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Community Project - Empire At War - FAQ

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How do you gain resources if you can't harvest it yourself ?

By owning and controlling a planet and the AI will take care of all the resources


Forgot the T in cant. Dont Want Some new peeps to get confused :/


Besides that Very well done



P.S. there needs to be a thumbs up emotion!!!!

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Great idea. I suggest you split the FAQ by topics, like galactic map, units, combat, research, etc...


I can see this list getting really big in no time

Things are not as they seem,

nor are they otherwise

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Yeah Which Forum should they bew in though. Maybe the Units Faqs into the Academy Forums and introduce a new forum about The Galactic Map.
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Here is the 0.2 version of the FAQ - you all can be involved and corect it or work on it :)




Will there be mulitplayer ? And how many players could play ?

Yes there'll be multiplayer, 2 player civil war or 8 player skirmish.


Is this game story based or free as you wish ?

You control the plot and do as you wish.


Is this game haveing missions ?

Yes you get to do specific missions but only if you want.


How many factions will there be ?

There will be only Imperials and Rebels for now. Traders and pirates will show up also in the game as wel as neutrals with their planets.


How many races will be found in EAW ?

So far its only Humans, Jawas, Wookies (Chewie).


Is there space stations ? How will they act ?

Yes there is and how we dont know yet. We assume that defence or construction&trade will be their main goal.


Will there be heros/unique units ? If so what do they do ?

Yes they are in the game, Vader force pushes, slashes and crushes units. Exactly what they will do seems to be only support, diplomacy, command ?, train, etc. The final list is not known.


Is there trade routes and how do they effect the game ?

Yes and they give you more credits/resources and you will fly on their path in hyperspace.


When will the game be released ? and when the game will actually be finished ?

It will be finished as planed in 2005 but released in spring 2006. This happens cause of many reasons and the prime reason is that LEC wants to polish the future EAW 1.0 version like never before. They will make sure that EAW will have a glorious fate.


Can we have a Deathstar ? Can it be destroyed ?

Yup and you can control when it fires so its a controllable unit and it flys like one. Well of course or it would be huge disadvantage for the game but it cost like a super fleet and it can be destroyed with some considerable effort and special characters (unless petro wants it to be invincible).


Rebels dont have a hero do they ?

I think you've been watchin Star Trek, Vader vs Obi-Wan or Yoda or Luke and possibly Leia.


Will there be a demo ?

So far no but we guess there'll be one.


Will this be just like Galactic Battlegrounds ?

Nowhere near it, but its rumored to be more like Rebellion.


Will this be Rebellion 2 then ?!

Let me put it simple : No ! Rebellion was a cat and EAW is a lion (but they can be named both cats if you don’t see the difference)


Whats the point of Dagobah if its only a swamp like planet ?

Ever heard of Yoda ?


How do you gain resources if you can't harvest it yourself ?

By owning and controlling a planet and the AI will take care of all the resources


How will fighters work when not fighting when theres no enemys?

They'll stay in the hanger unless theres an enemy around.


Will the units gain experience ?

Probably yes, it has not been made official yet.


What kind of stuff will be in EAW (weapons, ships, troops, etc) ?

Well the game starts officially 2 years before Episode IV and runs until just before Episode VI. Still … Aclamators who are mostly Ep II ships and A-Wings who can be found more in EP VI are already in the game – so at the bottom end you will get a lot of stuff.


This is great can we have EU stuff in ?! (EU = Expanded Universe = The story after Episode VI).

Nope , no EU stuff in EAW.


I have seen some E3 videos and the scale looks all messed up … why ?!The EAW that was shown at E3 was designed for E3. If you look closely at old pictures before E3 you will see that the unit scaleing is more than acceptable. Anyway the developers know about this E3 scale impression that was mentioned by fans.


How many planets will be in the EAW galaxy ?!

