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Game Idea-Star Wars: The Old Jedi Order


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Okay, I know there have been quite a few game ideas posted lately but I have had this one for a while. I know it would probably be to big to possibly work but I want to know what others think.


The game is kind of a cross between Fable and GTA. You create your Jedi (as a padawan learner) from a various selection of races and both Genders available. You pick what sort of robes they have and at first you only pick the colour of your lightsaber.


The game then starts with you having a master who assists you in missions and teaches you the basics of the game (At the start you are flung into a mission) Space travel is similar to in the KotOR games where you go to your vehicle and pick where you want to go and then you are there.


You can always get missions from the Jedi Council that in general open up missions on other planets. You can only take one Jedi Council Mission at a time and after you complete one you get closer to achieving the rank of Knight. Once you acheive the rank of Knight knew options are available. First you can choose new robes, a new hairstyle and build a new lightsaber (from hilt to blade) You can also take a Padawan of your own (from a selection of Younglings of various species etc) and the game goes on.


I will write the rest of the details up later as I am being nagged off the computer. Please tell me what you think of it so far.

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I'd buy it to go alongside my Sith Lords game! That way I'd be able to kill, maim, terrorise and kill some more before switching discs and enjoying the Light Side for once. Excellent, keep it up!
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Guest JediIgor

Much better than the Sith Lord idea IMHO (no offence, I don't like those kind of games) , I would definitely buy it...


and just like for real, if your Jedi kills too many innocent people he should turn to the Dark side!

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rofl, I sure sparked new topics :) Lol I make topics about actual game and nobody talks in there but make game ideas lol then other people follow lol :roll: Doesn't really bother me but makes those threads go to waste. :roll:


Well I like this idea of "freedom" also :) Thats what made GTA so great its just the small playing area once you fly. In San Andreas I loved going on those slow motor bikes (no not the scooter) and just cruise around on the highway, take me at least an hour to get from point A to point B.


Well if your a Jedi then I guess you need a jedi craft to fly from one planet ot another and if your joining from one place to another on a planet you might want a ride.


If it works out well i'll buy this :)

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Much better than the Sith Lord idea IMHO (no offence, I don't like those kind of games) , I would definitely buy it...


and just like for real, if your Jedi kills too many innocent people he should turn to the Dark side!

Okay, I'm not taking this personally, but:


1: The ability to kill innocents and turn to the Dark Side has already been used in multiple Star Wars games including "Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight", and therefore would provide nothing new.


2: If you don't like the idea of playing like a Sith Lord, then why do you want the ability to turn to the Dark Side anyway? Surely you're asking for something you'd never use, which is slightly pointless.


3: "Those type of games"? What, games based on lightsaber combat? Vehicle games? Stealth games? Games that let you play as a villain, something you seem to be endorsing here with the above post? What?


But as I said, I'm not taking this personally...

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also if it is GTA like, and also like fable,there are 2 things needed.

1. every plaACE(PLANET) YOU GO TO HAS to be pretty much open, and non linear, you could go from a to b and then c to g

2. every actin good or bad,has qn impact on your charachter,most noticeaby i think in thier force powers, good you can heal,protect, etc. and if your doin bad stiuff hen usually dark poers, or you can strike a balance of the 2.

and finally, in a game like this or any star warsy kind, there has to be space combat! dogfighting woot!

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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I did say I hadn't finished. Depending on the way you act (including agressive convo options, killing innocent people etc) you get a dark side meter (you start off aligned with the lightside) if this reaches full next time you go to take a jedi council mission you will be outcast from the order until you return back to the light. (you can become a dark Jedi with a red lightsaber and take evil missions, however it doesn't physically scar you like in KotOR, it is also possible to turn back to the light)


The clone wars would play a part in the game and the Gang System of GTA: SA works with the clones (ones who aren't in your gang still fight, but won't kill innocents if you decide to) You can eventually become a Jedi Master, once you reach this stage of the game you can now command other Jedi. Eventually though the clone wars have to end and the Jedi Purge begins. This is an interesting stage of the game. If you get killed by the clones the game will end with a close up of your dead body and a voice over with Palpatine saying how the Jedi are enemies of the Republic etc . However if you succesfully escape the clones the game ends differently, with your space vehicle heading towards an unamed planet and a voice over with Yoda saying "The days of the Jedi over they are, A New Hope there is." or something along the line of that. Next post I will elaborate on the dark jedi situation.

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I'll try to elaborate on the Dark Jedi idea. I have already said how you become a dark Jedi, killing innocents, using mean conversation options etc. Once your dark side meter reaches its maximum limit the next time you go to the Jedi Council for a mission they will cast you out of the Jedi Order, your lightsaber will be taken and your Padawan will be taken away from you.


At this stage you can drift through the planets, without a lightsaber no Jedi Robes (normal star wars clothing). Or you can come in contact with Count Dooku (this can take place before or during the clone wars) if you don't contact him you will be contacted eventually. Once you come in contact with Dooku you become his personal hitman (I know that is a little big GTA reference) but you get a red lightsaber, new robes and do missions involving killing Senators, Jedi and commanding droid forces.


