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Empire At War Trailer Feedback - 004

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The EAW trailer can be found on the LEC EAW site :


" See before posting - Disclamer: I should mention that the developers are not obliged to read this topic or follow our feedback to the letter and i can`t guarantee that it will be found at a later date in EAW or that it will affect or help EAW in any way. Also the developers can`t officialy solocit feedback so this is made at our fan initiative. Developers may already have all our feedback sugestions in the game and we can not garantee, that what we say here will not exist already in the game at the date we post them. You must feedback here only if you consider your feedback to be impersonal and with no conection made to your real person. Also no new ideeas unrelated to LEC or Petroglyph are accepted here just feedback on know issues from the videos and official materials already released. This topic should be deleted by the moderators as soon as they consider it done and unproductive from a moment in time."



Be smart, elaborate your feedback post and be as descriptive as you can. Thank you.


Cain wanted someone else to post this and well nobody did so I guess I will.


Feedback 004:



-Very nice explosions and even as the stormies get blown up like dust in a storm (:50)

-Stormys cheering into battle (which is odd) (2:17 into the vid)

-Snow stormies and a AT-AT behind them killing Rebels (tad bit after 2:17 I believe)



-Rancor - doing the Wookie roar, if its humor you sure made me laugh. If it was since you had lack of audio I have no grudges against you since it was funny :lol:

- Vader is almost as tall as an AT-ST's in one of them pictures and possibly in the video but I heard you'll be able to change the scale ?

-AT-AT still falls the same way (1:48 into vid)


Theres my feedback. Theres nothing wrong with it from what I saw.

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Positive :


~ I like alot the new sound and the bum, bum image display. The voices are perfect. I will give an A+ for the sound.



Medium Negative


~ The rancor has a bug : one leg is in the sand.


~ The graphics look to medium in terms of texture detail. (*Maybe is the video quality iof the trailer)


~ Some of the fighter formations (X wings) were not so impresive. The formation seemd not realistic.


~ I don't think Vader will be able to enter a TIE Tank cause it is still waY larger than the tank.



In two words I can say about the trailer : Very cool !

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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-Good attention to detail. Example - stormtroopers wearing snow armor

-Looking great all around, I cant wait



-Are the power generators really that suseptable, and easy to blow up? 1 pass from a bomber squadron, and it's blown up.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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:arrow:004 Feedback


1. Like it has been said before I love the sound. Nice job Frank ! and his cat also :) Loll.


2. I will like to hear even more combat chat - maybe some pilots voices when they are killed.


3. I will also like to see in the trailer some charater to character disscution. Why Vader cannot decide in the middle of the battle to order some stormtroopers were he sees fit to send them ?! Will the Darth Lord have no personality of his own ? He may follow your orders but he also must show that he does what he likes. I don't like seeing Vader saying all the time :


"As you wish! "


"Yes I follow your order!"


"Yes I obey!"


or something like that / I can't remember exactly all of his words - etc .... Even if you are the Grand Admiral you must stil fear him a little.



4. Trailer Quote .... "Conquer the Star Wars Galaxy" ?! Comeone ... who was the wise guy ? Ismael's "Conquer the Galaxy and forge your destiny !" much better (* Remember non-linear game ?! Forge will suit that better)



5. Some ship models need better pixelshadeing (*Rebel tranporters)

You can see were the 3D builder had preferate ships - the ISD's are way better textured.


:arrow: This is all I could add for now. I will edit myself later.


PS. Great job guys on the trailer it makes me fuzzy with anticipation. We are critical cause this is more productive you guys in the end know best.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Everything except the negative points ;) Great job guys! :)



Tanks driving over infantry! (1:02-1:04, the tank in the lower left corner driving over a stormtrooper)




1. Size of the units. Vader is much to big. (Even bigger than tanks) But also normal troopers are nearly as big as tanks. (Look at the scene with the rebel troopers walking next to the rebel tanks 0:51) I think they will have problems sitting in these... Make them smaller Petro. I think we can handle it ;)



I'm confused. After watching the trailer again sometimes the infantry scale seems to change. Is it possible that the media used is from different states of the game? Especially in the beginning most infantry units seem to be larger. But I have to take a closer look again....



Yes, now I'm sure I'm confused ;)

Have a look:

Small, arent they?

Yes, they look small to me!

Mh, they seem to grow slightly...

The Empires latest invention in anti-armour weaponry? The "Shrinker 2000"?



Vader saying all the time :


"As you wish! "


"Yes I follow your order!"


