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Superpower 2 - RTS - Tactical and realistic World simulator


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:arrow: Well you have the globe as strategical map and you can play every country in the world. http://www.superpower2game.com/



:arrow: All countrys are acuratly represented for 2001 cause they have all the datas from CIA and US Navy.



:arrow: It is looking more like Spartan or Panzer General II - it has alot of economy - military and political management research - some diplomacy - and when you enter a battle is 2D and the you can only roder your forces to advance stay or defend them self. Pretty busic but more than enough since it is a macromanagement super reallity game.



:arrow:The original version v1.0 is so full of bugs that you can't play 15 without a CDT (Crush to desktop or PC block) So I will advaice you to install also v1.4 wich fixes most of the bugs. PM me for installation advaices cause the game is a beast untill you could makeit playeble.


:arrow: I have tried to play my country - and it was darn difficult to conquer anybody around me - after I bought alot of weapons from the US wich put my budget on a serious minus.


:arrow: So after alot of consideration and no option to conquer anyone - I decided to export democracy - LOLL - and free the poor people of Iraq - and gues what - it worked !


:arrow: Then after some years China decided to attack me cause they didn't liked me becoming a super power. But since I bought almost all the world weapons production and invested in alot of training I managed to fend of china in a battle near Basra (Iraq) and an attack in my country also. Then it was a walk in the park conquering 90% of China - just enough before they decide to lunch a nuclear strike and I quicly maked peace. It was difficult and it had involved alot of save and load - otherwise by by Iraq and Romania they will had become a nuclear wasteland. BTW is is cool to see the missiles fly - almost like a Pentagon nuclear simulation.


:arrow: Then I've made alot of international economic treatys and cultural partnerships and decided to attack Burma cause they always sabotage my (they are near to China) The Arab and Asian countrys are very upset with me but they don't dare attack me now.


:arrow: I redisigned all my military vehicles and weapons but it takes forever to build. After I finish I will send some democracy for Iran (I need theyr oil - Loll)


:arrow: BTW all good resources have been puted under state control and with increased productivity :)









- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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ohh my god


call the GDI, The FBI, CIA, MI6 aso


Cain will rule about the World his real Name is KANE.


Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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CAIN Your evil :P Interesting so how would oyu rate that game ? Ok going to download it if I find it interesting. i'll edit and tell you if I do.



Has the ideas I like but its crappy graphics and well, demo download being slow since my internet is being stupid. Cant even play a peaceful game of Battlefield 2 :(

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:arrow: Well the game looks more like a chess game than a action one - it is a board RTS - but you get to conquers all the states in the world :)

- The Trivium Organization - Community Manager -

- Petroglyph Fan Forums - CoAdmin & Human Resources Manager -

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I'm sorry but I just couldn't stand this game....all I did was reunite the Soviet Union, then used the USA to blow the crap out of Afghanistan and Iraq.....maybe Iran later :P



aka Edea's Baby Daddy



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