weeks later...
I think heroes should die! Chewie, Biggs, Porkins, Vader, Palpatine, Thrawn, etc. Heroes die! The player will just have to cry and then deal with it. The heroes also have a lot of health! They are hard to kill!

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I agree with dork, if heros can die then it supports the making of your own story and it encorges better game play and stragey from players.

-Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of the Rings

-Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

General George Patton Jr

-Cool game being made a high school student, I recommend checking it out. 


Matt Castle



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I agree with dork, if heros can die then it supports the making of your own story and it encorges better game play and stragey from players.


You called me a dork :(:(:( *sniffle* sniffle*

Why? Why do people call me that?



BTW, it does encourage more strategy! What I killed other heroes in BFME or Medieval Total War, it deeply hurt the other player.

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Trust me...I'm a professional.


Some other members and I are trying to be superheroes and save the forums. But we can't do it on our own. We need your help! Join us!



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