Well they started with 20 planets one year ago and at E3 we had 40-50 planets mentioned. The number will probably be increased by the developers if they see it fit for the EAW and gameplay. The fans have requested from long ago the 80+ planet number as the max for EAW.



Communtiy FAQ=========


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- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Here is the 0.3 version of the FAQ - you all can be involved and corect it or work on it :)




Will there be mulitplayer ? And how many players could play ?

Yes there'll be multiplayer, 2 player civil war or 8 player skirmish.


Is this game story based or free as you wish ?

You control the plot and do as you wish.


Is this game having missions ?

Yes you get to do specific missions but only if you want.


How many factions will there be ?

There will be only Imperials and Rebels for now. Traders and pirates will show up also in the game as well as neutrals with their planets.


How many races will be found in EAW ?

So far its only Humans, Jawas, Wookies (Chewie).


Is there space stations ? How will they act ?

Yes there is and how we dont know yet. We assume that defence or construction&trade will be their main goal.


Will there be heroes/unique units ? If so what do they do ?

Yes they are in the game, Vader force pushes, slashes and crushes units. Exactly what they will do seems to be only support, diplomacy, command ?, train, etc. The final list is not known.


Is there trade routes and how do they effect the game ?

Yes and they give you more credits/resources and you will fly on their path in hyperspace.


When will the game be released ? and when the game will actually be finished ?

It will be finished as planed in 2005 but released in spring 2006. This happens cause of many reasons and the prime reason is that LEC wants to polish the future EAW 1.0 version like never before. They will make sure that EAW will have a glorious fate.


Can we have a Deathstar ? Can it be destroyed ?

Yup and you can control when it fires so its a controllable unit and it moves like one. Well of course it can be destroyed or it would be huge disadvantage for the game but it cost like a super fleet and it can be destroyed with some considerable effort and special characters (unless petro wants it to be invincible).


Rebels dont have a hero do they ?

I think you've been watchin Star Trek, Vader vs Obi-Wan or Yoda or Luke and possibly Leia.


Will there be a demo ?

So far no but we guess there'll be one.


Will this be just like Galactic Battlegrounds ?

Nowhere near it, but its rumored to be more like Rebellion.


Will this be Rebellion 2 then ?!

Let me put it simple : No ! Rebellion was a cat and EAW is a lion (but they can be named both cats if you don’t see the difference)


Whats the point of Dagobah if its only a swamp like planet ?

Ever heard of Yoda ?


How do you gain resources if you can't harvest it yourself ?

By owning and controlling a planet and the AI will take care of all the resources.


How will fighters work when not fighting when theres no enemys?

They'll stay in the hanger unless theres an enemy around.


Will the units gain experience ?

Probably yes, it has not been made official yet.


What kind of stuff will be in EAW (weapons, ships, troops, etc) ?

Well the game starts officially 2 years before Episode IV and runs until just before Episode VI. Still … Aclamators who are mostly Ep II ships and A-Wings who can be found more in EP VI are already in the game – so at the bottom end you will get a lot of stuff.

(Cain I thought it goes past IV ? Maybe I missread your answer)



This is great can we have EU stuff in ? (EU = Expanded Universe = The story after Episode VI).

Nope , no EU stuff in EAW.


I have seen some E3 videos and the scale looks all messed up … why ?!The EAW that was shown at E3 was designed for E3. If you look closely at old pictures before E3 you will see that the unit scaling is more than acceptable. Anyway the developers know about this E3 scale impression that was mentioned by fans.


How many planets will be in the EAW galaxy ?

Well they started with 20 planets one year ago and at E3 we had 40-50 planets mentioned. The number will probably be increased by the developers if they see it fit for the EAW and gameplay. The fans have requested from long ago the 80+ planet number as the max for EAW.


I have some cool ideas for the game !

Sorry mate the game is pretty much planed already on paper and way in development. Also developers can't read ideas but they can see feedback topics if you stick to official LEC materials.


Feedback topics ?! Are the developers asking for them ?

Nope, they are done from our fan initiative developers have nothing to do with starting them.


