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Swarm War Books


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I seriously doubt Lucas will let Skywalker end up on the chopping block, and reintroducing the sith is something that should be approached very carefully. My biggest problem is that it will become to much about internal pressures within the GFFA. While internal pressures may exist in the government with Cal Omas's restructuring and new constitution the GFFA should be much more stable then either the Old or New Republics due to the seperation of powers.


I doubt you'll see many deaths in the Legacy series, and I also heard a rumor that they were being cancelled. Don't put too much hope in those books, and its quite possible that something new will come in and completely destroy those works. We've seen plot replacements before, although they aren't very common they do occur in the Star Wars franchise and some works are also ignored completely.


I personally think the Star Wars universe needs new blood, they've become over reliant on a few authors since the inception of the NJO. Many of the really good authors don't get asked to do works, often times because they're more inventive, intelligent, or independent then others. I mean Zahn isn't doing anything for them, and the only one thats fairly good with words in the bunch doing legacy is Allston. The EU could easily die if this continues.

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I think that since the End of the original Thrawn Trilogy there hasn't been a good series of books for the EU. NJO was alright and I think that the Thrawn Duology was another hit but seriously the EU has been dying for a while. Lucas needs to grab it by the scruff of the neck or this will become another Callista Trilogy Scenario.
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  • 2 weeks later...

i agree with FOsh on this the last good series that cam from the EU people was the hand of Thrawn Duology by Timothy Zahn he is the master of the EU the Invention of Thrawn Brought the EU to Life because he Let everyone believe in the EU and knows how to write a good series and keep people guessing about plot eg the CLone tanks! and the Noghris's involvement in the assassination of Thrawn but id have lyked 2 have cin Rukh survive that would have been good. because of his Mercyless attitude. and deathly stealth.

i think Thrawn gunna make a reappearence soon he has to even if he is as a Chiss again his tactical brilliance is amasing and cant just end by a death if he has its just not right.


and the Swarm Book are going to kill the EU if we dont do summat 2 stop them!




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  • 1 month later...

The EU should die for awhile, would be the best possible thing for it.


wont happen though since they are still money makers, would like to see them get so bad that no one buys them any more and they don't become "official" EU.


It just seems they are thinking up the most rediculous things for shock value.


I just want some good interesting star warsy stories


wouldn't mind the rewriting of the whole EU. Take the good stuff but trash the crap and fit things into the prequel continuity.

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Yeah, as strange as it sounds, perhaps taking the profit motivation out of Star Wars novels will make the stories good again. After all, Shadows of the Empire came out before all that crazy Special Edition stuff, and look how fabulous a story that was.


I liked the X-Wing and Wraith Squadron series.


And is it really true that the Dark Nest trilogy postulates that the Killicks invented the Force? :|

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It postulates that the Killiks created Centrepoint and the Maw. But they were actually created by the humanoid species that drove the killiks from Alderaan.

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I don't like the EU as a whole, because as a whole it isn't very consistent. I was of the opinion before Episode I that only Lucas should write Star Wars stories, now I think no one should...

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I don't like the EU as a whole, because as a whole it isn't very consistent. I was of the opinion before Episode I that only Lucas should write Star Wars stories, now I think no one should...


Let him write, just not direct.

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yeah Lucas did kind of go back on his orginal inventions, with the whole midi-chlorian thing that was just going to far and also the fact that he keeps inventing new worlds when one of the old worlds would have sufficed! like Mustafar, Sernpidal or Sarapin would have surficed for it.


Also how can a thing like having the 'Battle Meditation' power millenia before in the games then it was decidedly 'forgotten' and the 'force meld' how can they have data like that just completely vanish for millenia.


Also the fact that the Darth Lord of the Sith is from a peaceful world like Naboo is just insane.


but other than that i think that the orginals expecially the fight scenes are amazing.




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yeah Lucas did kind of go back on his orginal inventions, with the whole midi-chlorian thing that was just going to far and also the fact that he keeps inventing new worlds when one of the old worlds would have sufficed! like Mustafar, Sernpidal or Sarapin would have surficed for it.


Also how can a thing like having the 'Battle Meditation' power millenia before in the games then it was decidedly 'forgotten' and the 'force meld' how can they have data like that just completely vanish for millenia.


Also the fact that the Darth Lord of the Sith is from a peaceful world like Naboo is just insane.


but other than that i think that the orginals expecially the fight scenes are amazing.

EU should have to fit into Lucas's vision, not the other way around.


And Paply from Naboo is suppose to be a contradiciton,

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no the first 3 epis should follow what was said before in the books as they were all the old generation books were written following what was said in the 4-6 films and written in 1993+ before Lucas brought out the lastest films. also if he wanted to make them follow what is said in the films then he should have made certian that they did when he approved the publishment of Star Wars Books




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  • 2 weeks later...
Well the second Installments out in britain and its Completely SHIT i hated the plot and the Thing goes against everything we know about the GA its making Cal Omas out to be an Arsehole!




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ok then but the Series might end up killing the EU because if its read by anyone who is just reading then its going to wreck their views of the EU




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