"Yes I obey!"


or something like that / I can't remember exactly all of his words - etc .... Even if you are the Grand Admiral you must stil fear him a little.




Are the power generators really that suseptable, and easy to blow up? 1 pass from a bomber squadron, and it's blown up.

When you look closer at the generator you can see that it's already damaged. So the Y-Wings just finish the job ;)

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mhh the trailer is great but i think it was show to earlier (now i have seen the trailer and can´t wait to the release ^^)




we have seen in the earlier vids that the generator was blow up with one strike. ^^ maybe they have changed the hitpoint aso but in the trailer we see that the generator had some damage on his surface

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Guest JediIgor


~ I love the prequel Star Wars music, it stirs up memories of my childhood and how much I loved Star Wars. Now if you would improve this trailer and show it on TV, I am sure a bunch of Star Wars fans would go ballistic and buy this game ;).



4. Trailer Quote .... "Conquer the Star Wars Galaxy" ?! Comeone ... who was the wise guy ? Ismael's "Conquer the Galaxy and forge your destiny !" much better (* Remember non-linear game ?! Forge will suit that better)

I'm with Cain here, "Conquer the Star Wars Galaxy?" That's kind of a given, everyone knows Star Wars, there is no point to make it redundant!


By the way, Rebellion used "To control a world, to command a galaxy.." and that suited it quite well.

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I'll start with the stuff I wasn't so sure about.





I wasn't too keen on the text that came up along the bottom left, the whole: "Vader's Imperial Fleet" and "Rebel Base Planet Surface". Kinda assumes you're an idiot and that you don't know a whole heap of stormtroopers lined up in a hangar would be part of the Imperial army. "Rebel Counter Attack"... yeah, might have been able to work that out on my own. :roll: In my opinion, they should either change them to be more informative and relevant, or do away with them entirely.


I wasn't convinced by some of the camera panning. It seemed very staggered in places. Ok, so maybe that's the fault of the engine, but for a trailer they do need the best shots and dodgy battle filming doesn't help. There were occasions when I thought: Why choose that second of film to be in it, the camera pans really badly there. I'm sure smoother shots wouldn't be all that hard to obtain given a little bit more battle recording.





Glad Joshinator noticed the snowtroopers. For some reason I completely missed them first viewing. Little things like that really add to the purpose of the trailer... to make you want the game.


Like Ismael, I liked the image transitions along with the clear cut thuds. Each made a great impact, and added to the atmosphere of the trailer.


Ending works well. Seen similar footage to it before and thought it worked well then too. I think it's the background music that really gives it the edge though.


Agree with everyone about sound all around. Seems to be something they've got spot on (with the exception of the oversized Wookie). You can probably tell this was the most impressive thing about it as a trailer for me.

"And the moral of the story is: Appreciate what you've got, because basically; I'm fantastic." ~ Holly, Red Dwarf



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Looking great! And I'm not a pesemist, I just dont feel like spending hours typing up all the good things I see. So excuse me for only posting my cons.


No real changes from what we have seen before. My main cons stay the same:


1.Unit scaling needs consistency (Or at least an explanation to the fans of what Petro is trying to accomplish).


2.The shield generator is STILL outside of the shield, this really really needs to be changed. Post Here


3.The fighter formations/movements are not consistent with SW universe. Post Here


4. Ship textures on some of the ships need a lot of work. Imperial ships are looking better but still a bit drab, need whiter hulls and all ships need deck lighting. Star Destroyers are looking better, still need whiter hulls. Deck lighting a must to convey size of ships. Post Here

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First off, this is not a demo or gameplay preview. It is a trailer, trailers get people excited about the game; not to inform hardcore fans about the game.


For any in game sounds you heard, were from the SW data bsae of sounds, the ones that are given by Lucas Arts to Petroglyph. Thats why some are off like Rancor and the Pod racing sounds.


The scale is good. You need to see your heros stand out. Scale is never perfect n RTS games. RTS games that came from Westwood never had perfect scale, and they all had great gameplay. There is no problem with scale becasue this is an RTS game. It is off, but it is a RTS.


AT-ATs trip over the wire like that. They fall forward, because that how the motion is going.


If you saw the generator, you would have notice it was damaged. Also it was just a preview not the real gameplay. In the game you may have AA units and other defense for it.


Its a trailer and you are to hear little in game voice acting for units.


The Desert seen and planet view of the transports was from in older version, it was part of some the first previews for the press in video. They didnt change it out. If you look at the new screenshots, the detail in all ships have been increased.


Can't put on TV let, since the game comes out in 2006.


So much more I can say, but I choose not to, because no one changes their opinion.

