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LEC EAW Feedback : EAW Tutorials


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I usualy find the RTS tutorials boring and this is why many people avoid them and then play bad, don't understand the game and complain. EAW should be different.


I think the complition of the tutorial should be enforced upon the player and it should be named something like High Command Military Academy Training.


It should start by surpriseing you with the EP III Battle over Crosucant - Camera Mode - the player will be stund and he will hear all the voices and all the heat of that battle.


As he follows stund with admiration the images true that historic battle he will realise that this is only an academy simulation for the next promotion of officers ... an exam you may call it.


Then the player finds out that he must compete also in a simulated head on battle with another 2 oponents - cause all 3 admirals compete for the same job. This admirals (2+ you)have been selected to become Grand Admiral and they must eliminate each other. You will have 4 battles with them 2 on the planet and 2 in space - one oponent will be more easy and you get officer advaices (basic tutorial) and the other more difficult (advanced tutorial).


After you defeat both of them the Emperor or Mon Mothma orders the unpredictible to happen and you have to fight both admirals in the same simulation. You win - you get to commant the Rebels or the Empire and when you start the game and fly with the shuttle to your comand ship you get also a congratulation message from your officers.


Will this be a more cool tutorial than the usual RTS ones ?!


The topic can be found also here:


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I have to admit Cain that that eould be kinda cool. Destroying some of the Separatist ships like that. That could also allow you to have Simulators to make you're Fighter's Elite Squads before they are commisioned. Maybe a researchable Technology. Increased Shields, Fighters and Weapons. I.e going from Basic Proton Torpedos to Advanced Concussion Missiles etc.
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Don't think that Petro is going to implent this into the game but.. sounds like a cool idea, yepp.Ok, this might be a good tutorial regarding the battles. But what about the strategic map? There should be a short tutorial too. Another stupid "droid moderated" watch&learn tutorial like in rebellion ?
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Rome Total War tutorial was pretty interesting but of course it gets boring after awhile since you can only do so much lol. Well ya that would be a good tutorial Cain, fun fun.
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That's an awesome idea Cain, best tutorial idea ever. Perhaps to expand, there would be times in the game after that, while your in the game, and u have certain hero's. U give the command of a fleet, and u get to do a simulated battle. Outcome of the battle gives that commander better bonus's in combat and or Fosh's idea. It's nice to wish that this would be put in, it really gives depth to the game

-You seem to have an over developed sence of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day.

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mhh the Acedemy tread ^^


maybe someone can post the Link with the other Tutorial idea.


starting as an imperial young officer. making some small missions, patroll a system (sending fleets), fight against Pirates (space fights), become the control of a small planet with a shipyard (building ships and Ground structures), Huntíng the Pirates (Space figths with capital ships and a ground battle), next mision is the mission in with you choose with side you play. A great friend of you is an agent and the imperial spionage founds him. At the battle you must choose between helping your friend or destroy his ship (learning attacking sub systems at imperial side. destroyin engine and Weapon systems. at repel side destroing Grav gens from an imperial indertiker cruiser.)

Why is English one of the most speaken languages? German is more better, it sounds better and i did unterstandt it ^^ but for you i will spoke english too, not good but you should unterstand me ^^


"Der Preis der Freiheit, ist ewige Wachsamkeit" Col. Blair Herz des Tigers

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Start off as a Imperial Controller then you have the choice in the tutorial of Renegading and attacking the Imps or Destroy the Rebels.


Kill Rebels= Imperial Side

Save Rebels= Alliance Side

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+1 For the good tutorial idea. Kinda like a true mission / campaign, but very easy & with tooltips.

Malcom Kriegan, Imperial SpecForces Lieutenant.


And sorry for my bad english :s

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Welcome to the Forum Xman.


Which Tutorial would that be there are so many in this thread please mention who's name it was written by Xman.

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Well I dont care which tutorial it is, but has to be better then what BIA tutorial was like. Would be better if it was part of the main game and these little pop ups which you can turn on and off will help out during the main gameplay.


In Zelda, Ocarina of time, everytime you start a new game theres these pop ups that tell you what to do and it gets annoyin since I already know what to do. If it was an option to turn it off I never saw it.


Not saying they should do it this way but it gets annoying to go through a tuturial like part of the main game with the ai or sentences telling you how to play the game without having the option to turn it off.


As I said above if its just a lonley tutorial option then most people will just ignore it from my guess.


I'll go with that Cain said 8)

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Welcome to the Forum Xman.


Which Tutorial would that be there are so many in this thread please mention who's name it was written by Xman.


Mh, Caine's tutorial sounds good, because seewolf's one was too long for ... a tutorial

Malcom Kriegan, Imperial SpecForces Lieutenant.


And sorry for my bad english :s

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