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EAW Competition - The Triple "M" Project


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NOTE : This is a test run idea demo. It is not the real thing (the goal is to feedback the plan) and then start putting into action ... so don't get to excited yet the plan is not finished yet.




EAW Triple M Project: My Vision, My Team, My Community



LEC Public Relations EAW Department : Lucas Arts has noticed in the last years the expansion of the moding phenomenon. Numerous sties and forums provide support for a variety of teams who design and create moods to different games including Star Wars. These communities have tried always to play by the rules and support only original materials.


In return Lucas Arts in collaboration with Petroglyph Games and The EAW Community has decided to start a competition for all the moders out there and also for their teams and their communities.


The Triple M competition is meant to help develop new talents, improve the communication between the developers, moders and gamers by adding more focus to their moding activities.


Triple M is a competition with strict rules and with wonderful prizes for those who win.


The competition is designed to involve in almost equal amount the III important aspects from the moding process: The Moder, The Moding Team and The Site and Forum who are hosting them.


As you probably already know 30 % of the SW materials in Empire at War will be designed by Petroglyph and they are totally new to the SW universe. We have decided to let the fans create 5% more.


The game has a free timeline and the player can if he desires to concentrate more credits in research. Even more than it has been done in the SW existing story. True this new direction of spending resources new designs may appear as a normal effect of the R&D work in the eyes of the player.




The First Rules of the Triple M competition :


1. Anyone can enter the competition as long as he will sign up the terms and agreements, has all the competition requirements meet and register to the LEC special Triple M page.


2. The competition has 3 distinct stages :


- The Work Process and Community Selection (3 moths)


- The LEC submission of the model (in accordance with dev. specs) and general voting (2 Weeks)


- The top 5 models testing by developers and the selection of the winner from the top 5 projects in a specific category that got the most votes. ( 3 weeks)


3. There are 4 main categories of models that can enter the competition if they met the dev. specs that will be made public at the Triple M start:


- New Trooper/Soldier (Imperial / Rebel)


- New Heavy Combat Vehicle (Imperial / Rebel)


- New Capital Ship (Imperial / Rebel)


- New SW Space Base (Imperial / Rebel)


NOTE as you can see the total number of fan made new models who will enter the game in 2006 will be eight. 4 rebel and 4 imperial.


Additional Rules


a) For entering the initial stage a competitor must reside on a site or forums that has a minimum of 50 members.


b) The competitor must have a team of 4 members : One for concept art, one for 3D modeling, One for Texturing and one for Testing.


c) The competitor must have his own subforum for his project or at least a sticked topic from the start of the project in an forum that has more than 500 views. The moderator of that forum must not be a team member.


d) If a site has more teams working and participating to the Triple M, the site (or forum) should held a public pool (with a main page news or news topic in advance) to select the best models for the categories, respectively two for one unit category (imperial and rebel).


e) Only 8 models can enter the LEC public pool from a single site.


f) The 4 members team can only submit one model to the LEC second stage competition public pool. If they are submitting two models with different ID's they will be banned from competing.



Triple M Prizes


Example :


The Land Unit Trooper&Soldier Category - Section Imperial


1. The first 5 models with the most votes in the LEC public pool will receive :


-The 4 man team = 4 EAW special edition games shipped to the members door.


-The Moderator who has moderated the project : One Special Edition EAW shipped to his door in 2006.


- The Site Administrator, Owner and Sites Technical Lead were the project was held: One EAW game each (Same as above in 2006)


- The forums members who had voted and feedbacked the project will be submitted in a list with the project and they will receive personalized sigs as virtual medals for their participation.


2. The single model from the 5 who will be selected by Petroglyph and LEC in a secret vote (made public after) to be added to EAW


- The persons mentioned above - will also get extra prizes - their names will be in the EAW's credits and they will get 3 more SW games witch they will specify and will be shipped in the same winner’s package. (Mention this new 3 games will not be special edition)


If a site will have more than one model in the top 5's the persons who will receive the winning prizes may chose to get other one LEC games if they already win once the EAW game.



Feedback Questions:


Now I'm curious how much free pub EAW will get from the Triple M ?


And how many people will save in time their money to prepare to buy the game ?



If this project will be considered good by you and it will be improved or refined, then We will notify Delphi-PG our community rep. and work with him for this project to be more complete and to get Petroglyph's approval and true Petroglyph to get the LEC approval ... who knows ... is very ambitious but it may just work.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Very ambitious, and a very well thougth out plan man. Not only does it have benifits to the moders, and fan site, but also the entire game, and publicity for the game will grow. Seems to me like it could really benifit everyone including petroglyph. If ppl know there is a capable modding comunity, pumping out more additions to the game, ppl will wanna buy and play it. I think any game out there that's truely successful is ones that can be modded, star craft for example. I hope they accept the perposel :D

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

SWEAW Petroglyph Fan Forums

Click for EaW Countdown Timer!


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:arrow: Thanks man :)



:arrow: Well the Triple M is primerly a competition , a contest betwen moders, teams and communityes to create a new SW model in the spirit of SW.


This will allow a sticked topic or even an EAW subforum to be on almost on all the existing forums that have something related to mods and moding. Most important that topics and subforums will be active and activity always attracts tones of attention. It will be up to the model makeing team to convince their site admin to give them support. they will use their relations with them and of course the site amin is benefiting after theyr old work so they will help them in any way possible.


