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Swarm War Books


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Has anyone seen the covers for the Dark Nest Trilogy??


Joiner King


Luke Skywalker is worried: A handful of Jedi Knights, including his nephew and niece, Jaina and Jacen Solo, have disappeared into the Unknown Regions in response to a strange cry for help that only they could hear. The isolationist Chiss have angrily lodged a formal complaint, accusing the missing Jedi of meddling in a border dispute between the Chiss and an unidentified aggressor.

Luke has no choice but to head to the Unknown Regions in an attempt to stem the growing tensions before they spill out of control. Han and Leia follow, intent on protecting their children from what could be grave danger. But none of them are prepared for what they find when they reach their destination.


A colony of mysterious aliens is expanding toward the edge of Chiss space. The leader of the alien nest is resolute. Adept in the Force, he is drawing old friends to his side, compelling them to join the colony and meld their Force-abilities with his, even if it leads to all-out war.....



Unseen Queen


Despite being given new worlds to populate, the insectoid Killiks have not found peace. An unknown enemy has been attacking the new nests -- and the Killiks hold the Jedi responsible. Traveling back to the Unknown Regions to unravel the mystery, the Skywalkers and Solos discover an evil far more familiar than they ever expected... and even more terrifying. Why does the Dark Nest want to kill Mara? Will Jacen's apocalyptic vision trigger another galactic war or prevent one? And perhaps most ominous of all, what deadly secret are the Killik's hiding?


To find out, Luke, Mara, Han and Leia must embark on a perilous journey into the uncharted void between right and wrong. The ferocious Unknown Terrors are only the beginning of the awesome challenges that lie ahead in their quest to fathom the unfathomable. For an obscure dispute is about to explode into chaos, pitting Jedi against Jedi -- and threatening the very galaxy itself.....



Swarm War


The Chiss-Killik border war is threatening to engulf the entire galaxy -- raising the awful specter of the Killik sweeping across space to absorb all living creatures into a single hive mind. The only hope for peace lies with the Jedi -- who must not only end the bloodshed between two fierce enemies but also combat the insidious evil spread by the elusive Dark Nest and its unseen queen.


Leia's Jedi skills will be put to the ultimate test in the coming life-and-death battle. As for Luke, he will have to prove, in a lightning display of Force strength and swordplay, that he is -- beyond a shadow of a doubt -- the greatest Jedi Master in the galaxy.....


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Guest JediIgor
Interesting. What other SW books did Troy Denning write, this might actually be a good series. I wonder why they would write "heroes of the new jedi order" if all 3 cover pages feature Han, Leia, and Luke though.
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Interesting. What other SW books did Troy Denning write, this might actually be a good series. I wonder why they would write "heroes of the new jedi order" if all 3 cover pages feature Han, Leia, and Luke though.


He would say this quote as it stars Jacen, Jaina, Han, Leia, Luke, Ben Skywalker, Mara, Kyle Katarn, Raynar Thul and loads of other people from the NJO series of books.

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Guest JediIgor
Okay, Troy Denning wrote A Forest Apart, Star by Star, Recovery, and Tatooine Ghost. I don't remember Recovery (was that an ebook?) but I read Star by Star and it was pretty decent. So maybe this series won't blow like a bunch of other Star Wars books.
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The Lightning you see is the pure force energy. Yoda uses it in EP2 and Luke in Unifying Force. That manifestation seems pure as you surrender to the force.

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sorry mate but raynar died in star by star. i like Troy Denning in his Star by Star but not tattooine ghost. wasn't too great. but anyway this series looks pretty good and at least it has something new to make a story of and not the same old same old.
> http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/7696/briansstarwarssig5fi.jpg
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WRONG!!! I've read Joiner King, Raynar becomes the Joiner King aka UnuThul. Jacen gets together with Tenel Ka FINALLY and Jaina gets together with Zekk. Wierd no??
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I think that the Joiner king isn't very good. It is a poor book with a weak plot. For heaven sake Jacen can use Aing-Tii monk stuff. (First seen around Exocron with Jor'j Cardas Thrawn Duology.)


Luke and Mara use the Dark side without thinking. What!!! Are they Sith now or something?? I must have missed something between the NJO and the Dark nest series.


They have a Jedi Temple again on Coruscant even though coruscant was not to be inhabited for 80 years!!!




