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New Pictures - June 25, 2005


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Well Cain said he wanted a easy access pictures so here they are.











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They look great! I love the one with the 2 mon cal's beating the .. junk out of that SD. Look how nice and detailed those ships are :D Looks like they were targeting the SD's turbolasers, cause all of the main port batteries are just toast 8)

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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Looking nice :P but keep in mind it might not be lonely just might be a decoy ship lol :lol: The Deathstar looks sweet in them 2 pictures and them stormtroopers look weird with them backpacks, must be them upgraded types.
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:arrow: I think the second picture is froma MP game - those TIE tanks seem not to be interested at all in the rebel tanks - so they must have been on the same team - maybe two players had team up - one imperial and one rebel against some imperials ... you can also see that they decreased the troops size from E3 back to a more reality normality (kind of :) - Cause Vader is still hudge - i think)

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:arrow: I think the second picture is froma MP game - those TIE tanks seem not to be interested at all in the rebel tanks - so they must have been on the same team - maybe two players had team up - one imperial and one rebel against some imperials ... you can also see that they decreased the troops size from E3 back to a more reality normality (kind of :) - Cause Vader is still hudge - i think)


On the other hand that AT-ST is firing on one of the Rebel tanks.

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Ever thought that perhaps the TIE tanks were captured or vice versa. Therefore we can capture ISDs!!! That would allow my "Super Rebel" fleet.
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Anti-Vehicle missles from one of the crawlers I posted in this part of the forums, i'll edit that pic in here.




that mini AT-AT looking like thing to the right side of the pic.

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I love ATATs they are so funny and hilarious to watch as the fighters blow them up using the Tow Cables. I want to know how they can blow them up when they're on the floor but can't when they're standing up.
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I am but it's an Engineering Nightmare. That couldn't happen unless the armor had somehow been distorted allowing low level laser fire to get in.




The All Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT walker, is a four-legged transport and combat vehicle used by the Imperial ground forces. Standing a towering 15 meters tall, these walkers are intimidating, and are used as much for psychological effect as they are for tactical effect.

An AT-AT has blast-impervious armor plating, and resembles a gigantic beast as it moves across the battlefield. An AT-AT's head carries the main armaments, a pair of light blasters located on the walker's "temples," and heavier, twin laser cannons mounted on the walker's "chin."


The command crew pilots the AT-AT from the walker's head, which is connected to the main body by a flexible neck. The crew consists of a commander, a gunner, and a pilot. Additional crews and troops can be carried in the walker's main storage bay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The second Death Star pic is my favorite. Imagine looking through a telescope and seeing that thing powering up. and then BOOM!!! only bigger then a BOOM!!! more like a OMG!!!!!!

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Looking nice :P but keep in mind it might not be lonely just might be a decoy ship lol :lol: The Deathstar looks sweet in them 2 pictures and them stormtroopers look weird with them backpacks, must be them upgraded types.



Looking weird??? They are Sandtroopers! lol

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:arrow: Concernig the AT-AT


AT-AT walkers are essentially invulnerable to conventional artillery fire. Their hull surfaces absorb and dissipate blaster bolts without the vehicle feeling so much as a jolt. This supports the notion that shots from energy weapons carry very little momentum (making the bolts light-like). When less armoured materials are shot, a puff of vapourised matter expands violently away from the blast point and this can account for recoil and jolting. Kinetic effects may also result from bolt-shield interactions on a shielded vehicle, as shields may carry momentum and angular momentum. AT-AT walkers are not proven to be shielded, but they could have enough of an unarmoured veneer (eg. paint?) to account for an almost imperceptible amount of jolting under fire.


Only three points of vulnerability in the AT-AT hull are known at this time. One was the hatch used by Luke Skywalker to penetrate a concussion grenade into a walker's interior. That weak spot is hidden beneath the lips of the lateral hull armour amidst the walker's drive mechanisms. The second weakness is the pair of open vents just under the armoured upper shelf of the front face of the main hull. One snowspeeder on Hoth strafed and missed these vents on an upright AT-AT, before Luke Skywalker decided his trip-cable tactic. After the first walker fell, a 'speeder made a similar frontal attack without fear of the walker's head guns. A precision blast to a (presumably unarmoured) neck section exploded the AT-AT immediately. These soft spots are probably well-known to rebel pilots, in theory if not necessarily in practice.


The AT-AT walkers are astonishingly resilient to enemy fire from the outside, but are easily demolished from within. This is an important clue about the nature of the armour. Its effectiveness may be directional. Or it may be essentially designed for energy attacks, with an enormous heat capacity and thermal conductivity, so absorbed blaster bolts heat a large patch of hull slightly rather than heating a localised area to the point of vapourisation (which is what happens with ordinary materials). It remains uncertain whether these unusual properties are innate to the armour material, or are the result of augmentation by something akin to an energy shield suffusing the hull of an active walker. If the properties are innate to the material, then the armour may incorporate forms of matter beyond those available to modern chemistry and nucleosynthesis on Earth.


The resistance to blaster fire is not just a ray shield projected out to some distance from the surface of the vehicle, as a starship would use. If it was a ray shield, we would expect to see absorbed bolts splinter into a shower of relatively harmless daughter bolts, as is the known behaviour of ray shields in space.


We should have the option to maximize the heavy lasers not like force commander though but like in ep 5 "Distance to power generators? 17.28! Target! Maximum Fire Power!" bye bye precious generator lol


:arrow: His Lordship overgrown size


Yeah he's 2.02 03 meters tall but if you see the movies he is not dwarfing his troops like in that image.


PLEASE be mindfull about scale, not only ground units but also and especially space units like the Imperators and the Mon Cals as well as the mighty Death Star

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Guest JediIgor

The AT-AT, like the AT-ST is magnetically sealed, which basically means conventional blaster fire will all bounce off doing no harm ;). I'd suspect the laser cannons on snowspeeders are a tad different, but not powerful enough to penetrate the AT-AT armor. The AT-AT "head" is also more vulnerable in that the armor is weaker there than in other parts of the walker.


It wouldn't be so invulnerable to larger weapons though, like a tank.

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The AT-AT, like the AT-ST is magnetically sealed, which basically means conventional blaster fire will all bounce off doing no harm ;). I'd suspect the laser cannons on snowspeeders are a tad different, but not powerful enough to penetrate the AT-AT armor. The AT-AT "head" is also more vulnerable in that the armor is weaker there than in other parts of the walker.


It wouldn't be so invulnerable to larger weapons though, like a tank.


That is why i think all bellow the heaviest should do little or no damage to it in the game like infantry, something that do happen in all other games of the genre

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