I'm confused can I have an example ?

Yes you can - here is one on LEC EAW Forums EAW Galaxy Feebdack and here is the latest one the Petroglyph EAW Forums (Unofficial) EAW Feedback E3-47-003.


So when we post, we should do it like that ?!

No, this is more of an posting style ment to be a little bit more clear. You can post how you wish as long as you take your time to read the posting rules of the forums.



EAW Communtiy FAQ


Who is developing the game ?

The Petroglyph Game Company. New name - old guys - Westwood.


Who is producing the game ?

LEC and the man in charge is Brett Tosti, the best that LEC has to offer. The other LEC official involved seems to be David Silverstein.


Were I can see the hole community list ?

Try here EAW Community


How are the relations betwen fans and decelopers&producers ?

The relations are excelent, more than you can imagine.


Are the developers looking at forums ?

Yes when they have time.


How often is that ?

Minimum once a week.


How many of them are looking ?

All of them.


Why they don't reply at our questions ?

Cause then everyone will ask something and they will end up by not replyng which will be rude and they are very nice. They also have alot of work to do.


Who are the developers seen in the open on forums ?

Sluggo and Delphi but they only do diplomocy stuff.


Do we have other developers in the forums posting as fans ?!

Yes but you will never guess who is who and you will never make the difference betwen them and fans, so try to be nice when posting.



edited: typos

Ya listen to Cain don't tick off the devs or you'll get a crappy game :P

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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FAQ 0.3.1 (additions)


Will this game be 3D or 2D ?

It will be 3D.


So why I keep hearing something about 2D ?

The space battles use the same engine like the ground ones and the space is structurated on 2D lairs or levels. Ships will go up and down normaly like in space but they will try always to put themselves on the middle horizontal segment of the 3D space.


Is the game a RTS or a RPG ?

It is a RTS with 3 distinct engagement areas : galactic level, space battles and planet battles. But you also have characters to play with.


Whats hapenning to the units that I kill after a battle ?!

They are dead , gone, nada , MIA , KIA .... loll - they will be trully destroyed.


Can I retreat from a battle ?

Yes you can.


Can I stop a fleet from retreating ?

Yes if you have Interdictors.


How modable the game will be ?

Modability Level = Medium plus ... it is not fully known yet.


What I can build and arrange in the game ?

All that it is in the game. The only things that are placed exclusivly by the AI are the producing facilitys - if of course you order him to do it. The action and battle stuff can be rearanged on the map as you see fit for defence or attack.


What PC specs I will need to play this game ?

Well unofficialy we suspect the GeForce 3 and Pentium III-IV 1000 Ghz to be the minimum. But this is only a rumor.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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wow cain, nice addition :) I got more spellin mistakes to fix for newbies to understand :?


:arrow: Maybe some moderators here can edit them and corect the spelling ?! :D or even add more question&answers ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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You should'nt go too fast. You could put so many questions that you wouldn't be able to correct them in the future with final answers given by Devs.

I read a long time ago (Not in a galaxy far fa away) that devs were planning to publish FAQ.

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You should'nt go too fast. You could put so many questions that you wouldn't be able to correct them in the future with final answers given by Devs.

I read a long time ago (Not in a galaxy far fa away) that devs were planning to publish FAQ.



:arrow: This FAQ is stated that is partial and full of rumors and needs alot of correction ... but keep close ... siddus you will see it sticked on LEC next week. Am I right Ghostly_Substance ?!

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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When you two plan to finish the FAQ ? I see no new updates coming from the FAQ versions so I guess it must be ready soon :) Good job !

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Petroglyph FF Admin.

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:arrow: Probably late this week > we still have some aspects to work on.

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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Addition to the FAQ:


Is the Galxy concordant with the generally understood structure?? The NJO books show that Tatooine and Naboo along the Correlian Trade Spine and Bespin/ Hoth along the Hydian Way. How come they are Nearly next to each other in the game??

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