:arrow: Still we cannot talck about mods in a game that has not been finished and will not be finished when Triple M is over. So the delicate word of "EAW Moding&Mods" its pretty much keept outside the papers.


:arrow: It is basicaly the perfect circle, EAW gets alot of indirect long term publicity, the modeilng teams get publicity true EAW, the support and forums sites get publicity true the modeling team and all involved get to have alot of fun.


:arrow: ... and let's ot forget there are 8 first prizes for 8 different teams and if we take in account that 5 will get prizes at every category this means that a maximum number of 40 different teams will get prizes so a total of 280 special edition games will be shiped (Wow this will get alot of attention from gamers and moders cause they will really have achance to win something).


:arrow: ... but in the end it will be LEC who will decide the prizes and probably they will improve Triple M.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Hmm... EvilleJedi of the Warlords mod will have a field day if we can get him on the case!!! Hello Allegiance Class, Imperial III, Eclipse Class, Dominator, Vengeance, and Republic class Starships...


Cain, it seems we're going to have to PM him some of this and see if he jumps for it.

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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Interesting. To bad I aint getting one of them copies since I never modded anything ...well bf2 timelimit but I was told how to do it.....thats different.


Well I see someone you guys know might be able to do it :) Anyways i'ma surf the web again.

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Wow Cain ! If this project gets aproved it will act like a tsunami in all the Gameing Sites. I guess that the majority of gameing sites have moding forums, even we have a such forum.


I will think about the project and see if I can come up with some improvements. The only thing that is always a problem with such projects are the legal aspects (i know this from Mike) but if this is a competition then that aspects are 90% out of the question.


If you will inform Delphi-PG about it I will also inform Mike and Tedd. If they like it then it will be possible to convince LEC and get this thing started, I guess.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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Wow Cain ! If this project gets aproved it will act like a tsunami in all the Gameing Sites. I guess that the majority of gameing sites have moding forums, even we have a such forum.


I will think about the project and see if I can come up with some improvements. The only thing that is always a problem with such projects are the legal aspects (i know this from Mike) but if this is a competition then that aspects are 90% out of the question.


If you will inform Delphi-PG about it I will also inform Mike and Tedd. If they like it then it will be possible to convince LEC and get this thing started, I guess.

Well, it could be the moment to launch a "real" community website and forums ! ;)

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Well, it could be the moment to launch a "real" community website and forums ! ;)



Nope that's impossible for now. Forums and EAW Public Relations are the job of LEC and LEC Forums, from all that I know until the game is finished. Petroglyph has no "Official" forums and this ones the "unofficial PFF" are made by fans.


I hope this Triples M project will get aproved someday soon, it will be so fun to see EAW forums and topics showing up all over the gaming web.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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:arrow: Cain this is a great idea, I think if it ever sees daylight that it will be such a help to Petro and provide critical feedback on topics that could change the course of gameplay. (Shields and Bases)


Mebe it will also win some support from Battlefront II's fanbase :wink:

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Nope that's impossible for now. Forums and EAW Public Relations are the job of LEC and LEC Forums, from all that I know until the game is finished.



Well, it's not surprising , but this is really a bad point for the game !

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:arrow: I think we are doing a gret job here by complementing the LEC Forums :)



:arrow: Foshjedi2004 the competition is about 8 new SW models to be integrated in the game. Existnig SW models and concept art will not count. BTW I left the fighter categotry outside the competition cause it feels to dogmatic to try adding something new to fighters.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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How can you create "new" models when you don't have all of the stuff from EU!! Before creating new stuff ensure that all the original designs are in there!!!
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How can you create "new" models when you don't have all of the stuff from EU!! Before creating new stuff ensure that all the original designs are in there!!!


Agreed. IMO there are a lot of designs that almost an integral part of SW due to their popularity in EU, yet they will bring in new things?

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:arrow: Yes - I know I've read somewere that 30% of the models will be new and designed by Petro.


:arrow: As for the EU materials - a part of them seems to be in but don't dream about Vong era stuff ! ;)


:arrow: I don't think 8 more fan made models that won a mega modeling competition with be to many new additions to a RTS game that is EAW ;) Anyway this 8 new models schould be designed as late civil war designs that will show up on the battlefield if the player decides to inves alot of money in R&D.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Arrow I don't think 8 more fan made models that won a mega modeling competition with be to many new additions to a RTS game that is EAW Wink Anyway this 8 new models schould be designed as late civil war designs that will show up on the battlefield if the player decides to inves alot of money in R&D.


Oh dear boy, my imagination is working up a firestorm... Late Galactic Civil War Designs. :twisted:

Forum and RPG Membership:




Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from Magic. -Arthur C. Clarke

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:arrow: As for the EU materials - a part of them seems to be in but don't dream about Vong era stuff !

I wouldn't want all the EU stuff just the stuff introduced up to the Emperor Reborn's defeat. I mean how can you have an Eclipse Star Destroyer and not have E-wings, Bothan Assault Cruiser and the Dauntless Cruiser.

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I guess we should not worry for all this clasical SW ships. If Petroglyph will make 30% more stuff / it already means that all SW ships and stuff from the corect era are already planed to be in the game.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
:arrow: Well since Sluggo is no longer at LEC I think we will be unable to inform anyone at LEC PR about this project - so it will stay on hold until maybe someone from there stumbles upon it :(

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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