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SW Empire at War: Reality of Rebellion Mod

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We all know that there will be a realism mod, and everyone has their own idea of realism.  This topic is a place for us to get together and figure out what we want, what may be possible, and what "Reality" we'll use for the game.


Here's some basic ideas for units and what they'd do:


:arrow: Stormtrooper Rifle Team:

Composition: 6 Stormtroopers armed with Blastech E-11 Rifles.  

Effective range: 150 Meters

Sight: Medium

Speed: Low

Accuracy: Medium


:arrow: Stormtrooper Recon Team

Composition: 3 Stormtroopers armed with Blastech E-11 Rifles.

Effective Range: 150 Meters

Sight: High

Speed: High

Accuracy: Medium


:arrow: Stormtrooper Command Team:

Composition: 3 Stormtrooper Officers armed with Blastech E-11 Rifles

Effective Range: 150 Meters

Sight: Medium

Speed: Medium

Accuracy: Low

Special Abilities: Increases accuracy, rate of fire, and sight range of all stormtroopers within 100 meters.


:arrow: Stormtrooper Repeating Blaster Team:

Composition: 2 Stormtroopers armed with Blastech T-21 Repeating Blaster

Effective Range: 150 Meters

Sight: Medium

Speed: Slow

Accuracy: High


I like the idea of adding command teams that can be built to increase the potential for local units.  I'd also love it if it was possible for a squad to be composed of more then one type of trooper.  That way we'd be able to make actual squads with a mixture of weapons.


What do you guys think?

Edited by Cain

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Guest JediIgor

Stellar, do we know what attributes the troops in-game will have, and if you build one stormtrooper at a time or a squad, or what? Maybe we should concentrate on the ships first seeing as how it looks like squads have a fixed # fighters and ships are built apart?


By the way, are we going for the same timeframe here?

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Its not dead, it just got started...


I agree it will be better to start off with the vehicles (These seem to be constructed 1 by 1 in both the space and on the ground) JI. As for the time period, we don't know the victory conditions, if its conquer all the galaxy without having to capture the Vader and Palpatine I see no problem with extending the Time Frame to include the entire Galactic Civil War, from The Corellian Treaty to the Ceasefire with Pelleaon.


So starships: What all should we have for starships...


Here's an idea, if worlds give bonuses we could set it up so that ships built by that world are considerably cheaper then if they're purchased otherwise. Sort of like having to buy a ship on the black market instead of simply building it. We could also scale it so that larger ships get a bigger cut in cost then smaller ships. This could be vital if we wanted to implement the effect of large scale corporations affiliating with sides during the war... KDY, Rendili Star Drives, Mon Calamari, Loronar Systems...


We'd want to rehardpoint (And probably remodel) all the ships in the game... Give the ISD its enormous punch and the Mon Calamari its measely 48 Taim & Bak Turbolasers. Make scales realistic with the enormous 1.6km ISD dwarfing Corvettes and the like.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Guest JediIgor

Stellar, I think that may be too massive for the first version. Hopefully EaW won't have a hardcoded limit of ships/planets/etc, so we don't have to do it all in one version like with Rebellion Reloaded.


Why not something simple like this:

Milestone #1, replace all existing ships with "realistic" counterparts (rebalance stats, maybe replace models and fix scale)


Milestone #2, add all space ships for this time period


Milestone #3, add everything else for this time period


Milestone #4 and beyond, increase scale to include the whole Galactic Civil War (from the Treaty to the Ceasefire). Once we do this, we can use EvilleJedi's ship index, it should have all rebel/imp Star Wars ships.

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Thats basically what I had in mind.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Well, here's some more ideas.


Basically here's what I'd like to accomplish in each possible release...


:arrow: Rebellion Reality Mod v0.1:

Historical unit costs in credits (Think really expensive), realistic range, accuracy, and scale for all units originally in the game.



:arrow: Rebellion Reality Mod v0.15:

Remapping of all planets to accomidate the new ranges of all the units (Each ground map should be at least 20 kilometers across, the maximum range of star wars heavy weaponary often is around 16 kilometers due to the fact that all weapons fire is limited to line of sight firing, beyond that the bend of the horizon stops a shot from reaching its target.)


:arrow: Rebellion Reality Mod v0.2:

Rebalance the units and add a new system of buildings for unit production. Reworking of hero units to accomodate their realistic abilities and to enable them to be equally damageable and vulnerable. Possible means would be to give Jedi near instantaneous regeneration and normal health or only slightly higher health (Compared to the average soldier) to simulate the deflection of blaster bolts (If not included already).


