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I need an update on Ubisoft


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:arrow: Well I've been selected for an interview at the Ubisoft (Romanian Division) and I need an update on all you know about ubisoft and cannot be found on the web.


-If you played Ubisoft games and what are your opinions about them what they miss and what you will like to see ? (feedback them for me) etc.


-If you know how will be the life as a tester or as a game designer there ? In case you know someone that already works at Ubisoft.


:arrow: Well I've been noticed and recomanded and now I have to travel there for the interview in 2 days. And I want to prepare my self. I have two options of work but I will see were I end up after the interview - I really want to see theyr financial offers also - I already have a job now.


:arrow: Ismael don't get upset with me again, I will stil be here and like I promised you I will submit my CV also at Petroglyph but remember that there is still the issue of distance.


:arrow: Ohhh ... I'm quite happy :D , I will finnaly get the chance to unleash my vision into the game produceing world.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Hopefully in the next few year's we'll see you, Cain, at E3 showing new Ubisoft Games!!


:arrow: It will be great ! Cause then I will get to meet all the Petroglyph team ! ... Btw like all of us here I love alot PetroWood ;) ... like I like to call it in private.



:arrow: ...btw I'm updateing my self on all the oficial game design aspects :) since I've done in my life alot of unnofficial game design (moding). The only real difference is that here on the developers side you get tones of rules and always someone who is bigger than you and gets to boss you around :)


:arrow: Hey I also come up with some new game ideeas that will exel at gameplay, design and storyline. One of them will be for EAW II or the EAW's Expansion Patch.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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:arrow: Thanks guys :) I still have a full day to prepare my slef. Somehow I got my CV at testing and at game design in the same time ... :? - Still the thing that worries me to much is that in case all goes well I will have to change city - and I do not like to leave my girlfriend behind and see her only in the weekends :(

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Oh, I can talk about Ubisoft, it's .. French :D


Created in 1986, Ubisoft is currently directed by Yves Guillemot (who created Thrustmaster and Hercules a "good" businessman ;)) . There is about 3000 employees in the world, 2000 are creating games.

Facilities in 21 countries and games distributed in more than 55 countries.

But I think you should be able to find that on the web.


More interesting I think, Electronic Arts is very interested in Ubisoft and became the first Shareholder. Recently, a polemic happened in France, where some poeple were asking a French governement action to keep Ubisoft independent. Actually, if Ubisoft would become a EA's facility, I guess some studios will be closed.


I know gyus who worked at Ubisoft. They both think that they were lucky to work there. Leaders are skilled and objectives of quality reached. Overall when you see last games like Princve of persia or Splinter Cell !


Finally , i will add that Ubisoft is quite popular in France (and I think in other countries) because we know that the company is healthy , and the adventure is a success ;)

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Right now Ubisoft is the the group to beat when it comes to flight simulators. Heck I've got a whole bunch of those (Janes, AOE, AOP, and Red Baron II to name a few) and Ubisoft's IL2, IL2: Forgotten Battles, Pacific Fighters, and IL2: Forgotten Battles Aces Expansion Pack are always my first choice for flight sims right now.


Pacific Fighters is unique in that you can install the game as either a stand alone or as an addon to IL2: Forgotten Battles meaning that as player you can fly in just about every theater of operations, from France to Moscow, and over Japan. It also enables you to fly as a wide variety of different nations Briton, France, Romania, Slovakia, Germany, Russia, Australia, America, and Japan.


God, I love that game... :wink:

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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to steller magic: You can play as Slovakians ? What ? hey if so got a screenshot or any screenshot of anything Slovakian in that game you have ? I'm half slovakian so I wanna see something from it lool. Hows the Slovak theater ?:roll:
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:arrow: Well I was at Ubisoft so i will need to hide this topic :) just in case ... I'm not to happy with the money ... but will see there were around 100 people at the interview in two days.


:arrow: ... at the first impresion it seems to me that at Petroglyph is way to much fun in the team. Today at Ubisoft I found 3 people that I knew and were working there ...cool ... and I had no clue about them. Also I found a student of mine (I teach in highschool).


:arrow: As for game design ... well with 3 months of constant update I think I can be better than any designer game Ubisoft has now here... it sounds much but I know well my brain ... I am capable to memorize a game or a movie and recognize it in 3 seconds if I see a image. Also I can fully develop a game in my mind in around a day. And I mean that i see the game design in all stages of development and production ... even testing. I also know that I can make a developing team follow my vision as if it was their vision.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Slovaks. Yay someone wants us Slavs. Actually I'm Half but it's still a laugh.


Ya I'm half Slovak and half Canadian. Want to see how Slovaks are shown in that game :roll:

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Well the Slovaks don't have their own planes, they use imported models...


I'm waiting for the next addon to expand the collection of aircraft even further.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Nope: Mostly German Meserschirmits were their primary equipment. Now Rumania made their own planes, but not Slovakia.

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Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Well Slovak made skoda tanks (which were slovak) and thought they made slovak planes.


sorry some of the messages I accidently deleted while moving, wont happen again. I'm hurting my head right now for the mistake I done.

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