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im heading off to USAF BMT


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this coming tuesday i leave for Air Force basic training. The job i'm going in as is called Communication Computer Systems Control Specialist. basically i will be working with satellites that go in space and establish communication links. if i wasn't going to be a USAF Officer later on, i could get a job with NASA. but if i like the military way of life, i will prolly just go with the Officer career.


well i will see you guys back here in the forum in 2-3months most likely.

cain, don't revoke my mod status while im gone either :P



- marcus



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So Marcus, Elementz, The4Elementz. Ur finally Leaving. Must say that I'll miss your banter and knowledge.......RIIIIIIGHT!!


Anyway hope you can still post sometimes from ur base. Many of them do have Internet Capabilities.


As Cain has put below and I echo his Sentiments!!




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Well luckly u'll be back b4 the game is launched, so this is a good thing. Good luck on your job, sounds like a very interesting carreer! Who know where it will lead u. U'll be missed around here. The constant name changes, and good insight into the game, good times :)


P.S Probably wouldn't be a good idea to start uplinking with satalites and using them for your own purposes :roll::P

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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:arrow: Imagine Marcus after he returns :idea: ... so much discipline so much order - we will get only elite posts from him :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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i allready have discipline and order :?

which is prolly why i will like military way of life

i just don't like to show it very much online :\


yea i will be back before EaW is released :)

i will also be back here posting, though not that much, while i am at Keesler AFB, MS training for my job. You are correct mr. fosh, AFB's have internet in their on base housing projects.


oh btw, my tech school for my job lasts 16 weeks :(


atleast it's on a really nice AFB where there is a beach and stuff. i have family that live 15 miles from that base :)

prolly go bayou fishing on the weekends :D


the bases i will prolly be assigned to when i ship off will most likely be in Florida (domestic) or Germany (international). Seeing as those two places require the most personel for my job.



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ok we can start the party ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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loney tunes?


i think we have all.


Girls Girls Girls, for the girls Men men men ^^

Wyskey, Beer, T Bones, Steaks, Sausages more beer ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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You are going to be training at Keesler? I live like 2 miles from there lol.

Its a very nice base too. Look out for the 2nd Lt./Priest with the unpronouncble name. Father O. He likes to scream at people when hes not mad lol. But dont worry, hes very nice, a good priest too, you just cant understand him very well.

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lol a priest?

i dun't think i will be working with any of them there.


yea i kno keesler is nice, i have family that live up in that one town...Vander or somethin like that. sounds dutch w/e the name is :\



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You'd be surprised, basically I think he just wanders the base aimlessly lol. Actually, I dunno what else he does, maybe you can find out lol.


Dont take up gambling either!!! You are gonna be surrounded by casions as son as you get here lol. Its like the main industry here.

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i kno, iv'e been all through biloxi :P

i like their buffets heh



i had a briefing this morning with my recruiter, he said there was a mistype on my sheet that shows my job, it's actually 5 weeks of tech school i will be having, not a 16 week long one :)


good news for me to say at the very least, i wanna get started with my active duty asap and have a life of my own.



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