:arrow: Rebellion Reality Mod v0.3:

A new system for unit production based on planets and known corporate entities. Possesion of Kuat enables the construction of KDY facilities throughout your systems in order for the production of KDY vessels and equipment. Other examples of planets or corporations based on this system would include Kamino, Rendili Star Drives, Sienar Fleet Systmes, Mon Calamari, Corellia, and etc... Some units from these corporations will be available without the possesion of the facitities but at much heightened prices (Equivalent to buying on the black market instead of from the company itself.) The amount of credits generated by individual planets will be increased...


:arrow: v0.4: Units of the era not included in original release added.


:arrow: v0.5-v0.8: Galaxy Expansion addition of many planets and trade routes. Hopefully we'll be able to equal or perhaps even surpass the number of systems available in the Star Wars Rebellion. Addition of Late Clonewar units as well as additional units from the ROTJ and beyond.


:arrow: v0.9: Rebalancing and begin debugging.


:arrow: v1.0: Final and stable release... Additions beyond it may be possible but at this point, whats left to add?

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Guest JediIgor
:arrow: v1.0: Final and stable release... Additions beyond it may be possible but at this point, whats left to add?


More gameplay? But only if they release an SDK, and even then it might be hard ;). Right on with everything else though, but we might want to have "more major" versions for when we actually add more units (there's a lot of ships in vehicles, just look at Eville's ship list!)


But first we will need a list of all of the units currently in game so we can find their RPG stats (and use those, right?)!

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I know (I play Warlords!), and even then its possible that Eville could have missed a few classes of vessel... Though I think we'll take that on when we come to it.


RPG stats? We've got so many different available sources and some of the vessels and equipment in EAW may not exist in other sources. Maybe we could base some of the ship stats from the Warlords mod.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Guest JediIgor

Well, if anyone wants to get started making a list of ships, we could find "official" stats for them.. it'll be nice having a lot more turbolasers than we saw in the movies though ;).


I doubt Eville missed many ships myself except for the really obscure ones (and useless ship variations such as fire control, ground control..) since he seemed to have some really rare ships like the Tector-class Star Destroyer and Immobilizer 419 (the regular one is 418!). Last time I checked though he uses RPG stats whenever they exist and when they don't makes up his own based on things like # of weapons. He probably wouldn't mind sharing his ship stats though if we asked :).


How about a better name though? For example "Balance of the Force" to allude to the extensive rebalancing we will do ;).

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I doubt Eville missed many ships myself except for the really obscure ones (and useless ship variations such as fire control, ground control..)


Well, if its possible for a ship to make surrounding vessels more accurate or maneuverable we might want to add command and control ships.


How about a better name though? For example "Balance of the Force" to allude to the extensive rebalancing we will do Wink.


Well, rebalancing won't be our primary aim, I'd like to aim more for realistic accuracy for the abilities of the units, which is more along the approach Eville has taken with the Warlords mod. I mean, there are units in that thing that just about beat everything! :roll:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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The bottom Unknown Rebel ship is the Marauder Corvette and the 2nd to bottom Unknown Imp Ship is the "Doomgiver".


I may of course be wrong about the doomgiver.

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Um...what is the point in this mod? You're trying to make the game something it's not, and you haven't even played it for goodness sake. People placed the 'rebellion 2' sticker on the game too fast, methinks.

Even more pointless IMO is that you're coming up with new unit lists and such and saying it's 'more realistic' than EaW when we don't even know the full unit lists yet. This is fiction, and since EaW is endorsed by Lucasarts, which is part of lucasfilm, who own Star Wars, it is more 'canon' than your list.

Sorry, I can understand some aspects of realism, but sometimes I think the modders do pointless things and it ticks me off.

"My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and am therefore excused from saving universes"-Ford Prefect


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Guest JediIgor

Indum, you need to go check a few ship specs on starwars.com official encyclopedia, you will quickly see that for example an Imperial Star Destroyer has almost 100 turbolasers. But in the game trailer/screenshots we only see 3-5 turbolasers firing at once, how realistic is that? It may make sense for slow computers, and it made sense for the movies because they couldn't do awesome special effects back in the day, but it doesn't make much sense now.


By the way, I hardly see as games developed by LucasArts being more "canon" (certainly nothing is canon but the LucasFilm stuff) -- have you played some of them lately such as Jedi Academy with all their fancy Force sucking and all those characters that were never mentioned anywhere. Rule of thumb, if it sounds like a bunch of crap and it's never mentioned in other sources, it probably not part of the Star Wars universe.


With that being said, if you don't like this mod, don't play it if it comes out.

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I think we could ask Petroglyph about some moding specs a week before the game is released / or even faster so you guys could build the ships earlyer. But I don't think a Reality Mod will add new ships / loll. :D It will only modify existing ones.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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I think we could ask Petroglyph about some moding specs a week before the game is released / or even faster so you guys could build the ships earlyer. But I don't think a Reality Mod will add new ships / loll. :D It will only modify existing ones.