How has so much happened. Why are Jaina and Zekk an Item, why did Jacen become Tenel Ka's consort?? This is a wierd book.


WELK, LOMI PLO and Raynar all surived the Crash and are absorbed into the hive.


Can't wait for the Unseen queen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the book was alright but i think that sayin about hte Killiks constracting the maw and that the builders of Centerpoint Station drove them from Alderaan! preposterous if they wanted Alderaan it would be in Corellian System! and that the Killiks are the inventors of the FOrce thats just Stupid i like the introduction of Ben and Rejecting the force after the war thats good id liked to see the Vong and Lando in the next to cause they help to create the universe oh and the Empire cause Pelleaon just helps to create the feel that the Universe is diverse.


erm Zekk and Jaina odd combo i think that it should be Jag and Jaina as it woz set up in Unifying force and the books leading to it otherwise that just a waste of ink to the printers to do that! i vote to bring back Jag and Jaina they were made for each other! Jag should even be in Chiss Space he was leason to the Galactic Alliance.




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I hate these books... The writer tears apart established relationships, makes continuality errors constantly, and utterly destroys Jaina Solos character. This book never should have been written... :!:

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I'm even more POed because I was working on a Post-NJO novel and I'm forced to accomodate this POS. :x


Troy is such a moron... Lets just make a list of all the continuality errors in the book.


1. The Jedi are being led by a "Council of Masters", excuse me, what happened to the High Council?


2. Coruscant is inhabitable? Um, its not supposed to be yet.


3. Jaina Solo isn't in the military? Wait a minute, she's still a squad leader at the end of the NJO and there's strong hints she's planning to make it a career.


4. Leia is playing copilot with Han? I think that statement at the end of the NJO was in jest.


5. Wheres Danni? I mean you should have at least mentioned her, and what sort of relationship does she have with Jacen?


Overall the feel of the situation doesn't seem to fit with the post NJO picture, its a period of rebuilding and reconciliation, none of which seems to actually be occuring in the book.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Well in the 5 years after unifying stuff has happened which we do not fully know about. They didn't say that it was completely habitable and maybe the Jedi formed a special council on Ossus.
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Which makes no sense when you consider that the High Council was formed specifically to keep the Jedi from loosing touch from the rest of the New Republic/GFFA. Cal doesn't seem in character in the book either, nor does the chiss ambassador. I can't recall ever seeing a chiss loose it before this.


I really, really don't like this book and in many portions its exceedingly unclear. Tenel Ka and Jacen's relationship is never really displayed and I'm almost tempted to suggest that it was more a smokecover for Tenel to use to push away the suitors then a serious relationship.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Ugh... Must accelerate work on book to circumvent plot to destroy post-NJO Star Wars stories.


Personally I think having the sudden changes in who has affections to who is just plain wrong. If you want to break Jag and Jaina up do it in a more sensitive manner and don't just abandon characters in the middle of nowhere. It makes those characters that have the sudden change in affections look bad, and when they look bad and less heroic people care less about them.


Oh well, if I get my work published I'll probably PO alot of Tenel Ka's fans and Zekk fans. The storyline I've worked out for my own Post-NJO vision actually kills off both of them (Though it doesn't do it in the first book). Heck I even kill off Kyp Durron!


As far as I was concerned the NJO didn't do the war justice, there should have been many more casualties then there were amongst the Jedi.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Yes, supposably half the Jedi got killed, but if you look at a cross section of all the Jedi Knights and masters we know about much less then 50% of those died.


Killing of Leia and Han? Well I understand them vetoing that but what about Kyp Durron, Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn, Alema Rar, Lowbacca, Zekk, Tenel Ka, Tahiri Veila, or any others of the named jedi which survived.


Considering that my current game plan includes killing off Lowbacca, Zekk, and Kyp Durron in the second installment of the story I'm working on and Tenel Ka in the third the losses and loss rate in the NJO doesn't seem nearly as bad. As to my qualities as a writer, Jedi Igor has read some excerts of my current work and Cain has read some of another story of mine.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Luke and Han. Leia was going to survive and watch Jaina and Jacen fall to the Dark Side again.


Well in the Post NJO series' it seems that there will be more Sith and deaths. Come on Legacy??? First Book Betrayal.... Luke's gonna get slayed by Ben I can see it!!!

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