However no matter how lost in hyperspace your character is they always will have a chance for redemption. Now this isn't an easy thing to do, first you have to give up the temptation of killing innocents, the senators and talking to Dooku. And then you need to get back to doing good deeds, and once that bar gets back to a low level you can return to Coruscant and return to the Jedi Order.

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nice, let me guess, after each jedi trial you'll gain credits :P so when you go down to the store and buy furniture you can place it at your jedi home and outfit it. :roll: Or maybe outfit your ship you recently bought and make it as fancy as possible :) Well you said GTA like so freedom of going to places is what i'm talkin about and freedom of buying things for yourself :P Unless you just want us players to be a jedi and do missions and kill or help things.


question: Multiplayer (4 player multi?) and are you able to shop for parts and such ? :P Next Q&A will be released in 1 week ? :P

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Guest JediIgor

3: "Those type of games"? What, games based on lightsaber combat? Vehicle games? Stealth games? Games that let you play as a villain, something you seem to be endorsing here with the above post? What?


But as I said, I'm not taking this personally...


Games that try to stuff in too much random gameplay end up crap, play Shadows of the Empire lately? It's got first-person action, snowspeeder flying action, space flying action, jetpacks, blasters, and the total sum of the game ain't that great. Plus the way you graciously spanned it across so many episodes clearly makes the game very linear, the outcome completely not up to the player.. on the other hand the person here is proposing a game where the player is in complete control. So while you may say "but killing innocents has been done in DF2 already," I can say "it hasn't been done in any game since" -- KOTOR should've done it but for some reason all NPCs were invincible.. :roll:

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Please don't attack Tyranus on my thread! His game idea is completely unrelated to mine and I don't want anything that could be offensive to him to be on this thread.

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Please don't attack Tyranus on my thread! His game idea is completely unrelated to mine and I don't want anything that could be offensive to him to be on this thread.

Sorry, Fun-We, but I have to answer just this once.


JediIgor: I haven't played "Shadows of the Empire" recently. I sold my Nintendo64 years ago, because game technology has moved on since then. I have now a PlayStation2, and to argue my side of this debate I'm going to use "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing", a game where the player has complete control over James Bond for every single moment and yet still enjoys many different types of gameplay: running and shooting, sneaking, driving an armoured SUV, riding a motorbike, flying a helicopter, shooting from a moving tank and walking up and down walls with a rappelling chord. That's more than "Shadows of the Empire"... but, hang on, games like that end up crap, do they? Then why has "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing" been recognised as possibly the most successful James Bond game to date? Why did it top the charts for almost two months? Why is the new James Bond game, "From Russia With Love" in exactly the same format? New technology means more can be fitted into games than ever before, and using a Nintendo64 game from whey-back-when to argue your point here, in 2005, on the eve of the PlayStation3 and Next Next Generation console war, falls flat, I'm sorry to say. Games like this are more diverse, more entertaining, require more skill to play and still allow complete control of the character.


Thanks Fun-We. I'm sorry about making a mess: from now on, only discuss Fun-We's excellent game idea!

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Guest JediIgor
Oh, you're a console gamer. I'm sure your game idea would be great for a console, as long as it's not ported to the PC everyone will be happy.
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Please don't attack Tyranus on my thread! His game idea is completely unrelated to mine and I don't want anything that could be offensive to him to be on this thread.

Sorry, Fun-We, but I have to answer just this once.


JediIgor: I haven't played "Shadows of the Empire" recently. I sold my Nintendo64 years ago, because game technology has moved on since then. I have now a PlayStation2, and to argue my side of this debate I'm going to use "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing", a game where the player has complete control over James Bond for every single moment and yet still enjoys many different types of gameplay: running and shooting, sneaking, driving an armoured SUV, riding a motorbike, flying a helicopter, shooting from a moving tank and walking up and down walls with a rappelling chord. That's more than "Shadows of the Empire"... but, hang on, games like that end up crap, do they? Then why has "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing" been recognised as possibly the most successful James Bond game to date? Why did it top the charts for almost two months? Why is the new James Bond game, "From Russia With Love" in exactly the same format? New technology means more can be fitted into games than ever before, and using a Nintendo64 game from whey-back-when to argue your point here, in 2005, on the eve of the PlayStation3 and Next Next Generation console war, falls flat, I'm sorry to say. Games like this are more diverse, more entertaining, require more skill to play and still allow complete control of the character.


Thanks Fun-We. I'm sorry about making a mess: from now on, only discuss Fun-We's excellent game idea!


NEVER! GOLDENEYE WILL ALWAYS BE THE BEST!!! now on to what i am getting to. fun we you never said how it would end for the player if he stayed a sith and then the jedi purge happened, could you play a part in this purging? maybe kill yoda?

I've have you now - Lord Vader
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I am still working on the way the game ends if you are a dark Jedi.

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