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Ground Tactic's


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It seems no one has really brought up the ground tactics of the game. So i was thinkin, what sort of tactic's would be employed. Its reasonable to assume that there will be some vehicals will be specialty killers, anti tank and anti infantry. I'm thinkin there's gonna need to be a good mix if u defending or attacking a planet. Will it be tacticly viable to put up a ray shield, and use mostly artileray to fire through, to desimate the enemy, even though the shield gens are suseptable. will be be able to place heavy turbolasers to cover these strategic points? Would u wanna hit a heavly defended area from 2 sides, with half your force on each, to split the enemy up to kill the defenders? How close can we land troop transports, can they be placed right into battle to be scape goats or diversions while a special force goes after the real target during battle? Thats all i can think of at the moment. What are your guy's thoughts?

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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A V-style Formation with heavy hitters like the Speeder taking out the walkers followed by the tanks taking out the troops and then troops taking out anti-tank platforms and more troops commanding overtaken ground.
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Guest JediIgor
A V-style Formation with heavy hitters like the Speeder taking out the walkers followed by the tanks taking out the troops and then troops taking out anti-tank platforms and more troops commanding overtaken ground.


The U.S. army has already called that formation obsolete. In the future it will be replaced by a "scatter" formation where each soldier is armed with GPS locator, and instead of wiping out all enemies each "shard" will call in for help when they encounter a tango (and you would see this on the onboard computer and come to their help). It's potentially more dangerous for the first shard to come into contact with the enemy, but you need far less troops and its far more efficient.


And of course you couldn't use Napoleonic formations either, that'd be suicide.


The way I see it, once the shield generator is down the game is over, the troops will get bombarded :). Hope they put the shield gen inside the shield.

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Well AT AT is in black

AT-ST is in red

AT-AA (I think it is, anti air) -blue

Tie Tanks in yellow.




it may be crappy but you can still understand it. That should be strong enough dont you think ?

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An interesting formation, on paper it looks good. However, if u were hit from a side, u would be vonerable. although 2 tie tanks have light turbolaser turrets, and the at sts' could move out of formation to engage. opening a pocket in which the back would be suseptable.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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mhh you say all my favorite formation will be xyz


the first 10 - 15 % of your Formation will be killed from the anti air turrets of the base. Ups you have forget the anti air turrets with kills your transport barges. During your formations from somewhere you get under heavy attack from the artillery. you say your troops get more distance from each other unit and send your scouts aout to find the artillery. After some minutes and loosing 5 more % of your troops you found the enemy artillery with your scouts and the scouts was be foundet from hidden repel units. oh sry you lost 80 % of your scouts. oh its nothing the i can buy some more cheap scouts. The artillery is away when you arrive with your mainformation the spot where the artillery was sightened. Slowly you moved to the enemy base. You will be attacked from the enemy artillyer again who is safe behind the shield. Your anti air units will be destroyed and only your heavy units will be on the field to attack the base. In ther End of the Battle you see some Bombers starting from the Hangars and trohw bombs with the writting on it "Hello, Have a nice Day".

You Scream nooooo. and awake from your Dream. This can be happended ^^

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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From what we've seen so far, it seems rebels concentrate more on projectile weapontry, and the imps prefer heavy tanks and laser tech. So i figure, if your sitting in a ray shielded base, and have a whole wack load of those missle tanks that we saw in the video's, the imps would be in serious trouble. That of course also depends on how vonderable the shield generator is of course. But somethin to think about. In retrospect, if imps had partical shields (they block projectiles correct?) they could sit inside there shields, and blast away at rebels.

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

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That is probably why they put in 2 differant kinds of sheilds.


If you put the generator inside the sheild, the attacker would have to smash your defenses into ruble with ground troops....that is most definally NOT balance lol.


Did it look to anyone else like the bombs from the TIE Bombers were projectiles tho? If so, that may kinda rule out tthe thing from above.

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It would be a great addition to the game and a tremendous asset for both factions if bombers could deliver missiles ou torpedoes as a special ability.


:arrow: TACTICS


First we must consider the environment where the battle is to occur like: terrain, wheather etc. Well placed artillery on higher grounds could deliver severe damage to enemy units and infantry units and small vehicles could use forests as natural camouflage and protection.


Second we should try, whenever possible, to strike surgical strikes or hit and run strikes to stationary defences like anti-air/ground defences and shield and power generators.


As for the strike force composition and formations one must consider the topics above before preparing it but i will especulate one though:


Whenever possible place heavy artillery on higher ground if not always behind friendly units and progressing forward as the strike force penetrates the enemy base. If the AI is not so smart then we may use a bait to force the enemy to leave the security of friendly fire and shields to be swiftly erased by artillery. If this is not practible by some reason other than serving the Dark Lord which is known for his impatience lol then i would put 5 AT-ATs, 3 forward 2 behind (tight formation), commanding the assault at the front line since they have a great range of fire and create havoc among the enemy force as well as whipping out some fighters that may join the battle with their twin mounted head light lasers then 10 to 15 AT-STs flanking on each side, AT-AAs should be inside for protection, some AT-PTs or TIE "Crawlers" or whatever anti-infantry vehicles there may exist to deal with those nasty rebels, and of course as many stormtrooper divisions, mixing specialized units whatever they might bem. Air support is vital so it should be used as much as possible.

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meh, or we could use the time honored tatic of, create as many units as possible and just send them loose! then if you lose better luck next time but if you win, your the luckiest guy evar!
I've have you now - Lord Vader
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meh, or we could use the time honored tatic of, create as many units as possible and just send them loose! then if you lose better luck next time but if you win, your the luckiest guy evar!


I may be an Imperial of mind and heart but even though something i always dislike is to lose my troops in an ill-fated attack, only when necessary and i assure you for every imperial unit lost 10 of theirs will be destroyed! Lol This reminds me of the Grand Admiral Himself even thought i don't presume to compare myself with him lololololol :lol:

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Ok heres my stratagy, put many storm troopers (50-100) in a dome like position. Next take 2, 4 legged walkers (AT-AT I think) and place them in the middle with 20 or 40 Anti-vehicle troopers and in the rear flank add 4, 2 legged walkers for support and to support the left and right flanks divide 20 units of your choosing (sorry, I don't know many Imperial vehicles and units). I suggest not using this stratagy untill you have a good and stable income to afford enough units to pull this off.
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im sorry but that stratergy just wouldnt work apart from bein completely visible giving the enemy time to put up defense its just not a very good attack formation




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Well also I guess it would be a good idea to get the game when it comes out so I could figure out how things run on it, I have played many stratagy games in the past (to many) so I'll wait.


After thinking for a little while would it be a posible stratagy to deploy units and get into a battle and while the enemy concentrates on your main forces deploy some other units on the other side of the base and attack them from behind?

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im guessin that it is posible because thats what happpens on the Vid with DArth Vader in they land him while the main battle is raging with an atat. and that would be a good idea to do that because if you put the enemy in a pincher movement from front and Back then they cant retreat and they cant stand up to to forces.




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shame of it is were not sure if luke is even in the game apart from Obi-Wan and Vader we dont no if there are any more jedi in the game




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Actually, before any creative argument can be made on ground tactics, we need to know more on the effectiveness of static defense.


If static defense are not very effective (as in most command and conquer games), then the need to garrison your planet with units will be explicit. On the other hand, if static defense are effective (think Total Annihilation), you can minimize the need for mobile ground units.

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