I hate EU haters.

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i dont want to say anything about moders but i think it to early for thinking about mods and their strucutres


we only know about 30% of the game and the other 70% are unknow.

We know there will be heros, there will be a research option, trade routes aso but we dont know how will it work in the game


in the first post of this tread Stellar Magic says somehting about the realism mod and how the Ground unit Teams will be shown.


The idea is not bad, but we dont know something about the strukture of the ground troops. Will you can control every singel infanteryst like Sudden strike or will we get an infantery squad like Dawn of War or Ground Control 1.


We can collect ideas aso and post them here in the forum so that someone can read it, maybe Petro will use some of the ideas.


But at this state of the develovment i think it is not useful to think about this or other things for making a mod. We know that EAW will be a great game but my morale will droping down if i were worked for Petro and develop EAW and some months for the release the EAW FAN Community is already planning some mods to make the Game bether with i develope at this moment.

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Guest JediIgor
I think we could ask Petroglyph about some moding specs a week before the game is released / or even faster so you guys could build the ships earlyer. But I don't think a Reality Mod will add new ships / loll. :D It will only modify existing ones.


Whoa, whoa, whoa?!




See all those ships on the left? Umm yeah.


But at this state of the develovment i think it is not useful to think about this or other things for making a mod. We know that EAW will be a great game but my morale will droping down if i were worked for Petro and develop EAW and some months for the release the EAW FAN Community is already planning some mods to make the Game bether with i develope at this moment.


It's not necessarily better, it's just more in-tune with the EU and the D6 stats.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay Jedi Igor, lets start hashing out a unit list and technology tree... Here's a list of all the fighters I can think of off the top of my head and my Essential guide to Vehicles and Vessels in front of me. I'd like to include as many as we can.


Atmospheric Fighters and Starfighters:


:arrow: Incom Corporation

Z-95 Mark I (Atmospheric Interceptor)

Z-95 Mark II (Space Capable Mark I)

Z-95-AF1 (Assault Fighter 1)

Z-95-AF2 (Assault Fighter 2)

Z-95-AF3 (Assault Fighter 3)

Z-95-AF4 (Assault Fighter 4)

Z-95M (Space Capable Interceptor)

T-65A X-wing (Initial Production Craft)

T-65A1 B X-wing (Appeared in ANH)

T-65A2 C X-wing (Appeared in ESB and ROTJ)

T-65A3 D X-wing

T-65XJ X-wing

T-65R Recon X-wing

I-7 Howlrunner

T-16 Skyhopper

T-47 Combat Speeder


:arrow: Koensayr

BTL-S3 Y-wing

BTL-A4 Y-wing (Appeared in ANH, ESB, and ROTJ)

Longprobe Y-wing (Need to research the designation)


:arrow: FreiTek

E-wing A

E-wing B

(I'll need to research to see if there were additional models...)


:arrow: Kuat Drive Yards

A-9 Vigilance

(Possible upgrade to the Vigilance?)


:arrow: Kuat Systems Engineering

Cloakshape Starfighter

Firespray Attack Ships

(Possible variations of the vessels)


:arrow: Sienar Fleet Systems

TIE Fighter

TIE/ln Fighter (Appeared in ANH, ESB, and ROTJ)

TIE/rc Fighter

TIE/gt Bomber

TIE Interceptor Mark I (Appeared in ESB and ROTJ)

TIE Interceptor Mark 2 (Shield equipped interceptor)

TIE Advanced x1 (Appeared in ANH)

TIE Advanced x2 "Avenger"

TIE Bomber (Appeared in ESB)

TIE Defender


TIE Experimental 1

TIE Experimental 2

TIE Experimental 3

TIE Experimental 4

TIE Experimental 5

Scimitar Assault Bomber

Assault Gunboat (Can't recall the designation)

GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat

GAT-12i Skipray Blastboat

GAT-12j Skipray Blastboat


:arrow: Slayn & Korpil




V-wing Airspeeder


:arrow: Alliance Engineering (Unknown Manufacturer, I'll do research)


A-wing Mark II

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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  • 2 weeks later...

Replace Tartan Patrol with Lancer

Replace Broadside with Victory 1(it carries 80 concussion missles)

Replace mk2 Assualt Frigate with Assault frigate(there was never a mk2)

Add Dredanaught for I and R

Add Upgraded versions of a bunch of ships(isd-isd2-acclamotor-vsd2{VSD 1 is unique for missle barrage}coreillan vettes=heavy vettes,etc)

Give Imps both Correialin vettes and Nebulon b-1(and abiltity to upgrade to b-2)

Replace TIE scount with TIE Vanguard

Thats all for now

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