I must not fear

Fear is the mind-killer

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

I will face my fear

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing

Only I will remain

-- The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

from the novel Dune by Frank Herbert


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Good points cobra. The changing of the scaling is still a mystery to me. Some reasons for this could be that they have since changed the scaling, and the clips mixed in the trailer are of the old scaling and the new scaling. Or, perhaps scaling changes based on how close the camera is as in HW. I agree that heros being a bit larger makes sense from a gameplay standpoint. I'd just like to hear what petro has to say on the matter since this has been an ongoing debate. The scaling of the fighters/capitalships to me needs correcting much more than the ground/hero units from what I have seen.
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Hopefully they start posting Dev Journals and stuff like that. Mostly likey when they reduce their work load. or they have more permission from Lucas Arts (The marketing deperment) to talk about the game. I assume this of course.

I must not fear

Fear is the mind-killer

Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration

I will face my fear

I will permit it to pass over me and through me

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing

Only I will remain

-- The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

from the novel Dune by Frank Herbert


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Dev journals ? Haven't seen those in awhile even when Star Wars Galaxies posted them about JTLS. In the Future would be nice seeing renders of ships they made for the fun of it. The scaling rumor going around is annoying and cant get it nailed down but I havne't noticed any unit size chages, must be me that accepts any size. :?
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Dev journals ? Haven't seen those in awhile even when Star Wars Galaxies posted them about JTLS. In the Future would be nice seeing renders of ships they made for the fun of it. The scaling rumor going around is annoying and cant get it nailed down but I havne't noticed any unit size chages, must be me that accepts any size. :?


I don't remember where I read this, on official forums/website or perhaps on Petroden, but i read that EaW devs should have journals.


About the scale, they said it was the best possible to have a good view of the units dont' they ?



About feedback i must admit that I little worry about graphic quality, I hope we'll see improvement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not want to appear pessimistic, but I saw REALLY ugly things. I want to play a game that looks like the original films, not some chimaera.

In order of spotting:

- *Emperor's voice* "The war for the Star Wars galaxy", what's this thing? We are in the middle of a galactic civil war! We have no time for another war! *normal voice* I totally agree, like of we weren't aware of the star-warsiness!


-Soldiers scale: I know that gameplay is important, but I don't want to have to imagine that smaller version of characters that are present are manning the vehicle next to them. Anyway, why not make floating icons for SQUADS, and scale them correctly? We will never need a single man, and to make what anyway? A simple soldier would not be able to do things we would only select him thus needing a special unit thus selectable one-by-one. Simple logic.


-Tie fighter vanishing in blue balls with smoke around, like ground explosions. I cannot remember seeing this in films, can someone show me a shot of one of them exploding like this? (preferably in the original trilogy)


-Corellian corvettes also vanishing in balls with smoke, d*mn I could accept fighters, but Capital ships just DISAPPEARING IN ONE BLAST? I suggest making them part and then blowing the smaller parts... (beatifully shown at 1:58, go frame-by-frame, it's beautiful! really beautiful to see that engine glows stay)


-Laser bolts being too 'cohesive'. I remember of long, thin rays, not balls as they appear in the trailer (look when you see ISDs from behind at 1:22)


-Missiles! berk! (1:32, upper right-hand corner, only on a few frames, use media player classic if need to)


-At the same time on the trailer, I've the impression that X-wings stop and turn, a fighter should NEVER do that, it makes him a sitting duck!

Also, their speed is not shown by... incorrect scaling! Fighters are agile, not cumbersome. (look at the TIEs, it reminds of Taxi: they didn't remove the handbrake)


Now on to easier part:


About the shield generator, what's the matter? a full carge shot of an AT-AT destroyed the one on Hoth. Also, I didn't see the shield on Hoth. What was it protecting? the sky? ^_^ Guess on white background it doesn't show...


From what I've seen of the destroying ISD at the end of the trailer, IT IS STILL THE SAME ISD, has it been resurrected? they AGAIN fired on the same points? Please oh force master of EaW, make different death animation for the ISD...


I also say that all that I said in the thread "E3 EAW Feeddback 003"

still holds...


But the explosions of planets and the death star firing is OK... :roll:


(note to self: you make the game looking bad, search something better)


Err... :idea: Oh yes, TIEs now deserve their name! thanks LEC (see my post in the said thread) And that would be cool to crush rebels :D Our overwhelming number of TIEs... err, aren't they 'balanced' now? oh how unfair...


Well, I would also like some constructive criticism over what I said if need be...


Until I have more to say...


Shalashaska out

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